Texts on the Mariana Islands
George Anson (1749)
Des Herrn Admirals, Lord Ansons
Reise um die Welt

compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

As part of the documentation project of German language sources on the Mariana Islands, the Mariana Islands section of a German edition of Anson's voyage was also to be copied. Due to the rarity of the volume, standard photocopy was not possible and an overhead scanner/photocopier was not available. Instead, digital page photographs had to be made. This allows to reproduce these page images online. The original copy used is held by the Museum für Vökerkunde, Hamburg, Germany.

Source: Gaetan, Juan and Della Torre, Bernhard (1764) Reise des Juan Gaetan und Bernhard Della Torre im 1542 Jahre in: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser oder zu Lande; oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, ... Achtzehnter Band. Leipzing bey Arkstee und Merkus. .




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[Historic Text Source Index]

Compilation © Dirk H.H. Spennemann 2003