
Traditional Literature
European Literature
Traditional Literature

Marshallese culture has a rich store of oral traditions, covering the aspects of the origin of elements of the Marshallese world, as well as historic events.

Marshallese Legends and Traditions
edited by Jane Downing and Dirk H.R. Spennemann
A English-language compilation of various Marshallese Legends and Traditions. This book (in its second edition) was the first attempt to compile oral traditions for both a Marshallese and a English-speaking audience.
The Whale and the Sandpiper
an oral tradition retold and illustrated by Jane Downing
An illustrated oral tradition originally developed as a an English reader for Marshallese schools.
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The Hermit Crab and the Needlefish
an oral tradition retold and illustrated by Jane Downing
An illustrated oral tradition originally developed as a an English reader for Marshallese schools.
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Letao to America
an oral tradition told by Kelin
Letao continues his trickery in modern times. A good example of the endurance and continuing appeal of this mythological character.
European Literature

A number of authors wrote short stories or novellas set in the Marshall Islands. Some of them such as Louis Becke and Jane Downing, had lived there for a while or travelled through (such as Fanny Stevenson), while others, such as Handley Bathurst Sterndale, were largely arm-chair writers. This section contains brief biographies of the main writers as well as samples of their witing

BECKE, George Lewis ('Louis') (1855-1913)
Marketing a colonial Australian writer (Web-based Presentation)
The British and American Publishing History of Louis Becke (1859-1913)
by Dirk H.R. Spennemann
The slide show is quite heavy on images, some of which may be slow to load.
George Lewis 'Louis' Becke (1855-1913)
A brief biography
by Dirk H.R. Spennemann
The methodical Mr. Burr of Majuro
short story by Louis Becke
edited by Dirk H.R. Spennemann
A point of theology on Majuro
short story by Louis Becke
edited by Dirk H.R. Spennemann
The strange white woman of Majuro
short story by Louis Becke
edited by Dirk H.R. Spennemann
The Greenhouse Ark
short story by Jane Downing
The Christmas Choir
short story by Jane Downing
Creation (I)
poem by Jane Downing
Creation (II)
poem by Jane Downing
MOLL, Ernest George (1900 - 1993)
A Scientist Writes from Bikini
poem by Ernest G. Moll
El Niño '92 - The dry side of life
poem by Rudolph von Scheven

Vitalizing Culture in Youth
By Daniel A. Kelin, II
From the Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences [PDF file]
Digital Micronesia-An Electronic Library & Archive is provided free of charge as an advertising-free information service for the world community. It is being maintained by Dirk HR Spennemann, Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage Management, Institute of Land, Water and Society and School of Environmental & Information Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, Australia. The server space and technical support are provided by Charles Sturt University as part of its commitment to regional engagement. Environmental SciencesInformation Sciences

© Dirk Spennemann 1999– 2005
Thu Mar 27 2025 10:26:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).
Marshall Islands politics public health environment culture WWII history literature XXX Cultural Heritage Management Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences CNMI German Colonial Sources Mariana Islands Historic Preservation Spennemann Dirk Spennemann Dirk HR Spennemann Murray Time Louis Becke Jane Downing Downing