Marshall Islands Culture and Society
Eclectic Bibliography

compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

Abo, T., B.W.Bender, A.Capelle & T.DeBrum
1976Marshallese-English Dictionary. PALI language Texts: Micronesia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Alessio, Dennis F
1989Report on a tipnol canoe hull made of sheets of C-Flex . Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960.

1989The Jalwoj (Jaluit) Malmel. Construction and details of a traditional Marshallese sailing outrigger canoe (tipnol). Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 1. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.

1991Traditional measuring, lashing and construction techniques of the outrigger canoes of Namdik (Namorik) Atoll. Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 3. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.

1991 The Construction of a Traditional Outrigger Canoe using a Combination of Traditional and Contemporary Materials on Namdik (Namorik) Atoll. Waan Aelon Kein Report No. 4, Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majro (Majuro), Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960.

1991Traditional and contemporary measuring, lashing and construction techniques of the outrigger canoes of Ailuk Atoll. Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 5. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.

1990 The Likiep taburbur. Construction and details of a traditional Marshallese sailing outrigger canoe (tipnol). Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 3. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.
Report on the constrcution of a traditional Marshallese outrigger canoe. Contains information on tradtional voyaging and related data.

Alexander, Andre B
1902 Notes on the boats, apparatus and fishing methods employed by the natives of the South Sea Islands. U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries Report for 1901. pp. 741-829.

Alkire, W.H
1978Coral Islanders. Arlington Heights, Ill.: Ahm Publishing Co.

Alkire, William H
1977An Introduction to the Peoples and Cultures of Micronesia. Menlo Park, CA: Cummings Publishing Co., 1977.

1890 Katalog der ehemaligen Dr.Knappe'schen Sammlung und der vereinigten privaten ethnographischen Sammlung im Herrenhause des großen Hospitals zu Erfurt. Erfurt.
Catalogue of an ethnological colletion compiled by Wilhelm Knappe, admnsitator of the German Protectorate of the Marshall Islands from 1886-1888.

1940Barriers for airborne pests; entomologist's interesting work in New Caledonia. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 11 (4), November 1940, Page 58.

1952Pacific area communicable disease information service. Pacific Science Association Information Bulletin PS 52/6, 1-37.

Ascher, Marcia
1995Models and Maps from the Marshall Islands: A Case in Ethnomathematics. Historia mathematica. 22 (4): 347-nn.

Ashby, Gene
ed. Never and Always: Micronesian Legends, Fables and Folklore. Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM: Rainy Day Press.

Ashby, Gene
ed. Micronesian Customs and Beliefs. Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM: Rainy Day Press.

Bastian, A
1899Die mikronesischen Colonien as ethnologischen Gesichtspunkten. Berlin: A. Asher.

Bender, Byron W.
1963A linguistic analysis of the Place names of the Marshall Islands. PhD thesis, Indiana University.
1963Marshallese phonemics: labialization or palatalization? Word 19(3):335-41, December 1963.
1968 Marshallese phonology. Oceanic Linguistics 7(2):16-35, Winter 1968.
1969 Spoken Marshallese. An intensive language course with grammatical notes and glossary. Pali language Texts: Micronesia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
1969Vowel dissimilation in Marshallese. Working Papers in Linguistics. [Department of Linguistics, University of Hawai`i] 1(1):88-95, January 1969.

Bohsen, E
1907 review of: A. Brandeis Kochbuch für de Tropen Berlin: D.Reimer. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 18(14), 1907, 698.

Born, Ludwig
1911Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Eingeborenenmedizin der Marschallaner. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 12,168-169.

1911Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Eingeborenenmedizin der Marschallaner. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 12,168-169.

Brüll, Magarete
1995Kolonialzeitliche Sammlungen aus dem Pazifik. in E.Gerhards (ed.), Als Freiburg die Welt entdeckte. 100 Jahre Museum für Völkerkunde. Freiburg: Promo Verlag. Pp. 109-145.
Article describing the establsihement of the Pacific collections of the ethnographic museum in Freiburg, Germany. Antonie Brandeis, wife of the German administartor Eugen Brandeis had compiled a sizeable collection of artefacts around 1901-02.

Brandeis, Antonie
1904 Das Gesicht im Monde. Ein Märchen der Nauru-Insulaner. Ethnologisches Notizblatt

Brandeis, Antonie
1907Kochbuch für de Tropen Nach langjähriger Erfahrung in den Tropen und Subtropen zusammengestellt. Berlin: D.Reimer.

Brandeis, Antonie
1908Südsee-Erinnerungen. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung XXV

Browning, M.A.
1960Walab im meto: canoes & navigation in the Marshalls. Oceans, 25-38.

Bryan, Edwin H., jr
1972Life in the Marshall Islands. Honolulu, Hawaii: Pacific Scientific Information Center.

Bryan, Edwin H.
1964Stick charts from the Marshall Islands. Honolulu: Pacific Science Information Centre, Bishop Museum. Mimeographed.
1971 Guide to Place names in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (the Marshall, Caroline and Marina Islands). Honolulu: Bishop Museum, Pacific Science Information Center.
1972Life in the Marshall Islands. Honolulu, Hawaii: Pacific Scientific Information Center.

Buckingham, H.W
1949The iroij of Ralik, Marshall Islands. Typescript ms. on file Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii (Pac GR 385.M34B8).

Carr, D. & S.H.Elbert
1945Marshallese-English and English-Marshallese Dictionary. 14th Naval District, District Intelligence Office, Marshall-Gilberts Area. Washington: United States Navy Department. Mimeographed, Vol. 30, 136 & 121pp.

Carucci, Laurence M.
Significance of Change or Change of Significance: a Consideration of Marshallese Personal Names. Ethnology Vol. 23, No. 2, (1984): pp. 143-155.

Carucci, Laurence M
1987Methods and Meanings of Smoking in Marshallese Society. In Lindstom (Ed). Drugs in the western Pacific societies. ASAO Monograph No. 11: University Press of America, 1987.

Carucci, Laurence M
1989The Source of the Force in Marshallese Cosmology. In Lindstrom/White. The Pacific theater: Islands Representations of World War II. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989.

Carucci, Laurence, M
1985Conceptions of Maturing and Dying in the Middle of Heaven In Counts, Dorothy/David Counts. Aging and its Transformations. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1985.

Carucci, Laurence, M
1990Negotiations of Violence in the Marshallese Household. Pacific Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3, (1990): pp. 93-113.

Carucci, Laurence, M
1992Nudging Her Harshly and Killing Him Softly: Displays of Disenfranchisement on Ujelang Atoll. In Counts/Brown/Campbell. Sanctions and Sanctuary-Cultural Perspectives on the Beating of Wives. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992.

Chambers, K.S
1972Tale traditions of eastern Micronesia. A comparative Study of Marshallese, Gilbertese and Nauruan Folkstories. MA Thesis, University of California, berkeley.

Chamisso, A. von
1836Reise um die Welt. Leipzig.
1986A yoyage around the world with the Romanzov exloring expedition in the years 1815-1818 in the Brig Rurick, Captain Otto von Kotzebue. (translated by H.Kratz). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Chave, M.E.
1949 Anthropological study of mixed bloods in Majuro. Pacific Science Board, Washington D.C. (Co-ordinated investigation of Micronesian Anthropology 1947-1949).

Chave, M.E
1949Anthropological study of mixed bloods in Majuro. Pacific Science Board, Washington D.C. (Co-ordinated investigation of Micronesian Anthropology 1947-1949).

Cross-Cultural Survey
1943Food and water supply in the Marshall Islands. Bibliography of Micronesia Vol. 5 Cross-Cultural Survey Institute of HumanRrelations, Yale University, 1943.

Curtis, C
1986Handcrafts of the Marshall Islands. Typescript. Majuro: Museum of the Marshall Islands. (Copy held at the National Archives of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Alele Museum, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands).

Davenport, W.
1960Marshallese Islands navigational Charts. Imago Mundi. (s'Gravenhage) 15, 19-26.
1964Marshall Islands Cartography. Exposition, the Bulletin of the University Museum of the Univeristy of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 6, 10-13.

Davenport, William H
1952Fourteen Marshallese Riddles. Journal of American Folklore. Vol. 65, No. 257 (1952), pp. 219-237.

Davenport, William H
1953Marshallese Folklore Types Journal of American Folklore. Vol. 66, No. 261 (1953).

de Brum, R
1962Marshallese Navigation (as told to C.R.Olson). Micronesian Reporter 10 (3), 1-10.

Doane, E.P.
1860 Ebon language. The Friend, Honolulu 1860

Domnick, Charles & M.Seeleye
1967Subsistence patterns among selected Marshallese villagers.In: L.Mason (ed.), The Laura Report. A field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. Pp. 1-45.(pagination in volume is not consecutively numbered).

Downing, Jane, Dirk H.R. Spennemann and Margaret Bennett (editors)
1992Bwebwenatoon Etto. A collection of Marshallese Legends and Traditions. With illustrations by Amram Enos and Paul Kingsbury. Marshall Islands Culture And History. Series E: Legends, Chants and Proverbs. Vol No. 1. Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands: Historic Preservation Office.

Downing, Jane, Dirk H.R.Spennemann & Margaret Bennett (eds.)
1992Bwebwenatoon Etto. A collection of Marshallese Legends and Traditions. With illustrations by Amram Enos and Paul Kingsbury. Marshall Islands Culture And History. Series E: Legends, Chants and Proverbs. Vol N½ 1. Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands: Historic Preservation Office.

Eisenhart, Otto
1888 Acht Monate unter den Eingeborenen auf Ailu (Marshall-Gruppe). Aus allen Welttheilen 19, 207-208, 223-226, 250-252.

Erdland, A.
1906 Wörterbuch und Grammatik der Marshallsprache nebst ethnographischen Erlaueterungen und kurzen Sprachübungen. Archiv Deutscher Kolonialsprachen. Vol.IV. Berlin: Georg Reimer.
1909Die Stellung der Frauen in den Häuptlingsfamilien der Marschallinseln. Anthropos IV,
1914Die Marshall Insulaner. Leben und Sitte, Sinn und Religion eines Südsee-volkes. Anthropos Bibliothek. Internationale Sammlung Ethnologischer Monographien, Vol.2(1). Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Erdland, P.A
1914Die Marshall Insulaner. Leben und Sitte, Sinn und Religion eines Südsee-volkes. Anthropos Bibliothek. Internationale Sammlung Ethnologischer Monographien, Vol.2(1). Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Erdland, Pater Augustin
1909Die Stellung der Frauen in den Häuptlingsfamilien der Marshall Inseln. Anthropos 4.

Erdland, Pater Augustin
1914Die Marshall Insulaner. Leben und Sitte, Sinn und Religion eines Südsee-volkes. Anthropos Bibliothek. Internationale Sammlung Ethnologischer Monographien, Vol.2(1). Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Faron, Richard S
1989Odyssey of a Marshall Islands Canoe. Field Museum of Natural History bulletin. 60(9): 24-nnn.

Feeney, Th.J.,
1952 Letters from Likiep New York: Pandick Press.

Finsch, Otto
1886Die Marschall-Inseln. Die Gartenlaube.34, 37-38.

Finsch, Otto
1893Ethnographische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee. Annalen des K. & K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums 7. Vienna: K. & K. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum.

Finsch, Otto
1914Südseearbeiten. Gewerbe- und Kunstfleiß, Tauschmittel und "Geld" der Eingeborenen auf Grundlage der Rohstoffe und der geographischen Verteilung. Hamburg: L. Friederishsen.

Finsch, Otto
1886Die Marshall Inseln. Die Gartenlaube 34, 37-38
1887Canoes and Canoebau auf den Marschall Inseln. Verhandlungen der Berliner anthropologischen Gesellschaft XIX.
1893Ethnographische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee. Annalen des K.K.Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums 7. Vienna: K.K.Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum.
1894 Hautverzierungen der Gilbert-Insulaner. Globus 65, 265-277.

Franz, F
1971aDas Navigieren mit "Stabkarten" auf den Marschall-Inseln 1 and 2 Führungsblaetter des Museums für Völkerkunde, Abteilung Suedsee. Serie 3, Blatt No. 097a and 097b Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz.
Two leaflets accompanying the ethnographic exhibition in Berlin, explaining the Marshallese stick charts. One leaflet (1971a) explains in great detail the functioning of a teaching chart (Waapepe), while the other (1971b) is concerned on a more general level with the other types of stick charts (meto and rebbelip)

Friedrichs, K
1865Marschall-Inseln.. Globus VIII, 351.

Friedrichsen, I.
1879Karte der Marshall Inseln.Auf der Basis der englischen Admiralitaetskarte No 983 nach den J.Kubary auf Ebon eingezogenen Erkundigungen und nach Angaben des Capitaen Mellen. Hamburg: Friedrichsen & Co..

Fukushi, Masaichi
1942 Tattooing of the South Sea Islander (Uchi-Nan-yo tomin no irezumi). Japanische medizinische Wochenschrfit (1040), 1919. Nippon Iji Shinposhoa, Tokyo.

Gershman, Kenneth A., Rolfs, Robert R. and Larsen, Sandra A
1992Seroepidemiological Characterization of a Syphilis Epdemic in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Formerly a Yaws Epidemic Area. International journal of epidemiology. 21(3): 599-nnn.

Goebert, Deborah A
1990 Polio in the Marshall Islands. World health : the magazine of the world health MAR 01 1990: 28-nnn.

Goodenough, W.H.
1951Native astronomy in Micronesia: a rudimentary science. Scientific Monthly 73 (2) 105-110.

Grösser, Hermann
1902. Wörterbuch der Marschall-Sprache nach hinterlassenen Papieren des verstorbenen Stabsarztes Dr. Erwin Steinbach (von 1891 bis 1894 Regierungsarzt in Jaluit, Marshall-Inseln). Hamburg: L. Friedrichsen

Grundemann, D.
1887Unser kleinstes Schutzgebiet, die Marschallinseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 4, 441-444.

Grundemann, R.
1889Die evangelische Mission in den deutschen Schutzgebieten der Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 6, 100-112.

Gulick, L.H.
1862The Marshall-Islands. Nautical Magazine P.298

Gulick, Luther Halsey
1862The Marshall-Islands. Nautical Magazine P.298

Hager, C.
1886Die Marshall Inseln in Erd- und Voelkerkunde, Handel und Mission. Leipzig: G.Lingke.

Hager, Carl
1886Die Marshall Inseln in Erd- und Völkerkunde, Handel und Mission. Leipzig: G.Lingke.

Hambruch, Paul
1912Die Schiffahrt auf den Karolinen- und Marschall-Inseln. Meereskunde VI. Berlin.

Hasebe, K
1915Notes on the local custom of the Marshall Islands Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 30, 278-279.

Hasebe, Kotondo
1915Notes on the local custom of the Marshall islands. (Marshall gunto no dozoku kobanashi) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 30(7), 278-279.

Hasebe, Kotondo
1917Concerning the tattoos of the natives of Ponape Island. (Ponape-to dojin no iresumi ni tsuite) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 32(7), 191-196.

1928The tattooing of the Western Micronesians (Seibu Micronesia-jin no irezumi) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 43(3), 120-146

1929 Some examples of the nasal septum pierced, @@@

1932 Tattoos by people of the Marshalls. (Marshall-jin no irezumi) Dorumen. Dolmen 1(5), 27-35[Quoted after translation kept at the Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, Guam.

1942Lataran, concerning the tattooing (Rataran) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 57 (7), 297-302.

1943Nachtrag zum Artikel Lataran (Rataran hoko) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 58(5), 210-214.

Hasebe, Kotondo
1930"Obligoismus" (Ketsubaku suhai "Oblogoismus") Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 45(10), 385-391.:

Hatheway, W.H
1957Agricultural notes on the Southern Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 55. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Hernsheim, F.
1880. Beitrag zur Sprache der Marshall-Inseln. Leipzig: Fr. Thiel.
1883Südsee-Erinnerungen Berlin.
1887Die Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen der geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1885-1886 (1887), 297-308.

Hernsheim, Franz
1887Die Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen der geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1885-1886 (1887), 297-308.

Hezel, Francis X.
1983The First Taint of Civilisation. A History of the Caroline and Marshall Islands in Pre-Colonial Days, 1521-1885. Pacific Islands Monographs Series, No.1. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Hines, N.O.
1952The secret of Marshallese sticks.Discovery September-October 1952, pp.18-23.

Hirako, Goichi
1918On the identification of persons by foot prints of the Marshall Islanders (Marshall dojin no ashiato no motozuku kojin kanbetzuryoku) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 33(7), 192-201.

Hops, A.
1956Über die Einmaligkeit der Marschall-Stabkarten im Stillen Ozean. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 81, 104-110.

Hornell, J
1936The Canoes of Polynesia, Fiji, and Micronesia. Canoes of Oceania.Vol.I. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Special Publication 27. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum.

Isoda, I
1928 Ethnology of the Marshall Islands (Marshall gunto no bunka-shi) Marshall News (Marshall Shinpo) special number

Isoda, I
1929 A cultural history of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, I
1929 The Position of the Marshall Islanders in Cultural History. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, I
1929A cultural history of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, I
1929The Position of the Marshall Islanders in Cultural History. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, Isao
1929, The Marshallese and cultural history (Marshall guntomin no bunkashi-jo no ichi) Marshall News (Marshall Shinpo) (300)

Jenkins, W.S
1946Wartime Canoe Building in the Marshall Islands. American Neptune 6(1), 71-71.

Jeschke, Carl
1905Bericht über den Orkan in den Marschall-Inseln am 30. Juni 1905. Petermanns Mitteilungen 51, 248-249
1906Bericht über die Marschall-Inseln. Petermanns Mitteilungen 52, 270-277.

Joyce, T.A.
1908,Note on a native chart from the Marshall Islands in the British Museum. Man VIII

Kabua, P. & N.Pollock
1967 The ecological bases of political power in Laura Community.In: L.Mason (ed.), The Laura Report. A field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. Pp. 1-83. (pagination in volume is not consecutively numbered).

Kelin II, Daniel A
1995Tales in Tiny Islands. Storytelling magazine. 7(6) 20-nn

Knappe, W
1891Beschreibungen und Erlaeuterungen des Konsuls Dr. Knappe, von ihm 1885-1889 gemachten Sammlungen. Erfurt.
Catalogue of an ethnological colletion compiled by Wilhelm Knappe, admnsitator of the German Protectorate of the Marshall Islands from 1886-1888.

Knappe, Wilhelm
1891 Beschreibungen und Erläuterungen des Konsuls Dr. Knappe, von ihm 1885-1889 gemachten Sammlungen. Erfurt 1891.
1888 Religiùse Anschauungen der Marshall-Insulaner. Mittheilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 10, 63-81.

Knight, G.K
1981Plans for the opening exhibition of Marshall Islands Museum. Ms. on file Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. 25pp.

Knight, Gerald
1982Man This Reef. Majuro, MH: Micronitor Press, 1982.

Kotzebue, O.von
1821Entdeckungsreise in the Südsee und nach der Bering Strasse. Weimar.

Krämer, A. & H.Nevermann
1938Ralik-Ratak (Marschall Inseln). In: G.Thilenius (ed.), Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II. Ethnographie, B: Mikronesien. Vol. 11: Hamburg: Friedrichsen & de Gruyter.

Krämer, A., & H.Nevermann
1938 Ralik-Ratak (Marschall Inseln). In: G.Thilenius (ed.), Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II. Ethnographie, B: Mikronesien. Vol. 11: Hamburg: Friedrichsen & de Gruyter.

Krämer, A.
1904 Das neue Kolonialalphabet in seiner Anwendung auf die S®dsee. aGlobus 87, 294
1905Der Haus- und Bootsbau auf den Marshallinseln. Archiv für Anthropologie N.F. III.

Krämer, A
1906Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa. Stuttgart: Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Krämer, Augistin
1904 Die Ornamentik der Kleidmatten und der Tatauierung auf den Marschall-Inseln. Archiv für Anthropologie N.F. II.

Krämer, August
1905Die Gewinning und Zubereitung der Nahrung auf den Ralik-Ratak Inseln. Globus 88, 140-146.

Krämer., E
1938 Fächer. In: A. Krämer & H.Nevermann, Ralik-Ratak (Marschall Inseln). In: G.Thilenius (ed.), Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II. Ethnographie, B: Mikronesien. Vol. 11: Hamburg: Friedrichsen & de Gruyter. P. 159.

Kubary, J.S
1887 Das Tätowiren in Mikronesien, speziell auf den Karolinen. In: W.Joest, Tätowiren, Narbenzeichnen und Körperbemalen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Ethnologie. Berlin: A.Asher & Co. Pp. 74-98.
Paper on the tattooes and tattooing techniques of Micronesia, focussing on the Caroline Islands, with refernces to the rest of Micronesia.

Kubary, J.S
1887 Das Tätowiren in Mikronesien, speziell auf den Karolinen. In: W.Joest, Tätowiren, Narbenzeichnen und Körperbemalen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Ethnologie. Berlin: A.Asher & Co. Pp. 74-98.

Kwajalein Education Committee
1968 Kwajalein Education Committee, Tikjinere-Dictionary: Kajin Majol & Kajin Inlij: Marshellese & English. Kwajalein, Marshall Islands: Kwajalein Education Committe,

Laubenfels, M.W. de
1950aOcean currents in the Marshall Islands. Geographical Review 40 (2), 254-259.
1950bNative navigators. Research Reviews (June 1950), Office of Naval Research, pp. 7-12.

Lay, W. & C.M.Hussey
1963A narrative of the mutiny on board of the whalesship Globe. New York: Corinth Books. (Reprint of the 1825 original).

Lerner, Marc, Fujikawa, Sharon and Adams, William H
1989Hearing Loss and Middle-Ear Abnormalities In a Group of Marshallese Children. The Hearing journal. 42(8): 21-nnn.

Lewis, D.
1972We, the navigators. The ancient art of landfinding in the Pacific. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii.

Linckens, H.
1912Auf den Marshall Inseln (Deutsche Südsee). Land und Leute. Katholische Missionsthätigkeit. Hiltrup: Herz-Jesu Missionare.

Lyons, H.
1928The sailing charts of the Marshall Islands. Journal of the Royal GeographicalSociety 72, 325-328.

MacKenzie, J.B
1956Agriculture Survey of Jebet, Jar Bokalap, Jebwor and Kili islands. Mimeographed. Angana, Guam: Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. (Copy held at the National Archives of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Alele Museum, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands).

Masefield, G.B
1948A handbook of Tropical Agriculture. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Mason, L
1952 Anthropology-Geography Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 10. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Mason, Leonard
1952Anthropology-Geography Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 10. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Mason, Leonard
1947The economic organisation of the Marshall Islands. U.S.Commercial Company Econnomic Survey.Typrewritten 1947.

Matsamura, Akira
1916The Marshallese and the boomerang (Marshall gunto dojin to boomerang) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 31(3), 101-103.

Matsamura, Akira
1918 Contribution to the ethnology of Micronesia. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 40(7).

Matsui, Isao
1941 Studies of customs and administration in the South Sea islands, the Marshallese customs (Tomin Kanshu to gyosei no kenkyu, Marshall gunto tomin kanshu e no kosatsu) The South Sea islands (Nan'yo Gunto) 7(3), 50-52.

Matsuoka, Shizuo
1927 Ethnography of Micronesia (Micronesia mizokushi). Oka-shoin, Tokyo.

Meinecke, Carl E
1863Die Gilbert und Marschall-Inseln. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde, N.S. 15, 369-417.

Milne, C. & M.Steward
1967 The inheritance of land rights in Laura.In: L.Mason (ed.), The Laura Report. A field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. Pp.1-45. (pagination in volume is not consecutively numbered).
The paper discusses the mechanisms and intra-group knowledge about the inheritance of land allotments in Laura village in great detail

Mitchell, R.E
1973 Micronesian Folktales. Asian Folklore Studies Nagoya. Vol. 23, 1-276.

Motoda, Shigeru
1938On the canoes of Micronesia (Canoe o tazunete, Micronesia no tabi) Japanese Journal of Ethnology 4(2), 302-319.

Mulford, Judy
1991Decorative Marshallese Baskets. Los Angeles: Wonder Publications

Murai, M., F.Pen & C.D.Miller
1958Some Tropical South Pacific Island Foods. Description, history, use, composition and nutrtional value. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Murai, M
1954Nutrition Study in Micronesia. Atoll Research Bulletin 27. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Nakayama, M. & F.L.Pamp
1974Micronesian Navigation, island empires and traditional concepts of ownership of the sea. Joint Committee on the Law of the Sea, Fifth Congress of Micronesia. 14 Januray 1974. Saipan: Congres of Micronesia.

Oda, T.
1935Charts drawn by the Marshall Islanders [in Japanese]. Globe 25(3), 222-238.

Peacock, Karen M
1995Online Access to the Trust Territory Archives Photo Collection. Contemporary Pacific 7, (Spring 1995): 177-187.

Playdon, G.W.
1967The significance of the Marshallese Stick Charts. Journal of the Institute of Navigation (London) 20(2), 155-166.

Pollock, N
1970Breadfruit and breadwinning on Namu Atoll, Marshall Islands. PhD Dissertation, Anthropology, University of Hawaii. University Microfilms MF 71-12,211. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.

Pollock, Nancy J
1992These roots remain: food habits in islands of the Central and Eastern Pacific since Western contact. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Poyer, L
1990Final Report Micronesian Resources Study, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Ethnography component. Report prepared for the Micronesian Endowment for Historic Preservation. February<1990.

Reeves, W.C
1953Possible recent introductions of mosquito vectors of human diseases in the central Pacific. Proceedings of the seventh Pacific Science Congress 7, 371-373.

Rife, C.F.
1905. Letter dated 28 August 1905. Reprinted in Missionary Herald September 1905, p. 469.

Rody, N
1981New Pacific Nutrition. Saipan: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Nutrition and Education Training Program.

Rubinstein, Donald H
1995. Love and Suffering: Adolescent Socialisation and Suicide in Micronesia. Contemporary Pacific 7: 21-54.

Samejima, M
1938a The physical anthropological research on the Marshallese crania. Minzoku seibutsugaku kenkyu. [Research on racial biology, Bulletin of the Institute of Hygiene, Medical College of Kanazawa] 5

Samejima, M
1938b Untersuchungen über Fingerabdrücke der Bewohner der Marshall Inseln. (in Japanese). Race Hygiene 6, 395-409.

Sander, Dr
1907 Review of: Antonie Brandeis, Kochbuch für de Tropen Berlin: D.Reimer. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 24(36), 366-367.

Sapper, Karl
1933Einige Atoll der Marschall-Gruppe. Petermann's Mitteilungen 79, 289-291.

Schück, A.
1902Die Stabkarten der Marschall-Insulaner Hamburg.

Schmeltz, JJ.D.E. & R.Krause
1881Die ethnographisch-anthropologische Abteilung des Museum Godeffroy in Hamburg. Hamburg 1881.

Schnee, Paul
1903Darwinistische Studie auf einer Koralleninsel. Odenkirchen.

Schnee, Paul
1904Land und Leute der Marschallinseln. Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht, und Kolonialwirtschaft 6, 245-265.

Schreck, H.C
1980aMuseum and Historic Site development in the Trust Territory.An overview. A preliminary plan for Museum and Historic Site Development in the Islands of Micronesia. Report prepared for the Historic Preservation Office of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. NEH Grant No. . PM 33438-78-1569.

Seidel, Hans
1882Bemerkenswerte Atoll der Marshall-Gruppe. Natur 35, 420-422.

Senfft, Arno
1900. "Wörterverzeichnis der Sprache der Marschall-Insulaner." Zeitschrift für afrikanische und oceanische Sprachen 5:79-157.

Soucie, E.A
1981Atoll Agriculture for secondary Schools. Soils and Major Agricultural Crops of Micronesia. Pohnpei: Ponape Agriculture and Trade School.

Soucie, E.A
1983Atoll Agriculture for secondary Schools. Soils and Major Agricultural Crops of Micronesia. Pohnpei: Ponape Agriculture and Trade School.

Spennemann, D.H.R
1989 Report on the skeletal remains from the manshelter of Barracks Building A, Torwa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. OSTEOLOGICAL REPORT DRS 51 (1989). Ms. on file. Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
The report describes some human remains recovered from a Japanese man-shelter next to barracks building A of the main baracks area. Torwa had been a Japanese military installation in World War II and had been severely bombed by the US Forces. The remains seem to have been overloked by Japanese bone recovery groups.

Spennemann, D.H.R
1989dReport on a human femur from the south-western coast of Torwa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. OSTEOLOGICAL REPORT DRS 52 (1989). Ms. on file. Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
The report describes a single human femur found on the shore of Eoon-epje Island, Maloelap Atoll.

Spennemann, D.H.R
1989gOsteological analysis of human remains from site MI-Mj-20, found at Laura Beach, Majro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Osteological Report DRS 53 (1989) Ms on file at the Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960
The report describes a series of human bones which were found eroding from the historic cemetery MI-Mj-20 at the tip of Laura Beach.

Spennemann, Dirk H.R. & Ambrose, Wal R.
1997Floating obsidian and its implications on the interpretation of Pacific prehistory. Antiquity 71, 188-193

Spennemann, Dirk H.R. & Look, David W.
1994Impact of tropical vegetation on historical cultural resources. A photographic case study from the Marshall Islands. The Johnstone Centre for Parks, Recreation and Heritage Report N½ 18 - The Johnstone Centre for Parks, Recreation and Heritage, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW., 1994

Spennemann, Dirk H.R. & Marschner, Ian G.
11995Association between ENSO and typhoons in the Marshall Islands. Disasters 19(3), 194-197

Spennemann, Dirk H.R.
1989aReport on the skeletal remains from the manshelter of Barracks Building A, Torwa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Osteological Report DRS 51 (1989). Ms. on file, Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
1989bReport on a human femur from the south-western coast of Torwa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Osteological Report DRS 52 (1989). Ms. on file, Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
1990Osteological analysis of human remains from site MI-Mj-20, found at Laura Beach, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Osteological Report DRS 53 (1990). Ms. on file, Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
1990 Predictive model of the expansion of the inhabited area on Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Report prepared for the Historic Preservation Office, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Report OTIA-TAG-MAR-42-10/90.
1990Predictive model of the expansion of cemeteries on Majuro Atoll until the year 2010. Report prepared for the Historic Preservation Office, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.1990.
1990 The Marshallese and Eneenkio: a review of 19th century European observations. A Report presented to the Special Commission on Eneenkio (Wake Island).Enenkio Background Report No. 2. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1990 Marshallese on Eneen-kio: Evidence from oral traditions, biogeography and history. Eneen-kio Background Report No. 6. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1990 The cessation of Marshallese voyages to Eneeen-Kio. Eneen-kio Background Report No. 7. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1992Makm…k. Notes on the occurrence, utilisation, and importance of Polynesian Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides) in the Marshall Islands. Republic of the Marshall Islands Ministry of Internal Affairs / Ministry of Social Services Occasional Paper N½ 1. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Ministries of Internal Affairs and Social Services.
1992Marshallese Tattoos. Marshall Islands Culture And History. Series C: Traditional Skills and Practices. Volume N½ 1. Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands: Historic Preservation Office. 233pp.
1992Differential representation of human skeletal remains in eroded and redeposited coastal deposits: A case study from the Marshall Islands. International Journal of Anthropology 7 (1), 1-8.
1992. Cultural Resource Managment Plan for Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. 2 Vols. Washington: U.S.Department of Interior, Office of Territorial and International Affairs.
1992Historic Demography of Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Journal of the Pacific Society (Tokyo) 15(1), 1992, (1)-152 - (21)-132
1993Ennaanin EttoÕEssays on the Marshallese Past. Marshall Islands Culture And History. Series F: Technical Studies and Miscellaneous. Volume N½ 1. Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands: Historic Preservation Office. 312pp
1994Excavations of a prehistoric cemetery on Majuro Island, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. The Johnstone Centre for Parks, Recreation and Heritage Report N½ 13 - The Johnstone Centre for Parks, Recreation and Heritage, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW., 1994
1994Traditional arrowroot production and utilisation in the Marshall Islands. Journal of Ethnobiology 14 (2).
1995Physical reminders of the British-Japanese Armament Trade in Micronesia. Journal of the Pacific Society (Tokyo) 18 (3), 117-130
1995Population control measures in traditional Marshallese Culture and their implications for today. Asian Culture (Asian-Pacific Culture) Quarterly 23 (1), 19-30
1995Settlement patterns and typhoon hazard on Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Australian Journal of Disaster Management 10(3), 49-50
1996Dreading the next wave: non-traditional settlement patterns and typhoon threats on contemporary Majuro, Marshall Islands. Environmental Management 20(3), 337-348.
1998Excessive harvesting of Pacific seabird populations at the turn of the 20th century Marine Ornithology 26, 1998 [1999], 49-57
1998Japanese poaching and the enforcement of German souvereignty in the Marshall Islands Journal of Pacific History 38(1), 51-67.
1998The annexation of Eneen-kio (Wake Island, Central Pacific Ocean) by the United States of America. Journal of Pacific History38(2), 239-247
1999No room for the dead. Burial practices in a constrained environment. Anthropos 94(1), 35-56.

Spoehr, A
1949Majuro, a village of the Marshall Islands. Fieldiana: Anthropology 39. Chicago: Chicago Natural History Museum.

Spoehr, Alexander
1949 Majuro, a village of the Marshall Islands. Fieldiana: Anthropology 39. Chicago: Chicago Natural History Museum.

Sproat, M.N
1968A guide to subsistence agriculture in Micronesia. Agricultural Extension Bulletin 9. Saipan: Publications Office.

Steinbach, E
1895Die Marschall-Gruppe und ihre Bewohner. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Verhandlungen. XXII 449-488.

Steinbach, Erwin
1893Bericht über die Gesundheitsverhältnisse der Schutzgebiete der Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 6, 306-313.
1895aBericht über die Gesundheitsverhältnisse der Eingeborenen der Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 8, 157-171.
1895bBericht über die Gesundheitsverhältnisse der Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 8, 171-175.

Stevenson, Fanny ("Mrs.R.L.Stevenson")
1914 The Cruise of the Janet Nichol among the South Sea Islands. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

Stone, E.L
1951The agriculture of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 6. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board.

Takeuchi, C.E.
1959 Handbook of Marshallese Plant names. Majuro: Education Department.

Tanaka, Y
1929 Clans and clansmen of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Tanaka, Y
1929Clans and Clansmen of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Tobin, J.A
1958 Land tenure in the Marshall Islands. in: Land tenure patterns in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Vol 1. Guam: Office of the Staff Anthropologist, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. pp. 1-75.

Tobin, Jack
1952Land tenure in the Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 11.

United States, Congress
1957House resolution 7540, Act to amend Public Law 815, 81st Congress, reating to school construction in federally affected areas, to make its provisions applicable to Wake Island. Approved August 21, 1957. 85th U.S.Congress, Public Law 161.

United States, House of Representatives
1957 Application of Public Law 815 (81st Congress) to Wake Island. Report from Committee on Education and Labor to accompany H.R. 7540. June 14, 1957. House reports on Public Bills No. 570, 85th Congress.

Warren, J.
1860The Morning Star: History of the Children's Missionary vessel and of the Marquesan and Micronesian Missions.Boston: American Tract Society.

Wendler, Johann
1911. Zur Feuer- und Nahrungsbereitung der Marschall-Insulaner (Südsee). Baessler-Archiv, 1: 269-276.

Williamson, I. & M.D.Sabath
1982Island population, land area, and climate: A case study of the Marshall islands. Human Ecology 10(1), 71-84

Williamson, I. & M.D.Sabath
1982Island population, land area, and climate: A case study of the Marshall Islands. Human Ecology 10(1), 71-84.

1899On sea charts formerly used in the Marshall Islands. Annual Report of the Smithonian Institution.a 1899. Pp. 487-509.
1899über die in früheren Zeiten in den Marschall-Inseln gebrauchten Seekarten. Marine Rundschau a1898.

Witt, J
1881Die Marschall-Gruppe, Annalen der Hydrographie IX.
The article gives a description of the Marshall Islands from a mariner's and navigator's point of view describing in detail the passages and the navigational markers. Also contains information on vegetation, availability ofn water and, to some extent, on demography.

Witt, Jakob
1881Die Marschall-Gruppe, Annalen der Hydrographie IX.

Wright, C.H
1948Sailing canoes of the Marshall Islands. U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 74 (550), 1529-1531.


Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia.

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