German Colonial Documents
on the Marshall Islands

compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann


Brandeis, E. (1893). Bericht betreffend das Schutzgebiet der Marshall- Inseln, für das Jahr 1891. [Report regarding the protectorate of the Marshall Islands for the year 1891].Sammlung sämmtlicher Drucksachen des Reichstages. 8. Legislatur-Periode II. Session 1892/1893 Vol. 1. [Anlagen Band 148 Anlage 40] Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, pp. 32-73.

Annual government report on the state of the protectorate. Includes data on demography, residences of European traders and planters, copra production (by island).
The report mentions that the production of arrowroot starch for export is not worth while given the labour costs. The Jaluit Gesellschaft intends a trial of Ricinus plants for oil production. The copra production has suffered from the severe storms in late 1889 and is just recovering. Tables provide data in copra production, shipping, copra tax returns and court cases. Satitistics on the debt levels of the chiefs are also provided
NOTE:Page images of the original German text [PDF file]

Die deutschen Interessen in der Südsee. [Einfuhr und Schiffahrtsstatistiken von und nach Neu Süd Wales ]. [The German Interests in the South Seas. Statistics on trade and shipping with New South Wales] Stenographische Beriche über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages. 6. Legislatur-Periode I. Session 1884/1885 Vol. 6 Band. Anlagen zu den Verhandlungen des Reichstages nr. 162 is 286. [Anlagen Band 92, Anlage 166]. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, 1885, pp. 687-698.

Report by on the economic state of the area. Includes data on trade and frequency of shipping
NOTE:Page images of the original German text [PDF file]

Bismarck, O. v., & Malet, E. (1885). Erklärung betreffend die Abgrenzung der Deutschen und englischen Machtsphären im Westlichen Stillen Ocean. [Declaration relating to the demarcation of the German and British spheres of influence in the Western Pacific Ocean].Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages. 6. Legislatur-Periode II. Session 1884/1885 Vol. 6 Band. Anlagen zu den Verhandlungen des Reichstages nr. 237 bis 315. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, pp. 1570-1571

Text of the treaty dividing up the German and British interests in the Western Pacific. Germany gives the Solomon Islands with the exception of Bouganville to Great Britain, while Britain renegs all claims to the Central Pacific north of Kiribati. The sheres of interest over Tonga and Samoa are excluded.
NOTE:Page images of the original German and English text [PDF file]

Bismarck, O. v., & Malet, E. (1885). Erklärung betreffend die gegenseitige Handels- und Vekehrsfreiheit in den deutschen und englischen Besitzungen und Schutzgebieten im Westlichen Stillen Ozean. [Declaration relating to the reciprocal freedom of trade and commerce in the German and British possessions and protectorates in the Western Pacific].Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages. 6. Legislatur-Periode II. Session 1884/1885 Vol. 6 Band. Anlagen zu den Verhandlungen des Reichstages nr. 237 bis 315. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, pp. 1572-1573

Text of the treaty providing for free trade in the area
NOTE:Page images of the original German and English text [PDF file]

Knappe, W. (1885). Denkschrift betreffend die politischen und kommerziellen Verhältnisse auf den Gilbert-, Marshall-, Karolinen-, Ellice- und Tokelau-Inseln. [Memorandum regarding the political and economic conditions of the Gilbert, Marshall, Caroline , Ellice and Tokelau Islands].Stenographische Beriche über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages. 6. Legislatur-PeriodeII. Session 1884/1885 Vol. 5 Band. Anlagen zu den Verhandlungen des Reichstages nr. 1 bis 161. [Anlagen Band 91 Anlage 63]. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, 1885, pp. 226-229).

Report by the German consul in Apia on the state of the area. Includes data on demography, residences of European traders and planters, copra production.
NOTE:Page images of the original German text [PDF file]

Denkschrift betreffend das Schutzgebiet der Marshall- Inseln. [Report regarding the protectorate of the Marshall Islands]Stenographische Beriche über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages. 9. Legislatur-Periode II. Session 1893/1894 Vol. 1 Band. Nr. 1 bis 117 der amtlichen Drucksachen enthalted. [Anlagen Band 156 Anlage 105]. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, 1894, pp. 715-718.

Annual government report on the state of the protectorate. Includes data on demography, residences of European traders and planters, copra production (by island).
The copra production is developing due to the newly developed plantations on Ujelang and Kili. Tables provide data in copra production, shipping, copra tax returns and court cases. Statistics on the debt levels of the chiefs are also provided.
NOTE:Page images of the original German text [PDF file]

Denkschrift betreffend das Schutzgebiet der Marshall- Inseln (Berichtsjahr 1893/94). [Memorandum regarding the protectorate of the Marshall Islands (Reporting Year 1893/94)]. Stenographische Beriche über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages. 9. Legislatur-Periode III. Session 1894/95 Vol. 1. Anlageband, Nr 1 bis 171 der amtlichen Drucksachen enthaltend. [Anlagen Band 162, Anlage 89]. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, 1895, pp. 497-500.

Annual government report on the state of the protectorate. Includes data on demography, residences of European traders and planters, copra production (by island). Tables provide data in copra production, shipping, copra tax returns and court cases.
NOTE:Page images of the original German text [PDF file]


Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia.