Resources on the Marshall Islands
Editor's Notebook Archive -- July 2000
by Dirk H.R. Spennemann


31 July 2000

Bibliography of Kwajalein Atoll

added to


30 July 2000

Foreign Relations: Better Accountability Needed Over U.S. Assistance to Micronesia and the Marshall Islands (RCED-00-67) 31 May 2000
U.S. General Accounting Office
PDF version

added to
Politics and Economy


29 July 2000

Bibliography of Marshall Islands Ornithology

added to


28 July 2000

Shipping records for Jaluit Harbour 1895
Register of ships entering and departing Jaluit Harbour. The register, kept by the harbour master, provides information on the vessels, their masters and owners, as well as the points of detination.

added to


27 July 2000

Bibliography of World War II History in the Marshalls

added to


26 July 2000

Shipping records for Jaluit Harbour 1894
Register of ships entering and departing Jaluit Harbour. The register, kept by the harbour master, provides information on the vessels, their masters and owners, as well as the points of detination.

added to

Epidemics recorded for the southern
Marshall Islands (1887-1943)
added new references

Public Health


25 July 2000

Bibliography of Canoes, Stickcharts and traditional navigation

added to


24 July 2000

Declaration between the Governments of Great Britain and the German Empire relating to the Reciprocal Freedom of Trade and Commerce in the British and German Possessions and Protectorates in the Western Pacific, signed at Berlin, April 10, 1886

added to


23 July 2000

Eclectic Bibliographies on various topics

added to

A Bibliography of Otto von Kotzebue's visits 1816/17 and 1821
compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

added to

Bibliography of Wake Atoll (Eneen-Kio)
compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

added to

Added random generator for the homepage image

added to


22 July 2000

Declaration between the Governments of Great Britain and the German Empire relating to the Demarcation of the British and German Spheres of Influence in the Western Pacific, signed at Berlin, April 6, 1886

added to
European History (Sources)

Politics and Economy


21 July 2000

Compact of Free Association 1986

added to
Politics and Economy


20 July 2000

Agreement between the Jaluit-Gesellschaft and the Reich 1888 regarding the administration of the Marshall Islands

added to
European History (Sources)

Politics and Economy


19 July 2000

Foreign Assistance: U.S. Funds to Two Micronesian Nations Had Little Impact on Economic Development and Accountability Over Funds Was Limited (T-NSIAD/RCED-00-227)
U.S. General Accounting Office
PDF version

added to
Politics and Economy


18 July 2000

Copra prices at Hamburg (per 1000 kg)
compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

added to
European History (Sources)


13 July 2000

Visitor count exceeds 3000

7 July 2000

Quarterly medical statistics for the Government Physican Jaluit to 1912
compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

added to
European History (Sources)


6 July 2000

Visual representation of the geographical origin of the site's users added

added to
this page


4 July 2000

Archived update log for June 2000

added to
this page


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Digital Micronesia-An Electronic Library & Archive is provided free of charge as an advertising-free information service for the world community. It is being maintained by Dirk HR Spennemann, Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage Management,Institute of Land, Water and Society and School of Environmental & Information Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, Australia. The server space and technical support are provided by Charles Sturt University as part of its commitment to regional engagement. Environmental SciencesInformation Sciences

© Dirk Spennemann 1999– 2005