

   A large number of papers deal with the history of European interaction with the Marianas, including early missionary accounts [cf 593, 602, 603], reconstructions of European voyages of discovery [cf 616, 617], translations of accounts by European navigators [cf 596, 597, 605], secondary sources extracting German points from original accounts [cf 604, 608] and translations of Spanish observations [cf 598, 627]. A few works on Micronesia include sections on the Marianas, mainly drawing on Spanish sources [cf 599, 611, 612, 618].
The take-over of Spanish Micronesia by the German administration caused a flurry of publications, some of which deal with the history of the newly acquired islands [cf 628] some of which narrate the events of acquisition [cf 644, 645, 651]. Categorised under this section are also travelogues and narratives and other aspects of history [cf 636, 640, 660, 663]. There are no in-depth histories of the Marianas written by German authors in the period covered in this bibliography.
A number of news items and reviews deal with the Japanese Mandate period in Micronesia, mainly focussing on the economic status [cf 672, 673, 680, 683].



Pre-German Period (-1886)



Anon. 1726. "Brief aus denen Neu-Philippinischen Inseln Palaos. Numerus 127 Brief des Verfassers an den Leser von denen neu-entdeckten Inseln Palaos." [Letter from the New Philippine islands of Palau. No. 127 Letter of the author to the reader from the newly discovered islands of Palau]. In: Stöcklein, Joseph (ed.), So Lehr- als Geistreiche Brief-Schriften und Reis-Beschreibungen welche von den Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu aus Beyden Indien und anderen über Meer gelegenen Ländern seit anno 1642 bis 1726 in Europa angelangt sing. Jetzt zum erstenmal Theils aus handschriftlichen Urkunden theils aus denen Französischen Lettres Editantes verteutscht und zusammengetragen. [The educating and intellectual letters and travel descriptions sent by the Missionaries of the Societatis Jesu from both Indies and other countries overseas and which were received in Europe between 1642 and 1726. For the first time collected from handwritten originals and French editions and translated into German]. Augsburg und Graz: Philipp, Martin und Johann Veith seelige Erben. Vol. Sechter Theil von Anno 1711 bis 1715 und von Numero 127 biß num. 149, pp. 1-6.

German translation of Spanish Jesuit documents. Contains accounts of 'Palau', which includes Merir, Sonsorol, Fallal, Palau, Sorol, and Lamotrek, as well as Carolinian voyages to Guam. A Spanish voyage to 'the Palaus' in November 1710 is mentioned.


Anon. 1870. "über europäische Einsiedler auf dem mikronesischen Inseln der Südsee." [On European settlers on the Micronesian Islands of the South Seas]. Das Ausland 43, no. 27, p. 641.

Early item on European beachcombers and shore-based traders in Micronesia.


Anon. 1906. "Händler Capelle in Likiep." [Trader Capelle on Likiep]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 23, no. 3, p. 26.

Brief obituary of Adolph Capelle, mainly taken from the Deutsches Kolonialblatt.


Anson, George. 1749. Des Herrn Admirals, Lord Ansons Reise um die Welt, welche er las Oberbefehlshaber über ein Geschwader von Sr. Grossbritannischen Majestät Kriegschiffen, die zu einer Unternehmung in die Südsee ausgeschickt worden, in den Jahren 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44 verrichtet hat, aus dessen Aufsätzen und Urkunden zusammengetragen und unter seiner Aufsicht and das Licht gestellet von M. Richard Waltern, Capelan Sr. Majestät Schiffe, dem Centurion, in diesem Kriegszuge, aus dem. Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt, nebst vielen Kupfertafeln und Landkarten. [Admiral Anson's voyage around the world...]. Leipzig//Göttingen: Abraham Vondenhoeck.

German first edition of Anson's 'Voyage around the world.'.
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Anhang aus des berühmten Englischen Commandeurs Hrn. George Anson, vierjährigen Reise nach der Süd-See, oder meistens um die ganze Welt, worin, ausser einer ausführlichen Erzehlung von dem im Jaht 1741 an einer unbekannten Insull verunglückten Schiffe, Wager, und von dem Volcke dabey ausgestandenen grossen Ungemach; ingleichen von den Verrichtungen des Schiffs Centurion, geführet duch den Seehelden, Hrn. Anson; von der Plünderung und Verbrennung der Stadt Payta; Eroberung des reich geladenen von Acapulco nach Manila gehenden Schiffes; und endlich in Jaht 1744 mit einem grossen Schatze erfolgten Zurückkunft in England, auch noch einige unbekannte Südländer, die auf disem merckw&uumrdigen Zuge entdecket sind, beschrieben werden, Aus dem Engländischen übersetzt. in Hrn. Frezier, Königl. Französis. Ingeniuers, Reise nach der Sü-See und denen Küsten von Chili, Beru und Brasilien. Aus dem Französichen übersetzet, und mit vielen sauberen Kupfern versehen. Zum andernmahl herausgegeben, und mit einem Anhang aus der in den Jahren 174- bus 1744 von dem berühmten Engl. Commandeur, Hrn Georg Anson, nach der Sü-See, oder meistens um die ganze welt, gethanen Reise vermehret. Hamburg: Gedrruckt und verlegt bey seel. Thomas von Wierungs Erben, im güdnen A,U,G, 1749
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Anson, George. 1749. Des Herrn Admirals, Lord Ansons Reise um die Welt, welche er las Oberbefehlshaber über ein Geschwader von Sr. Grossbritannischen Majestät Kriegschiffen, die zu einer Unternehmung in die Südsee ausgeschickt worden, in den Jahren 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44 verrichtet hat, aus dessen Aufsätzen und Urkunden zusammengetragen und unter seiner Aufsicht and das Licht gestellet von M. Richard Waltern, Capelan Sr. Majestät Schiffe, dem Centurion, in diesem Kriegszuge, aus dem. Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt, nebst vielen Kupfertafeln und Landkarten. [Admiral Anson's voyage around the world...]. Leipzig//Göttingen: Abraham Vondenhoeck.

German first edition of Anson's 'Voyage around the world.'.
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Anson, George (1754) George Ansons Reise um die Welt. in: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser oder zu Lande; oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, ... Zwöfter Band. Leipzing bey Arkstee und Merkus, 1754.
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B., F. 1884. "Neue Nachrichten von den Marianen-Inseln." [Recent news from the Mariana Islands]. Das Ausland 57, p. 518.

Article mentioning that the Marianas have only one shipping connection per year. For 1883 a whooping cough epidemic as well as typhoons are mentioned. In 1882 (or 1883) the tobacco monopoly was lifted, which meant that most residents commenced growing their own tobacco. The economic future of the Marianas is seen as low unless Spain can provide a reliable communications with Manila at least three times a year. Contacts with the Carolines are mentioned, initiated by Carolinians. Some came to Guam as labourers for the copra production on the northern islands, as well as to acquire volcanic rocks.


[Blumentritt, Ferdinand]. 1883. "Marianen-Inseln." [The Mariana Islands]. Dr. A Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt 29, pp. 389-390.

Extract of Blumentritt's synopsis of Alvarez Guerra published in Globus.


Bonani, Joseph. 1726. "No. 150 Brief (an P. Jacobus Pettinati) aus denen Marianischen und Philippinschen Inseln geschrieben den 16. Juli 1718 auf dem Schiff im Angesicht deren Marianischen Inseln." [No. 150 Letter from the Marianas and Philippine Islands written on 16 July 1718 on board within the view of the Mariana Islands]. In: Stöcklein, Joseph (ed.), So Lehr- als Geistreiche Brief-Schriften und Reis-Beschreibungen welche von den Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu aus Beyden Indien und anderen über Meer gelegenen Ländern seit anno 1642 bis 1726 in Europa angelangt sing. Jetzt zum erstenmal Theils aus handschriftlichen Urkunden theils aus denen Französischen Lettres Editantes verteutscht und zusammengetragen. [The educating and intellectual letters and travel descriptions sent by the Missionaries of the Societatis Jesu from both Indies and other countries overseas and which were received in Europe between 1642 and 1726. For the first time collected from handwritten originals and French editions and translated into German]. Augsburg und Graz: Philipp, Martin und Johann Veith seelige Erben. Vol. Siebender Theil von Anno 1711 bis 1715, pp. 1-3.

German translation of Spanish Jesuit letter describing the voyage from Acapulco to the Marianas.


Bonani, Joseph. 1726. "No. 151 Brief (an P. Jacobus Pettinati) aus denen Marianischen und Philippinschen Inseln geschrieben den 27 May 1719 auf der Marianischen Insel Rota." [No. 151 Letter from the Marianas and Philippine Islands written on the Mariana Island of Rota on 27 May 1719]. In: Stöcklein, Joseph (ed.), So Lehr- als Geistreiche Brief-Schriften und Reis-Beschreibungen welche von den Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu aus Beyden Indien und anderen über Meer gelegenen Ländern seit anno 1642 bis 1726 in Europa angelangt sing. Jetzt zum erstenmal Theils aus handschriftlichen Urkunden theils aus denen Französischen Lettres Editantes verteutscht und zusammengetragen. [The educating and intellectual letters and travel descriptions sent by the Missionaries of the Societatis Jesu from both Indies and other countries overseas and which were received in Europe between 1642 and 1726. For the first time collected from handwritten originals and French editions and translated into German]. Augsburg und Graz: Philipp, Martin und Johann Veith seelige Erben. Vol. Siebender Theil von Anno 1711 bis 1715, pp. 3-8.

German translation of Spanish Jesuit letter describing sections of Guam and a trip to Saipan (administered by P. Petro Cuydolff, aged 44). Saipan is described as populated by about 800 people, with an estimated population for the 1660s of about 8,000. Some comments on the construction of Mariana canoes (sagman) which he used to get from Saipan to Rota. For five days delayed on uninhabited Tinian because of adverse winds, then made it to Rota. A population of 344 is mentioned (of about 5,000 some 50 years earlier). The Catholic priest on Rota was Carolus de Boranga from Austria. Comments on a typhoon in 1718 and refers to the wars of the late 17th century. A number of Chamorro terms for times of the day are given. The author makes reference to the depopulation of the Marianas.
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Bonani, Joseph. 1726. "No. 185 Brief (an P. Jacobus Pettinati) aus denen Marianischen Inseln geschrieben auf der Insel Rota 24 November 1720." [No. 185 Letter from the Marianas Islands written on the Island of Rota on 24 November 1720]. In: Stöcklein, Joseph (ed.), So Lehr- als Geistreiche Brief-Schriften und Reis-Beschreibungen welche von den Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu aus Beyden Indien und anderen über Meer gelegenen Ländern seit anno 1642 bis 1726 in Europa angelangt sing. Jetzt zum erstenmal Theils aus handschriftlichen Urkunden theils aus denen Französischen Lettres Editantes verteutscht und zusammengetragen. [The educating and intellectual letters and travel descriptions sent by the Missionaries of the Societatis Jesu from both Indies and other countries overseas and which were received in Europe between 1642 and 1726. For the first time collected from handwritten originals and French editions and translated into German]. Augsburg und Graz: Philipp, Martin und Johann Veith seelige Erben. Vol. Achter Theil von Anno 1711 bis 1715, pp. 1-2.

German translation of Spanish Jesuit letter describing the success of the mission on Rota.


Bonani, Joseph. 1726. "No. 186 Brief (an P. Uldaricus Bombardi) aus denen Marianischen Inseln geschrieben auf der Insel Rota 24 November 1720." [No. 186 Letter from the Marianas Islands written on the Island of Rota on 27 November 1720]. In: Stöcklein, Joseph (ed.), So Lehr- als Geistreiche Brief-Schriften und Reis-Beschreibungen welche von den Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu aus Beyden Indien und anderen über Meer gelegenen Ländern seit anno 1642 bis 1726 in Europa angelangt sing. Jetzt zum erstenmal Theils aus handschriftlichen Urkunden theils aus denen Französischen Lettres Editantes verteutscht und zusammengetragen. [The educating and intellectual letters and travel descriptions sent by the Missionaries of the Societatis Jesu from both Indies and other countries overseas and which were received in Europe between 1642 and 1726. For the first time collected from handwritten originals and French editions and translated into German]. Augsburg und Graz: Philipp, Martin und Johann Veith seelige Erben. Vol. Achter Theil von Anno 1711 bis 1715, pp. 2-3.

German translation of Spanish Jesuit letter describing the success of the mission on Rota.


Bratring, F. W. A. 1802. Reisen der Spanier nach O-Taheite etc. [Voyage of the Spanish to Tahiti...]. Berlin.

Account of the history of Spanish voyages of exploration in the Pacific.


Chamisso, Adalbert von. 1821. "Bemerkungen und Ansichten auf einer Entdeckungsreise." [Observations and views of a voyage of discovery]. Weimar: Hoffmann.

Chamisso's notes on Guam on the occasion of Otto von Kotzebue's voyage to Micronesia. Comments on the nature of the Spanish administration on Guam.


Chamisso, Adalbert von. 1910. Reise um die Welt mit der Romanzoffschen Endeckungs-expedition in den Jahren 1815-1818 auf der Brig Rurik, Capitän Otto v. Kotzebue Zweiter Theil: Bemerkungen und Ansichten. [A voyage around the world with the Romanzov exploring expedition in the years 1815-1818 in the Brig Rurick, Captain Otto von Kotzebue]. Chamisso's Werke 4. Berlin: G. Hempel.

Chamisso's notes on Guam on the occasion of Otto von Kotzebue's voyage to Micronesia. Comments on the nature of the Spanish administration on Guam.


Chamisso, Adalbert von. 1925. Entdeckungsreise um die Welt 1815-1818. [Voyage of discovery around the World 1815-1818]. München: Alpenfreund-Verlag.

Chamisso's notes on Guam on the occasion of Otto von Kotzebue's voyage to Micronesia. Comments on the nature of the Spanish administration on Guam.


Falkenstein, Karl. 1828. Geschichte der geographischen Entdeckungsreisen. [History of the voyages of geographic discovery]. Allgemeine Taschenbibliothek der menschlichen Culturgeschichte. Dresden: Hilscher.

Summarises the discovery of the Marianas by Magellan.
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Fritz, Georg. 1943. "Der Spanish-Amerikanische Krieg auf den Philippinen]." [The Spanish-American War on the Philippines. [The Spanish-Maerican War on the Philippines]. Mitteilungen des Vereins alter Giessener Teutonen February.

Summary of the Spanish-American War on the Philippines and its implications for the Marianas.


Gaetan, Juan and Della Torre, Bernhard (1764).Reise des Juan Gaetan und Bernhard Della Torre im 1542 Jahre in: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser oder zu Lande; oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, ... Achtzehnter Band. Leipzing bey Arkstee und Merkus
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Guerra, Alvarez [and Blumentritt, Ferdinand]. 1883. "Die Marianen-Inseln." [The Mariana Islands]. Globus 44, no. 9, pp. 136-139.

A paper by Blumentritt summarising Alvarez Guerra's account of his voyage to the Marianas (A. Guerra, Un Viaje por Oriente, de Manila à Marianas. Madrid, Libreria Universal, 1883, 237 pp.). Description of the geography, vegetation, fauna, produce/commerce and the customs of the people of the Mariana Islands. The article provides a brief description of Guam, including the administrative centre, the vegetation and agriculture and the large numbers of deer. Guerra comments that deer as well as feral pigs have become common on the northern islands (Rota, Saipan, Tinian). While coconut abound on the northern islands, none are harvested and the nuts are allowed to germinate or rot. Saipan is renowned for its large deer population, while Tinian is renowned for its (uncultivated) citrus groves. According to Guiro there were only two horses on Guam (both imported from the Americas). While snakes are absent on Guam, rats abound. Older demographic statistics are given (1877 and 1864). Some comment is made on the presence of Carolinians on Guam. A discussion of the recent Chamorro history on Guam follows. The education system is commented on favourably, with reputedly 90% of all children of school age attending elementary school. Blumentritt comments that Guerra does not comment on the Llama which had been introduced by the Spanish on Asuncion.


Hartwig, Georg. 1861. Die Inseln des großen Oceans in Natur- und Völkerleben. [The islands of the Pacific Ocean in natural history and ethnography]. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel's Verlag.

The chapters (no. 31-33) on the Marianas discuss the European observations derived from Kotzebue, Chamisso, Anson and other sources. General account reflecting the state of knowledge in the 1860s.


Hartwig, Georg. 1871. Die Inseln des großen Oceans in Natur- und Völkerleben. [The islands of the Pacific Ocean in natural history and ethnography]. Wiesbaden: M. Bischkopf.

The chapters (no. 31-33) on the Marianas discuss the European observations derived from Kotzebue, Chamisso, Anson and other sources. General account reflecting the state of knowledge in the 1860s.


Jeschke, Carl. 1922. "Zur Geschichte der Karolinen- und Marshall-Inseln." [On the history of the Caroline and Marshall Islands]. Koloniale Rundschau pp. 263-265.

Two historical vignettes reported in the Koloniale Rundschau, based on Jeschkes information. One deals with the history and internecine warfare between Nama and Losap Atolls in the Central Carolines. A story about Kabua talks of a drift voyage of five canoes, which led one canoe (with the crew of a sunk second one) towards Pingelap, with 62 men making it to the atoll in the 1850s or 1860s. The Marshallese reputedly stayed for two years on Pingelap and overstayed their welcome. The Pingelapese therefore decided to kill them, which failed after the Marshallese killed one of theirs. Two other canoes made it to Mokil, where many intermarried and then returned with their wives, to the Marshalls.


Kittlitz, F. H. von. 1858. Denkwürdigkeiten einer Reise nach dem russischen Amerika, nach Mikronesien und durch Kamschatka. [Remarkable matters of a voyage to the Russian America, through Micronesia and the Kamchatka]. Gotha: Justus Perthes.

Describes the geography, zoology, botany and ethnography of Guam (v. 2, pp 124-147).


Knorr. 1876. "Aus den Reiseberichten S. M. S. Hertha, Capitain z. See Knorr." [From the voyage reports of SMS Hertha, Captain Knorr]. Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Metereologie 4, pp. 263-285.

Account of the voyage of the German warship Hertha from Yokohama to the Bonin, Mariana, Caroline and Palau Islands and back to Yokohama, conducted 18 December 1875 to 12 March 1876. The position of the islands was reassessed. The Hertha sent a landing party to Pagan. Later the vessel anchored off Tanapag, Saipan. The harbour was mapped and few soundings were taken (map included). A brief visit to Tinian was followed by a prolonged stay on Guam (Agaña, Apra, Umatac). The second part of the paper provides detailed descriptions of the islands visited. Farallon de Pajeros was found to be erupting at 10 minute intervals. Knorr comments on the abundance of nesting sea birds, among them tropic birds. Saipan is described as rich in coconuts, particularly in the north where the palms reach inland. Garapan is described as a poor village. The bulk of the population (about 700) is described as Carolinians, residing on Saipan since the 1840s, with a smattering of recently deported criminals and a Spanish garrison of 3 officers and 47 men. Tinian is described as populated by 200 Carolinians and a few Chamorro. Rota is reported as a prison island, with 70 prisoners (and no local population). It is reported that the population of Rota once counted 250 Chamorro. Aguigan and Alamagan are reported as uninhabited. Guam is described in more detail, with comments on vegetation, produce (oranges, coconut, breadfruit, bananas and sago [mistook nipa for sago?]). Agaña is described as a rundown village of 300 houses, with only a few stone houses still in existence. Knorr reproduces an account of an 1855 typhoon striking Guam (with climatological data). The paper is accompanied by a map of Tanapag harbour and a map of Pagan, as well as sketch views of several islands.
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Koelliker, Oscar. 1908. Die erste Umsegelung der Erde durch Fernando de Magallanes und Juan Sebastian del Cano 1519-1522. [The first circum-navigation of the earth by Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastian del Cano 1519-1522]. München//Leipzig: R. Pieper & Co.

The journals of Antonio Pigafetta, Magellan's ship historian, are reproduced. Contains sections on the discovery of the Marianas.


Koelliker, Oskar. 1912. "Kurs der Magellanischen Flotte durch die indische Inselwelt auf der ersten Erdumsegelung 1519-22." [The route of Magellan's fleet through Indonesia during the first circumnavigation of the globe 1519-22]. Dr. A Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt 58, p. 335.

The paper provides a map of Magellan's fleet after departure from Guam. Illustrated with historic maps and a modern map.


Kurze, G. 1888. "Spanisches von den Karolinen." [Spanish news from the Carolines]. Allgemeine Missionszeitschrift Gütersloh 15, pp. 12-14.

News item on the state of Spanish Catholic mission in the Carolines and Marianas.


Lesser, Richard. 1884. "Deutsche Siedlungen in der Südsee." [German settlements in the South Sea]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 1, p. 400.



La Barbinais (1754) La Barbinais Gentils Reise um die Welt. in: Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser oder zu Lande; oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, ... Zwöfter Band. Leipzing bey Arkstee und Merkus, 1754
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Oberhummer, Eugen. 1921. "Ferdinand Magellan und die Bedeutung der ersten Erdumsegelung." [Ferdinand Magellan and the significance of the first circumnavigation of the world]. Mitteilungen der geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien 64, pp. 18-48.

Critical essay discussing the history of Magellan's voyage around the world and the significance of his discoveries for world commerce and the sciences. Includes detailed maps of Magellan's route in the western Pacific.


Oberländer, Richard. 1885. "Deutsche Interessen in der Südsee." [German interests in the South Sea]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 2, pp. 90-97.

Overview article on the state of the German interests in the South Pacific, written on the event of the first formal declarations of German protectorates. Predicts good commercial prospects in the region, particularly in New Britain and New Ireland, as well as Samoa. Micronesia is not seen as a major prospect.


Sapper, Karl. 1920. "Marianen-Entdeckungsgeschichte." [Marianas-History of Discovery]. In: Schnee, Heinrich (ed.), Deutsches Koloniallexikon. Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer. Vol. II (H-O), pp. 503-507.

Encyclopedia entry on the early history of the Marianas.


Schultz, Dr. 1900. "Zur Geschichte der Marianen." [On the history of the Marianas]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 17, no. 5, pp. 52; no. 7, p. 68.

Overview of the Spanish history of the Marianas to provide background on the newly acquired colony.


Senfft, Arno. 1903. "Lord Anson über die Insel Tinian (Marianen)." [Lord Anson on the island of Tinian (Marianas)]. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 14, no. 7, pp. 153-154; no. 8, pp. 180-182.

Excerpts of Anson's book in translation, discussing their stay on Tinian. Senfft managed to buy a 1763 German translation of the work and republished pertinent excerpts to extend the historic record.


Spillmann, Joseph. 1902. Ein Buch über die Südsee (Australien und Ozeanien). [A book on the South Seas (Australia and Oceania)]. Freiburg: Herder.

The section on the eighteenth century history of the mission to the Marianas and Carolines, comments that the Chamorro were almost extinct. The chapter draws on an 1862 account of Pater J. Strobach on the situation on Rota, which is extensively quoted.


Suchan-Galow, Erika. 1940. "Die deutsche Wirtschaftstätigkeit in der Südsee vor der ersten Besitzergreifung 1884." [The German economic activities in the South Seas prior to the first annexation in 1884]. Veröffentlichungen des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte 14. Hamburg: Hans Christians.

Detailed discussion of the economic development of German trading interests in the Pacific prior to the formal declaration of protectorates. Deals mainly with Samoa, but dedicated a chapter to the development of Adolph Capelle, Godeffroy and especially Eduard Capelle in Micronesia. Reference is made to the Capelle trading presence in Guam, represented there by James Lyle Young.


[Zayas, Sanches y]. 1866. "Ein Besuch auf der Eilandgruppe der Marianen." [A visit to the island group of the Marianas]. Globus 10, pp. 247-248.

Reports on the visit of Captain Sanchez y Zayas to Guam in 1864. Describes the House of Taga on Tinian, as a repository of human remains and mentions latte sites on Saipan, Rota and Guam. Some general historical comment is added. The rule of the Spanish administrator is described as harsh and 'embarrassing'.


German Colonial Period (1886-1914)



Anon. 1899. Denkschrift betreffend die Inselgruppen der Karolinen, Palau und Marianen. [Report on the island groups of the Marianas, Palau and the Carolines]. [Berlin]: [S.Mittler?].

Government white paper discussing the merits of an acquisition of Spanish Micronesia with the exception of Guam. The paper gives a brief overview on the state of knowledge on all three island groups at that time. Intriguingly, the white paper comments that the Marianas were eminently suited for the cultivation of sugar cane.
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Anon. 1900. "Mitteilungen der Kolonial-abteilung über die Straf-expeditionen in Neu-Guinea und die übernahme der Karolinen, Palau und Marianen." [Communications by the colonial section regarding the punitive expeditions in New Guinea and the take-over of the Carolines, Palau and Marianas]. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 11, p. 868.

Brief item on the take over of Spanish Micronesia by the German administration.


Anon. 1900. "Ohne Titel." no title. [Editorial]. Globus 78, p. 67.

Comments on the annexation of both Saipan and Guam and compares the Chamorro attitude towards the Spanish, the American and the Germans.


Anon. 1902. "Rundschau: Marianen." [Review: Marianas]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 19, no. 34, p. 339.

Second hand item on a report by Fritz on a visit to the Northern islands.


Anon. 1905. "Aus der Südsee. Taifun." [From the South Seas. Typhoon]. Der Ostasiatische Lloyd 19, no. 35, p. 404.

Brief item on the typhoon that affected Pohnpei on 20 April 1905, reporting that Pingelap, Mokil, Kosrae and Pohnpei had been hard hit. Initial reporting of the investigation trip by SMS Seeadler.


Anon. 1905. "Reise S. M. S Möwe von Matupi nach Tsingtau." [Voyage by SMS Möwe from Matupi to Qingdao]. Der Ostasiatische Lloyd 19, no. 44, pp. 869-870.

Account of a trip of SMS Möwe from New Guinea to Qingdao, including a patrol visit to Yap and Ulithi, as well as through the Marianas touching on Saipan, Anatahan, Rota and Guam. Reports on the effect of the typhoon of 23-24 September 1905 northwest of Yap. No position is given, however.


Anon. 1905. "Reise S. M. S Seeadler in den Karolinen." [Voyage by SMS Seeadler through the Carolines]. Der Ostasiatische Lloyd 19, no. 40, p. 635-636.

Account of a trip of SMS Seeadler to inspect the typhoon damage on Pohnpei (of 20 April 1905) and the eastern Carolines. A brief summary of the devastation on Pohnpei is given, as well as an account of the support provided by the Seeadler. The damage on Ngatik, Kosrae, Mokil, Pingelap and the impact of the 30 June 1905 typhoon on Jaluit are also reported on. Seventy-six Pingelapese were evacuated to Pohnpei and from there taken onwards to Saipan (dropped off on 13 August).


Anon. 1908. "Eine Reise nach den Karolinen und Marshallinseln." [A voyage to the Carolines and Marshall Islands]. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 19, no. 6, pp. 292-294.

Report on an inspection trip of the typhoon-affected atolls of Lukunor and Satawal. Describes the losses in human life and the level of destruction, as well as extent of the relief measures taken in the immediate aftermath of the event. Mentions the partial evacuation of Satawal to Pohnpei and Chuuk, and of Lukunor to Saipan and Pohnpei. On the occasion of the visit to Pohnpei the author mentions that the island has in part recovered from the 1905 typhoon, most European buildings have been rebuilt, and part of the Spanish fortification has been dismantled. On Kosrae as well as Jaluit the impact of the typhoons was still very much visible, even though the public infrastructure had been rebuilt. A brief section on the state of development on Nauru concludes the report.


Anon. 1908. "Vor Saipan." [At Saipan]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 25, no. 44, pp. 775-777; no. 45, pp. 791-792.

Article describing the arrival of the NDL steamer München (en route to HongKong) off Saipan. A number of visitors, among them Robert Koch, were ferried to the island for an overnight stay. The body of a NDL seaman who had fallen to his death just off Saipan was brought ashore for burial. The article describes the small administration on Saipan and the busy times the arrival of a mail steamer represented. It also mentions the new administration building, then under construction. This was the maiden voyage on that route. The München had come out from Germany, bringing inter alia the wife of the German physician Max Girschner (they were married on Pohnpei by Albert Hahl, and then immediately set sail on the München for Saipan).
The second part of the paper described the return voyage from HongKong. The weather was bad. While the mail could be landed and Dr Girschner and wife could be brought to the 'München,' the Saipan mail boat was thrown against the hull of the München, sprung a leak and sank. Because of deteriorating weather conditions the Postal assistant von Zewelewski and his boat crew could not be returned to Saipan, but had to be taken to the next stop, Pohnpei, where they were dropped off to be returned on the return voyage.
On that return voyage the München went through the perimeter of a severe tropical storm or small typhoon. That typhoon had not affected Saipan, and von Zelewski and crew, all of whom had been feared dead after wreckage of the government mail boat had drifted ashore, were safely landed.



Anon. 1910. "Die Entwicklung der Schutzgebiete." [Development of the protectorates]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 27, no. 3, pp. 34-37.

Lengthy review of the annual report on the development of the protectorates for 1908/09. The author chose to highlight the achievements made in the African colonies. For the Pacific colonies the review emphasises the research on rubber carried out in New Guinea. The expatriate population of the Islands Territory is given, emphasising the growth in the western Carolines due to the establishment of the phosphate mines on Angaur. A detailed extract is provided on the early unrest in Pohnpei and the German administration's reaction to it.


Anon. 1910. "Gesamtüberblick über die Kolonien." [General overview over the colonies]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 27, no. 4, pp. 51-52.

Brief summary and review of the statistical part of the annual report on the colonies for 1908/09. The increased ability of the colonies to pay for their administration through tax revenue is noted.


Anon. 1910. "Der Kolonialetat im Reichstage." [The colonial budget in the Reichstag]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 27, no. 7, pp. 106-108.

Article on the parliamentary debate about the colonial budget for 1910. The item is heavily geared towards Africa and the attitudes prevalent there.


Anon. 1910. "Von den Marianen-Inseln (hierzu 6 Bilder)." [From the Marianas (with 6 pictures)]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 27, no. 10, p. 161.

Item providing background on the state of the German administration of Saipan, with emphasis on appearance, dress and material culture. The state of commerce is described, emphasising the Japanese dominance of the trade. The pictures show images of construction for a Carolinian community house (p. 157), a Carolinian woman (p. 161), a Chamorro family (p. 161), a Carolinian house (p. 162) and two Chamorro houses (p. 163).
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Anon. 1911. "Die Jahresberichte des Reichs-kolonialamts." [The annual reports of the imperial colonial office]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 28, no. 6, pp. 90-91.

Overview article on the annual reports of the imperial colonial office, with an emphasis on the developments in the African colonies.


Anon. 1912. "Die Jahresberichte des Reichskolonialamts." [The annual report of the imperial colonial office]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 29, no. 7, pp. 100-102.

Overview article on the annual reports of the imperial colonial office, as usual with an emphasis on the developments in the African colonies.


Anon. 1915. "Englische Vorstösse gegen die deutsche Kolonialpolitik." [English attacks on German colonial policy]. Koloniale Zeitschrift 32, no. 7, pp. 105-106.

Summary of British attitudes towards German colonial policy since 1904. Polemic attack on the British policy regarding the German colonies. The article foreshadows that Britain will not permit Germany its colonies should it lose the war.


Bennigsen, Rudolf von. 1900. Bericht des Kaiserlichen Gouverneurs v. Bennigsen über seine Reise zum Zwecke der übernahme des Inselgebietes der Karolinen, Palau und Marianen in deutschen Besitz. [Report by the Imperial Governor von Bennigsen on his trip to take over control of the Islands Territory of the Carolines, Palau and Marianas for Germany]. Berlin: E. S. Mittler. 12 pp.

Report on the occurrences during the trip by Governor von Bennigsen to formally accept the formerly Spanish islands of Micronesia for Germany.


Bennigsen, Rudolf von. 1900. "Bericht des Kaiserlichen Gouverneurs von Bennigsen über seine Reise zum Zwecke der übernahme des Inselgebietes der Karolinen, Palau und Marianen in deutschen Besitz." [Report by the Imperial Governor von Bennigsen on his trip to take over control of the Islands Territory of the Carolines, Palau and Marianas for Germany]. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 11, no. 3, pp. 100-112.

Report on the occurrences during the trip by Governor von Bennigsen to formally accept the formerly Spanish islands of Micronesia for Germany.


[Bennigsen, Rudolf von.] 1900. "Reise des Gouverneurs v. Bennigsen durch den Karolinen- und Marianen Archipel." [Voyage by Governor v. Bennigsen through the Caroline and Marianas Archipelago]. Globus 77, pp. 199-200.

Brief synopsis of von Bennigsen's account in the Deutsches Kolonialblatt.


Daiber, Albert. 1901. Eine Australien und Südseefahrt. [A Voyage to Australia and the South Seas]. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.

Narrative of travels to Australia, German New Guinea and Micronesia. The Micronesia segment of the voyage was brief, determined by the length of stay of the Norddeutscher Lloyd mail steamer München. The author provides a summary description of Pohnpei and details his impressions. The author's description of Saipan is limited to what could be discerned from the ship. A mail launch was despatched, which also carried for burial on land the corpse of a seaman who had fallen to his death hoisting the mail flag. The problems of getting mail and passengers to shore are described in vivid detail. The author complains that the München was not designed for the tropics and that the passengers suffered under the heat and humidity.
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[Dwucet, F. 1909. "Land und Leute auf den Marianeninseln." [Land and people of the Marianas]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 26, no. 7, pp. 118-119; no. 10, p. 165.

General article on the Marianas. Includes a series of photos by Dr Dwucet, showing Chamorro playing games, a picture of the school, of a boat and a picture of the Garapan church after reconstruction, plus photos of Chamorro and Carolinian policemen and the building of the Pagan Gesellschaft.
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Ebert, Paul. 1924. Südsee-Erinnerungen. [South Seas Reminiscences]. Leipzig: K. F. Koehler.

Reminiscences of the commander of SMS Cormoran, including a visit to Guam (in early February 1912?) and a stay on Saipan. A description of Guam and the events during the ship's presence there is given. The account of the brief stay at Saipan (24 hours) is limited.
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Fritz, Georg. 1943. "Die übernahme der Marianen unter deutsche Oberhoheit." [The transfer of the Marianas to German control 1899]. Mitteilungen des Vereins alter Giessener Teutonen June.

Narrative of the activities of the German take-over in 1899, as seen through the eyes of Georg Fritz. Fritz narrates his disquiet at having the former Spanish administrator Eugenio Blanco as 'guest' for ten days following the hand-over and comments on the reputed treatment of the Chamorro by the Macabebe.


Fritz, Georg. 2001. "Die übernahme der Marianen unter deutsche Oberhoheit (1899)." [The transfer of the Marianas to German control 1899]. Mitteilungsblatt. Traditionsverband ehemaliger Schutz- und überseetruppen-Freunde der früheren deutschen Schutzgebiete 45, no. 87, pp. 26-36.

Narrative of the activities of the German take-over in 1899, as seen through the eyes of Georg Fritz. Fritz narrates his disquiet at having the former Spanish administrator Eugenio Blanco as 'guest' for ten days following the hand-over and comments on the reputed treatment of the Chamorro by the Macabebe.


Kirchhoff, Alfred. 1902. Die Schutzgebiete des Deutschen Reiches zum Gebrauch beim Schulunterricht. [The protectorates of the German Empire for use in schools]. Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses.

Brief overview over the Marianas and Carolines, written for a German high school audience.


König, B. von. 1912. "Der Kolonialetat für 1912." [The colonial budget for 1912]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 29, no. 8, pp. 113-115; no. 9, pp. 129-131.

Review of the colonial budget for 1911, mainly focussing on the projected developments in the German African colonies. New Guinea and the Islands Territory are dealt with as one entity. Even though the New Guinea income increased by 9%, the Imperial subsidy increased by 25%, largely due to expenditure on expanded government presence (new stations) and the increase in the police troops following the experiences of the Sokehs rebellion.


1920. "Marianen-Europäische Unternehmungen und Verwaltung." [Marianas-European enterprise and Administration]. In: Schnee, Heinrich (ed.), Deutsches Koloniallexikon. Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer. Vol. II (H-O), pp. 503-507.

Encyclopedia entry on the economy and German administration of the Marianas.


Mayer, Anton. 1933. Das Buch der deutschen Kolonien. [The book of the German Colonies]. Potsdam & Berlin: Verlag Volk und Heimat.

Summary of the history of the German involvement in the German colonies. The section on Marianas is cursory with much detail spent on the Marshall Islands.


Peill, Leopold. 1914. "Die deutsche Südsee als Reiseziel (hierzu 4 Abbildungen)." [The German South Seas as a travel destination (with 4 illustrations)]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 31, no. 9, pp. 148-149.

Item describing a pleasure trip to the German South Seas.


Plate, A. G. 1902. "Von den Marianen." [From the Marianas]. Koloniale Zeitschrift 3, p. 13.

Brief account on the social and economic situation of Saipan. Stresses that the administration's aim to resettle Chamorro on Saipan makes good economic sense. The Administration building is described as being 'tasteful and imposing. ' The agricultural developments as well as Fritz' strategy of reafforestation of the island receive warm praise.


Rautenberg Garczynski, Paul von. 1912. Weltrundreise-erinnerungen. [Reminescences of a voyage around the world]. Hildburghausen: Thüringische Verlagsanstalt.

Brief comment on intermarriages between whites and Chamorro on Guam (p. 227).


Rohrbach, Paul. 1927. "Die Kolonialgebiete in der Südsee." [The colonial territories in the South Seas]. In: Rohrbach, Paul and Rudolph, Herbert (eds), Deutsche Kolonialsiedlungen. Das Auslandsdeutschtum im Unterricht 11. Berlin.

Brief overview of the German possessions in the South Seas, written as a resource for teachers.


Rummel, Walter Freiherr von. 1910. Erster Klasse und Zwischendeck. Eine Weltumsegelung durch Zufall. [First class and steerage. A circumnavigation of the world by happenstance]. Berlin: Heimat und Welt Verlag.

A narrative of a voyage to Japan and Micronesia in 1909. The author departed Yokohama aboard a Japanese sailing vessel for Saipan. The typhoon impact on Agrigan is described with all palms stripped of nuts and most palms stripped of their foliage. The impact on Pagan was less severe. Given the absence of a hotel, the author had to rent a room which turned out to be more complicated than anticipated. A narrative of his dealings with a Chamorro 'servant' illustrate well the author's level of arrogance towards the Chamorro. Accepts the hospitality of the Japanese trader Isoda and hires a Carolinian to be his manservant. Much of the narrative is a romanticised perception of the South Seas. Describes the events surrounding a dolphin hunt and partakes in cattle and pig hunts on Tinian. Von Rummel departed aboard SMS Condor for Yap via Rota.
Includes a detailed description of Saipan.
Photographic illustrations of Pagan, a Carolinian woman, the deck of the Tora Maru, the pier and boat harbour of Garapan, Carolinians with captured dolphins, feral pigs on Tinian, the administration/school building on Saipan, an ox cart, the House of Taga.

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Rummel, Walter Freiherr von. 1925. Sonnenländer. [Sunny countries]. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus.

Extract's of the author's 1910 work 'Erster Klasse und Zwischendeck. Eine Weltumsegelung durch Zufall'.


Schnee, Paul. 1912. "Bilder aus den Karolinen und Marianen." [Pictures from the Carolines and Marianas]. Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Wirtschaft 14, pp. 610-629.

Reminiscences of private life in Micronesia focussing on the voyage from Saipan to Sydney at the commencement of a furlough. The illustrations show Nan Madol, Fritz' House on Saipan, a Chamorro houses on Tinian, House of Taga, German administration building after the typhoon of 1905.
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Schroeder, Hans. 1902. "Auf der Reise nach Saypan (Mariannen). Tagebuchblätter." [The voyage to Saipan (Marianas). Leaves from a diary]. Beträge zur Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Kolonialwirtschaft 4, pp. 147-153; pp. 176-184; pp. 199-208.

Detailed account of a voyage from Genoa to Saipan in early 1902, including a description of the conditions aboard the German East Asia Line steamer Stuttgart. Brief stop-overs at Port Said, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, HongKong Nagasaki, Kobe and Yokohama are described.


Seidel, Heinrich. 1905. "Koloniale Rundschau." [Colonial Roundup]. Die deutschen Kolonien (Aus fernen Ländern) 4, no. 12, pp. 374-379.

Roundup of colonial news, commenting on the typhoon impact in the Marshalls, the Carolines and the Marianas.


Seidel, Heinrich. 1905. "Koloniale Rundschau." [Colonial Roundup]. Die deutschen Kolonien (Aus fernen Ländern) 4, no. 10, p. 313-317.

Roundup of colonial news, commenting on the British refusal for a Rabaul to Port Moresby cable, and the impact of the typhoon on Saipan.


Seidel, Heinrich. 1905. "Koloniale Rundschau." [Colonial Overview]. Die deutschen Kolonien (Aus fernen Ländern) 4, no. 9, p. 269-275.

Item on the state of trade in German Micronesia, commenting on the attempt by British traders to break the Jaluit Gesellschaft trading monopoly.


Seidel, Heinrich. 1906. "Die deutschen Marianen und der Ansiedler Costenoble." [The German Marianas and the settler Costenoble]. Die deutschen Kolonien (Aus fernen Ländern) 5, no. 3, p. 74-78.

Comments on Costenoble's attacks on Georg Fritz in particular and on the future of German settlement on Saipan in general (no. 799). Mentions that Chamorro owned land on Saipan and other northern island during Spanish times, and that Costenoble's claim to take away that ownership would be untenable. The population fluctuations observed can be explained, so Seidel says, by Chamorro moving to Yap and Palau. Fritz' education program is reported in a favourable light. Costenoble's personal attacks against Fritz are rejected, but in a guarded and ambivalent fashion.


Viereck, Louis. 1913. "Amerikanische Kolonialpolitik. Die Pazifischen Inseln." [American colonial politics. The Pacific Islands]. Koloniale Monatsblätter 15, pp. 559-560.

Overview of the American islands in the Pacific. Includes a survey of the state of Guam, describing its geography, colonial history, agriculture and inhabitants. The importance of Guam as a naval base and cable station is stressed.


Wünsche, Alwin. 1912. Die deutschen Kolonien. [The German colonies]. Leipzig: R. Voigtländer.

Very brief and summary treatise of the German colonies in Micronesia, with very little information on the Marianas.


Post-German Period (1914-)



Anon. 1915. "Die Japaner in der Südsee." [The Japanese in the South Seas]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 32, no. 10, pp. 175-176.

Item on the activities of the Japanese occupation at Angaur and other places in Micronesia abstracted from an item in the 'Ostasiatischer Lloyd'. On 28 July twenty-two chiefs from various Micronesian islands (among them three representatives from Saipan) were taken on a tour of Japan.


Anon. 1922. "Der militärische Wert der Insel Guam." [The military value of the island of Guam]. Schiffbau (Berlin) 23, pp. 796-796.

Brief item in Guam's value as a naval base in Micronesia after the Washington Treaty.


Anon. 1929. "Japan in der Südsee." [Japan in the South Seas]. übersee- und Kolonialzeitung 9, p. 35.

Brief notice stating that the Japanese immigration to Micronesia would be of a limited time only.


Anon. 1933. "Japans Politik in der Südsee." [Japanese politics in the South Seas]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 45, p. 74.

Item discussing Japan's decision to leave the League of Nations.


Anon. 1935. "Japan und die deutsche Südsee." [Japan and the German South Seas]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 47, p. 42.

Brief item on the Japanese position regarding the Mandate Territory of Micronesia.


Anon. 1936. "Australien." [Australia]. Deutscher Lebensraum 4, no. 1, p. 32.

Item on a Japanese mission to Australia, with the Japanese stressing that they were not fortifying the Mandated islands.


Anon. 1936. "Japan sagt die deutschen Südseeinseln seien nicht befestigt." [Japan states that the German South Sea Islands are not fortified]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung zugleich Brücke zur Heimat 48, p. 390.

Brief item denying US claims that the Japanese Mandate Islands in Micronesia are being fortified.


Anon. 1942. "Japanisch-Mikronesien." [Japanese Micronesia]. Ostasiatische Rundschau 23, no. 10, p. 197-200.

Overview on Micronesia written for German audience after Japan's entry into World War II. Historical sketches for each of the island groups are given. Provides very little detail on the Japanese Mandate period.


Dietzel, Karl H. 1935. "Das japanische Südseemandat." [The Japanese South Seas Mandate]. Koloniale Rundschau 26, pp. 228-237.

Review of the legal status and economic conditions of the Japanese Mandate, written at a time when Japan was leaving the League of Nations and the future of the Mandate was deemed in the balance. Describes the history of Japanese occupation of the region, first through trade then through occupation. Mentions that the harbour and pier developments far exceed the economic needs. The author concludes that there is little chance of regaining Micronesia for Germany because Japan is too firmly entrenched through its massive settlement scheme.


DS. 1933. "Neuverteilung der Mandate?" [New distribution of the Mandates]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 45, p. 74.

Brief discussion of the opportunities for Germany were the Mandate system to be revised.


Eckert, Georg. 1938. "Die Eingeborenenerziehung im Japanischen Mandatsgebiet." [The education of the indigenous population in the Japanese Mandate territory]. Koloniale Rundschau 29, pp. 247-253.

Overview of the Japanese education system, including curricula for primary and secondary schools. Statistical tables provide information on the total number of pupils at government and missions schools in Saipan, Palau, Yap. Chuuk, Pohnpei and the Marshalls and the number of teachers employed between 1920 and 1936. The number of letters sent by the indigenous population is taken as a measure of literacy.


Eckert, Georg. 1939. "Deutsch-Mikronesien unter der japanischen Mandatsverwaltung." [German Micronesia under Japanese Mandate administration]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 51, no. 3, pp. 77-78.

Brief summary item outlining the economic state of the Japanese mandate in Micronesia, giving figures for sugar cane and alcohol production, phosphate exports as well as population.


Eckert, Georg. 1940. "Die Fischerei im japanischen Mandatsgebiet." [The fishing industry in the Japanese Mandated Territory]. Koloniale Rundschau 31, pp. 231-234.

Economic discussion of the nature and extent of the Japanese fishing industry in the Mandated Territory in Micronesia. The industry focuses on bonito tuna and mackerels, but also exploited an attempt at cultivating pearls, collecting trochus, trepang and mother of pearl.


Eckert, Georg. 1940. "Die Japanische Siedlung in Mikronesien." [The Japanese settlement in Micronesia]. Koloniale Rundschau 31, pp. 50-55.

Reviews the Japanese settlement and economic development of Micronesia from 1920. Stresses the development of lease farming by Okinawa and mainland Japanese. Shows the dramatic development of Japanese settlement on Saipan from 1925. Demographic data on the Japanese settler community are provided.


H., P. 1922. "Nachrichten über unsere Südseekolonien. Das deutsche Eigentum auf den Karolinen und Marshall-Inseln. Das deutsche Eigentum in Neu-Guinea." [News about our South Seas colonies. The German property in the Carolines and the Marshall-Islands. The German property in New Guinea]. Koloniale Rundschau pp. 203-204.

Brief news item on the fate of German holdings in Micronesia and New Guinea. Mentions that the Japanese government will buy out all German and Austro-Hungarian interests. The Australian government is reported as restricting the sale of German holdings in New Guinea to British citizens.


Hahl, Albert. 1921. "Nachrichten aus den deutschen Südsee-Kolonien." [Reports from the German South Sea colonies]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 38, no. 2, pp. 19-20.

Report on the state of the former German colonies in the Pacific. Criticises the reputedly harsh treatment of the Micronesians by the Japanese. Hahl reports that two colonists tried to return to Saipan and Yap as they were married to local women, but that the Japanese administration refused embarkation in Yokohama after first having given approval. The increased acculturation of Micronesia with Japanese ideals of dress ('Micronesians dressed in Kimonos') and custom is criticised.


Hahl, Albert. 1940. "Die Eingeborenen Deutsch-Neuguineas unter den Mandatsverwaltungen." [The indigenous peoples of German New Guinea under the Mandate administrations]. Koloniale Rundschau 31, pp. 45-50.

Reviews the effects of the Japanese colonisation of Micronesia, mainly drawing on the official Mandate report provided by the Japanese government for 1937. Comments on the policy of assimilation. In view of the political axis, Berlin-Japan, the Micronesian section contains no criticism, unlike the discussion of the Australian management of the mandate for New Guinea.


Hänel, Karl. 1937. "Das deutsche Kolonialreich unter Mandatsherrschaft." [The German colonial empire under the rule of the mandates]. Archiv für Wanderungswesen und Auslandskunde 9, no. 1/2, pp. 27-33.

Treatise on the fate of the German colonies after World War I. The author dwells mainly on the African situation. The former German colonies in the Pacific are treated cursorily. In Micronesia the Japanese and Anglo-Australian exploitation of the phosphate mines is stressed, drawing on published government statistics.


Holtsch, Maria. 1934. Die ehemaligen deutschen Südseekolonien im Wandel seit dem Weltkrieg. [The change in the former German South Seas colonies since the World War]. Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der Philipps-Universität zu Marburg. Berlin-Wilmersdorf: Richard Fleischmann.

PhD thesis discussing the changed nature of development on the former German South Sea colonies discussing history, government administration, economic development, education, legal status, health conditions and demography. Covered are Samoa, New Guinea and Nauru, and the Japanese Mandated islands. The thesis includes statistical data compiled from annual reports by the Mandate powers.
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Jordan, Ilse. 1936. "Verlorene Inseln." [Lost islands]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung zugleich Brücke zur Heimat 48, pp. 170-171.

Brief, non-confrontational narrative of a German woman who travelled to the Marianas, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae and Jaluit in the mid 1930s. Gives general impressions, such as commenting on the prevalence of German given names and the fact that many still speak some German.


Lange, Fritz. 1934. "Japans Südseemandat." [Japan's South Seas Mandate]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 46, pp. 124-125.

Article discussing the economic development of the Japanese mandated territory of Micronesia, providing export statistics for 1928 to 1932.


Laslo, Paul. 1932. "Die glücklichen Inseln der Südsee." [The happy isles of the South Seas]. übersee- und Kolonialzeitung 44, pp. 160-161.

Narrative of a German in Japanese controlled Saipan, commenting on the sugar production on Saipan and Tinian. His views of the islands were that the people were happy. Reports on perceptions by the Chamorro that money had been readily available during German times, but was now very scarce. Comments on the taxation levels (Yen 10 per head maximum, exempt if over five children). Mentions Gregorio Sablan who owned a large German library and Jesus Guerrero who had worked in the naval shops in Qingdao. The two illustrations date to the period of the German colony.
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Mackay, Freiherr von. 1917. "Nanjo." [Japanese South Seas]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 34, no. 2, pp. 21-22.

Paper discussing the expansionist tendencies of Japan arguing that the term 'Nan'yo' not only covered Micronesia, but especially South-east Asia including Burma.


Meissner, Hans Otto. 1938. "Die Marianen und West-Karolinen under japanischem Mandat." [The Marianas and the western Carolines under Japanese Mandate]. Koloniale Rundschau 29, pp. 342-351.

Review of the state of German Micronesia under the Japanese Mandate. The article includes a summary of the Spanish period and the missions, as well as information on the demography and living conditions during the Japanese Mandate period. The tone of the paper is pro-Japan. Short biographies of two 'typical' colonial Japanese are given, both of whom desired to return to Japan.


Müller-Ross, Dr. 1933. "Die Zukunft des japanischen Südseemandates." [The future of the Japanese South Seas Mandate]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 45, p. 30.

Item discussing the nature of the Japanese South Seas mandate and its value to Japan as well as Germany in the light of Japan's threat to leave the League of Nations.


Pöschel, H. 1921. "Die Befreiung Naurus vom deutschen Joche." [Nauru's liberation from the German yoke]. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 38, p. 30.

Brief item on the status of Nauru after the end of World War I.


[Price, Willard]. 1935. "Die deutschen Südsee-Inseln unter japanischer Mandatsverwaltung." [The German South Sea Islands under Japanese Mandate administration]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 47, p. 171.

Summary of the observations by Willard Price, extracted from Price's article in the Daily Mail.


Price, Willard. 1936. "Fahrt ins japanische Mikronesien." [Voyage into Japanese Micronesia]. Atlantis. 9, pp. 577-578.

Well illustrated account of Price's sojourn through the Japanese Mandated Territory, focussing on Yap. Includes photographs of Uracas as well as a Chamorro residence on Yap. A description of the Japanese agricultural experiment station is included.
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Ry, von. 1930. "Deutschlands Mandatsansprüche." [German demand for mandates]. übersee- und Kolonialzeitung 42, p. 64.

Article arguing for a change in the mandate system, so that Germany could again claim some colonies.


Schlesing, Heiner. 1934. "Japanische Politik in der Südsee." [Japanese politics in the South Seas]. Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung 46, pp. 8-9.

Review of the geopolitical position of Micronesia on the occasion of Japan's departure from the League of Nations.


Schnee, Heinrich. 1922. Die deutschen Kolonien unter fremder Mandatsherrschaft. [The German colonies under foreign mandate government]. Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer.

The monograph, written by the former Governor of German East Africa, deals with the status of the former German colonies in 1921, after the Mandates of the League of Nations had taken effect. Only a brief short section deals with the Islands Territory of the Carolines, Palau, Marianas and Marshall Islands, indicating the low strategic and economic importance these areas had once possessed. General comments on the Japanese administration are made at a very superficial level, reflecting the lack of information accessible to the author.


Schoen, Ludwig 1933. Deutsche Schutzgebiete unter Mandatsherrschaft. [German protectorates under Mandate administration]. Berlin: Berliner Börsenzeitung.

Brief summary of the current economic situation in the former German colonies.


Schoen, Ludwig 1934. Deutsche Schutzgebiete unter Mandatsherrschaft. [German protectorates under Mandate administration]. Das koloniale Deutschland vol. 2. Berlin: Berliner Börsenzeitung.

Brief summary of the current economic situation in the former German colonies.


Schoen, Ludwig 1935. Deutsche Schutzgebiete unter Mandatsherrschaft im Jahre 1934. [German protectorates under Mandate administration]. Das koloniale Deutschland vol. 4. Berlin: Berliner Börsenzeitung.

Brief summary of the current economic situation in the former German colonies.


Sell, Manfred. 1929. "Japan als Kolonialmacht." [Japan as a colonial power]. Koloniale Rundschau 18, no. 2, pp. 42-48.

Reviews the development of Japan's colonial ambitions on the Korean peninsula and elsewhere on the Chinese mainland as well as in Micronesia.