The Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social
Sciences is a semiannual peer reviewed academic electronic journal dedicated
to the study of human thought, behavior, and culture in Micronesia. Research
notes, book reviews, annotated bibliographies, translations of key documents,
and thesis summaries are not refereed.
The editors welcome submissions of original non-published articles in
the fields of archeology, communications, cultural education, cultural
anthropology, ethnobiology, ethnography historic preservation, history,
library studies, linguistics, literature, politics, social anthropology,
tourism, and allied humanities subjects. Papers are accepted on the basis
of their originality and their relevance to Micronesia and the adjacent
Pacific region.
Simultaneous submission to other publications is not permissible. Submitted
manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that
neither the article nor its essential substance has been published elsewhere
in the Pacific region or in a Humanities publication outside the region
with a significant Pacific readership. Exceptions are possible for those
articles presented only at symposia with limited circulation, or published
in journals outside the Pacific region and for which the author has the
rights to republish. All articles will be judged for their contribution
to the field.
Submissions are welcomed any time during the year. In the first instance
the editors will make a determination whether the paper is suitable for
possible publication in the Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and
Social Sciences. Manuscripts that do not fall within the remit of the
journal will be rejected. Suitable manuscripts will be sent to one member
of the editorial board and to at least one outside referee for peer review.
Final editorial decisions regarding suitability for publication reside
with the Editors.
Where one of the editors is the (co-)author of a paper, the other editor
will handle the refereeing process without fear or favor. In such cases
final decisions will rest with the editorial board, with the author absenting
from the deliberations. Decisions by the editors (editorial board) are
Articles submitted for publication must be written in English and are
subject to minor revisions for style, space considerations, and for the
ad-dition of hyperlinks, media and graphic images.
Articles submitted for reviewed publication should be
between 2,000-8,000 words. Book reviews and notes are normally between
500 and 2,000 words. Longer works may be considered, but prospective authors
are requested to discuss this with the editors prior to submis-sion.
The Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and So-cial Sciences is a multidisciplinary
journal with a broad readership. Contributors should write the Abstract
and the introductory section of their articles in fashion that they can
be understood by the non specialist audience, while the main body of the
article may be highly specialized.
The preferred style for articles submitted to the Micronesian Journal
of the Humanities and Social Sciences is that published by the MLA: Modern
Lan-guage Association of America. Spelling in the Micronesian Journal
of the Humanities and Social Sciences material is consistent within each
article whether American (e.g., "center" or "neighbor")
or British, Canadian, Australian, etc. (e.g., "centre" or "neighbour
Although MJHSS will reformat all submissions for publication, articles submitted
should adhere to the following format conventions:
- Each article should be accompanied by
a cover page that includes: all authors' names, institutional affiliations,
addresses, telephone numbers and (if applicable) e-mail addresses, a
short (one or two para-graphs) biographical profile of each author (not
to exceed 100 words), an abstract of the article (not to exceed 150
words), and five key words. For co-authored works, all authors must
indicate their degree of in-volvement in the research, writing and/or
production of the submission.
- Each submission for the section Micronesian
Round-up must be accompanied by a cover page that includes: all
authors' names, institutional affiliations, addresses, telephone numbers
and (if applicable) e-mail addresses, and a short (one or two paragraphs)
biographical profile of each author (not to exceed 100 words). For co-authored
works, all authors must indicate their degree of involvement in the
research, writing and/or production of the submission.
- If your title is longer than eight words, please specify a short
version of long titles that will fit in the running header.
- Use of a 12 point font throughout--in-cluding quotations, references
and notes.
- For the submission a block paragraph style, is preferred with
each paragraph separated by a blank line. Do not justify or hyphenate
the text.
- Use a clear system of headings with no more than three levels.
- Use bold or italics for the headline style, do NOT user all upper
case characters
- Quotes given in other languages than Eng--lish must be accompanied
by an English translation, either parenthetically (if short) or in an
- In both text and sources commas and full stops are inside the
quotation mark.
- Emphasis in the running text should re-stricted to one level only.
This will appear in the final copy as italic type. Bold italics or similar
double emphasis types will be changed to simple italics.
- Notes must appear at the end of the paper as endnotes. Use superscripts
to identify the notes in the text and in the endnotes section. Please
use the special facilities pro-vided by your word processor to create
endnotes. This will facilitate document conversion.
- All articles should include a bibliography.
All illustrations should be numbered with con-secutive
Arabic numerals (‘figure 1’, ‘figure 2’ etc),
have descriptive captions and be men-tioned in the text. When submitting
articles with a visual component, please include all graphics as ex-ternal
files. Name your graphics in an intuitive and easy to distinguish manner
(e.g. thomas_graphic1.jpg). Please consider using the author’s last
name in the graphic images since there is no guarantee that someone else
will not also choose "graphic1.jpg" as the name of their graphic
If a submission includes artwork, figures, or associated
audio or video, authors must submit ready optimized electronic media (.gif,
.png, or .jpeg for images and audio files in RealAudio {.ram}, MP3, or
wavefile {.wav} format). One may also send a URL for hypermedia submis-sions.
For large graphic files or audio files, query first.
Number tables consecutively with Arabic nu--merals (‘table 1’,
‘table 2’ etc), and give a clear descriptive caption at the
top. Avoid the exces-sive use of vertical or horizontal rules in the tables.
Place the acknowledgments at the end of the text, before the References.
Endnotes should be used sparingly. Annotative that interferes with the flow
of the argument may be placed in endnotes. Normal referencing should occur
in the text. Any end notes should be be marked clearly in the text with
the text of the endnote pro-vided on a separate page before the references.
References should be cited in the text by giving the
last name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication in parentheses,
e.g. Smith & Jones (1990, p. 12); (Smith, 1992a, 1992b). For three
or more authors, use the first author followed by ‘et al.’
The full references must be set out at the end of the manuscript. They
should include all authors' names and given name, year of publi-cation,
title of article or book, the full title of the journal, volume and page
numbers and, for books and other documents, the publisher's name and place
of publication, e.g.
Hezel, F. X. (1983) The First Taint of Civilisation: A History of
the Caroline and Marshall Islands in Precolonial Days, 1521-1885.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Chapter in a book
Rehuher, Faustina K. (2001). The Museum as a Window of Cultural Education.
in Dirk H.R. Spennemann and Neal Putt (eds), Cultural Inter-pretation
of Heritage Sites in the Pacific. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Islands Museum
Associa-tion/Association des Musées des Îles du Paci-fique.
Pp. 121–130.
Conference Proceedings
Loeak, Christopher J. (1997). Library Development in the Marshall Islands.
in Arlene Cohen (ed.), PIALA '94: Pacific Information Liberation:
The Wave of the Future (Guam, 4-9 November 1994) Proceedings of the 6th
Pacific Islands As-socation of Libraries and Archives Conference.
Guam: PIALA. Pp. 9-12
Journal Articles
Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (1996) Dreading the next wave: non-traditional settlement
patterns and typhoon threats on contemporary Majuro, Marshall Islands.
Environmental Management 20(3), pp. 337-348.
Unpublished reports
Pangelinan, J. B. (1978) Participation of Jesus Pangelinan to the Stabilization
Project of Joachim de Brum House of Likiep Atoll, Marshalls District,
First Acquisition and Development Project in the Trust Territory. Report
to Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,
Saipan (Serial:HP-952; File:178.67.36). MS on File National Archives of
the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Articles should be sent directly as attachments to email messages (preferably
as MSWord documents), or in rich text format (RTF) to the editorial e-mail
A/Prof. Dirk HR Spennemann
Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Johnstone Centre
Charles Sturt University
PO Box 789
Albury NSW 2640
Sam McPhetres
Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Northern Marianas College
P.O. Box 501250
Saipan, MP 96950
United States of America
Always keep a backup copy of the elec-tronic file for reference and safety.
Please note diskette and CD submissions will not be re-turned
Book for review should be sent to the book review editor.
Proofs will be sent to the author (the first named
author unless a corresponding author is specified for multiauthored papers)
and should be returned within one week of receipt. Corrections should
be restricted to typesetting errors; any others may be charged to the
author. Any queries should be answered in full.
Please note that authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before
return, since further corrections cannot be guaranteed.
Publication of accepted material occurs nor-mally in
the next available issue of the journal (usually within 6 months of accep-tance).
Authors warrant that they possess copyright to the material they are presenting.
Where appropriate, photographs must be submitted with written permission
from all photo subjects and the name of the photographer. If the subjects
are children a signed release from a parent or guardian must be included
for each child visible in the photo-graph. Upon acceptance of an article,
authors will be asked fill out a Copyright Agreement
Form to transfer first time publication rights to all
original articles to the Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social
Sciences for publication on the World Wide Web and for inclusion of the
paper as published in any data archives the Micronesian Journal of the
Humanities and Social Sciences wishes to take part. All other rights are
retained by the author(s).
Copyright Agreement
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