Marshall Islands Combined Bibliography
Eclectic Bibliography

compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann




Adams, W.H. & R.E.Ross
1989Progress Report of Intensive Archaeological Survey of Taroa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Report to the Micronesian Endowment for Historical Preservation. Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Adams, W.M., R.E.Ross & B.L.Krause
1990Archaeological Survey of Taroa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Report prepared for the Micronesian Endowment for Historic Preservation. March 10, 1990.

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
1984National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. 2nd edition. Washington: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

Aea, H.
1948 The History of Ebon (1862), Hawaiian Historic Society 56th Annual Report 1947.

Agassiz, A.
1903Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross", from August, 1899, to March
1900Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U.S.N., commanding IV: The coral reefs of the tropical Pacific. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Vol. 26-34

Aiman, E.
1944 American acquisition and development of minor Pacific Islands. M.A.Thesis, University of Chicago. Chicago.
Thesis discussing the history and politics of the U.S. excpansion in the Pacific. Focusses on the acquistion of Pacific Islands in the 19th century. Includes discussion on Wake.

Air Weather Service
1950Weather conditions on a northern and a central Pacific Air route. Air Weather Service Special Study 105-143, 1-9.
General study presenting the climatic data for Central Pacific aviation.

Alden, J.
1842 Journal kept on board in the sloop-of-war U.S.S. Vincennes, U.S. Exploring Expedition to the Pacific. August 7, 1838-June 22, 1842. original manuscript owned by Mariners Museum, Newport News, Virginia. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 89.

Aldrich, J.M.
1931New acalyptrate Diptera from the Pacific and Oriental Regions. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 7(3), 395-399.
Scientific paper on insects (Diptera) from the Pacific area, including references from Wake Atoll.

Alessio, D.F.
1991dEconomic survey of boat use and constructions costs of traditional Marshallese sailing outrigger canoes on Ailuk Atoll. Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 6. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.

Alessio, Dennis F.
1989Report on a tipnol canoe hull made of sheets of C-Flex . Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960.

Alessio, Dennis F.
1989The Jalwoj (Jaluit) Malmel. Construction and details of a traditional Marshallese sailing outrigger canoe (tipnol). Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 1. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.

Alessio, Dennis F.
1990 The Likiep taburbur. Construction and details of a traditional Marshallese sailing outrigger canoe (tipnol). Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 3. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.
Report on the constrcution of a traditional Marshallese outrigger canoe. Contains information on tradtional voyaging and related data.

Alessio, Dennis F.
1991 The Construction of a Traditional Outrigger Canoe using a Combination of Traditional and Contemporary Materials on Namdik (Namorik) Atoll. Waan Aelon Kein Report No. 4, Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majro (Majuro), Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960.

Alessio, Dennis F.
1991Traditional and contemporary measuring, lashing and construction techniques of the outrigger canoes of Ailuk Atoll. Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 5. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.

Alessio, Dennis F.
1991Traditional measuring, lashing and construction techniques of the outrigger canoes of Namdik (Namorik) Atoll. Waan Aelon Kein Project Report No. 3. Majuro, Marshall Islands: Alele Museum.

Alexander, Andre B.
1902 Notes on the boats, apparatus and fishing methods employed by the natives of the South Sea Islands. U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries Report for 1901. pp. 741-829.

Alexander, William John.
1978Wage Labor, Urbanization and Culture Change in the Marshall Islands. Ph.D.dissertation, New School for Social Research, 1978.

Alkire, W.H.
1978Coral Islanders. Arlington Heights, Ill.: Ahm Publishing Co.

Alkire, William H.
1977An Introduction to the Peoples and Cultures of Micronesia. Menlo Park, CA: Cummings Publishing Co., 1977.

Allen, P.S.
1920Stewart's Handbook of the Pacific Islands. Sydney: ____

Amerson, A.B. & P.J.Skelton
1976 The Natural History of Johnston Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean. Atoll Research Bulletin 192. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Amerson, A.B.
1969Ornithology of the Marshall and Gilbert Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 127. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Amerson, A.B., R.B.Clapp & W.O.Wirtz II
1974The natural history of Pearl and Hermes Reef, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 174. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.

Amerson, B.J.
1971 The Natural History of French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 150. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.
General account of the natural history of the French Frigate Shoals. The account contains a section on the history of the shoals.

1946U.S. Army Map Service Topographic Map of Knox Atoll, Northern Part. Based on U.S. Navy airphotography flown in 1944. Sheet 8639 IV NE Chirubon NE. Map AMS Series W861 Scale 1:25,000. Washington, DC.: U.S. Department of the Army.

1946U.S. Army Map Service Topographic Map of Knox Atoll, Northern Part. Based on U.S. Navy airphotography flown in 1944. Sheet 8639 IV SE Chirubon SE. Map AMS Series W861 Scale 1:25,000. Washington, DC.: U.S. Department of the Army.

1947U.S. Army Map Service Topographic Map of Knox Atoll, Northern Part. Based on U.S. Navy airphotography flown in 1944. Sheet 8639 IV NE Chirubon NE. Map AMS Series W861 Scale 1:25,000. Washington, DC.: U.S. Department of the Army.

1947U.S. Army Map Service Topographic Map of Knox Atoll, Northern Part. Based on U.S. Navy airphotography flown in 1944. Sheet 8639 IV SE Chirubon SE. Map AMS Series W861 Scale 1:25,000. Washington, DC.: U.S. Department of the Army.

198Airphoto coverage of the Marshall Islands, shot in April 1983 at a scale of 1:4,000. , Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Public Lands Survey Project, Contract @@@@. Saipan: Asia Mapping Ltd.

1979Airphoto coverage of the Marshall Islands, shot in January 1976 at a scale of 1:8,000. , Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Public Lands Survey Project, Contract 174-79. Saipan: Asia Mapping Ltd.

Anderson, D.
1951 The plants of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 7. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Anderson, D.A
1981Observations of birds at Ujelang and other northern Marshall Islands atolls. Micronesica 17:198-212.

1827Logbook of the whaler Lima of Nantucket , Captain Andrews, for the years 1827-1830. Original logbook owned by Whaling Museum Nantucket, Mass. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 1829.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 30 April -2 May 1829).

1990Small States Conference on Sea Level Rise. Male Declaration on Global Warming and Sea Level Rise. American University Journal of International Law and Policy 5, (Winter 1990): 602-605.

1901/02 Anlagen zum Jahresbericht über die Entwicklung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Suedsee (Beilagen zum Deutschen Kolonialblatt) 1901/1902, 122.

1903/04 Anlagen zum Jahresbericht über die Entwicklung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Suedsee (Beilagen zum Deutschen Kolonialblatt) 1903/04, 107.

1904 Anlagen zum Jahresbericht über die Entwicklung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Suedsee (Beilagen zum Deutschen Kolonialblatt) 1904, 85.

1907/08Anlagen zum Jahresbericht über die Entwicklung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Suedsee (Beilagen zum Deutschen Kolonialblatt) 1907/08, 15

1885Kolonialpolitische Vorgänge: Deutsche Besitzergreifung der Marshall-Inseln.Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 2, 759-760.
The report gives a general overview of the state of the Marshall Islands after the German Gorvernment bought the islands from Spain. The report discusses a wide range of aspects, but mainly concentrates on trade.

1886Die Verhältnisse auf den Marshallinseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 3, 789-794.
The report gives a general overview of the state of the Marshall islands one year after the German Gorvernment bought the islands from Spain. The report discusses a wide range of aspects, but mainly concentrates on trade.

1890 Katalog der ehemaligen Dr.Knappe'schen Sammlung und der vereinigten privaten ethnographischen Sammlung im Herrenhause des großen Hospitals zu Erfurt. Erfurt.
Catalogue of an ethnological colletion compiled by Wilhelm Knappe, admnsitator of the German Protectorate of the Marshall Islands from 1886-1888.

1892 Jahresbericht betreffend das Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 3, 332-226.
Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data on the Marshall Islands district for the report period 1-4-1891 to 31-3-1892.

1893 Jahresbericht betreffend das Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln (1892-1893). Deutsches Kolonialblatt 4, 383-386.
Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data on the Marshall Islands district for the report period 1-4-1892 to 31-3-1893.<p>

1895Einiges über die klimatischen Verhältnisse von den Marschallinseln. Kölnische Volkszeitung 23 June 1895.
The article covers reports on the climate of the Marshall Islands and compares it with that of Kiribati.

1895aDenkschriften betreffend (Jahresberichte über) das Schutzgebiet der Marschall-Inseln (1893-1894). Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages, 1895.
Official parliamentary records on the situation in the Marshall Islands for the period 1893-1894.The report gives an overview on the economy, health and law and order of the Marshall Islands.

1896Denkschriften betreffend (Jahresberichte über) das Schutzgebiet der Marschall-Inseln (1894-1895). Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages, 1896.
Official parliamentary records on the situation in the Marshall Islands for the period 1894-1895.The report gives an overview on the economy, health and law and order of the Marshall Islands. A section discusses in deatil which European plants do well on Jaluit, and which don't.

1897 Denkschriften betreffend (Jahresberichte über) das Schutzgebiet der Marschall-Inseln (1895-1896). Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages, 1897.
Official parliamentary records on the situation in the Marshall Islands for the period 1895-1896.The report gives an overview on the economy, health and law and order of the Marshall Islands

1898 Denkschriften betreffend (Jahresberichte über) das Schutzgebiet der Marschall-Inseln (1896-1897). Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages, 1898.
Official parliamentary records on the situation in the Marshall Islands for the period 1896-1897.The report gives an overview on the economy, health, education and law and order of the Marshall Islands. The report mentions that the irooj laplap have been conscripted to build hospitals. The reprot mentiosn that the first missionary of the Sacred Heart Mission came from the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) and established a small lay mission on Jaluit.

1898 To occupy Wake Island. Warship Bennington ordered to hoist our flag upon it. Is between Hawaii and Guam. Admirably adapted for use as a station for the proposed cable to the Phillipines. New York Times December 24, 1898. Page 1.

1898 To take Wake Island This government needs it for a cable station. Washington Post 24 December 1898.
Newspaper article on the intended annexation of Wake Atoll by Index by a U.S. Navy vessel.

1898Attractive Wake Island. The notable possession in the Pacific over which Gen. Greene raised the Stars and Stripes. New York Times 31 July 1898 Page 19.
General account of the annexation Wake Atoll by. Brig.Gen.Francis Greene of the 2nd Detachment of the Philippine Expeditionary Force. Contains general account of the geogrpahy if history of the atoll.

1898Troops on Wake Island. Stirring celebration of the Fourth of July on this lonely atoll of the Pacific. Our soldiers went ashore. Gen. Greene made an eloquent address to his comrades. Description of the island. A day well remembered. New York Times 29 August 1898. Page 4.
General account of the annexation Wake Atoll by. Brig.Gen.Francis Greene of the 2nd Detachment of the Philippine Expeditionary Force. Contains general account of the geogrpahy if history of the atoll.

1898Wake Island seized. New York Herald 22 July 1898.
Newspaper article on the annexation of Wake Atoll by U.S. Army transports returning from the Philippines.

1899Denkschriften betreffend (Jahresberichte über) das Schutzgebiet der Marschall-Inseln (1897-1898). Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages, 1899.
Official parliamentary records on the situation in the Marshall Islands for the period 1897-1898.The report gives an overview on the economy, health, education and law and order of the Marshall Islands. A census undertaken showed the population to be 11,081 persons.

1900Denkschriften betreffend (Jahresberichte über) das Schutzgebiet der Marschall-Inseln (1898-1899). Stenographische Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Reichstages, 1900.
Official parliamentary records on the situation in the Marshall Islands for the period 1898-1899. The reports includes a description of the effects of a tsunami.

1905 Bericht des geschäftsführenden Vizegouverneurs in Ponape über den Orkan vom 20. April 1905 . Deutsches Kolonialblatt 16,407-409; 459.

1935 Navy to rule Pacific Islands. New York Times 20 January 1935, Page 2.

1935Aviation may bring island popularity. Wake chosen as station for proposed trans-Pacific airroute. now a "speck". New York Times 10 February 1935. Section IX & X, Page 7.

1935Wake Island to be made base for planes for proposed service across the Pacific. New York Times 24 January 1935.

1936America emulates a Japanese example. China Weekly Review 78(12), 404-405.

1937Wake's anchor. Time 30, 38 (September 20, 1937).
The article discusses the PAA station on Wake Atoll and the history of an iron anchor found on the reef.

1938 Fresh vegetables and fruit; new possibility for tropics. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 8(12), July 1938, Page 43.
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.

1938 Hydroponic soilless farm created on Wake Island. Science (n.s.) 8, 12.
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.

1938 Hydroponics on Wake. Time May 23, 1938. Vol. 31, 22.
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.

1938 Wake Island's soilless farm well under way. Science News Letter. 33, 381 (June 11, 1938).
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.

1938A hydroponic farm on Wake Island. Science Supplement 87 (2263) May 13, 1938.
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.

1939America's new Pacific Islands. Pacific Islands Monthly August 1939, Page 10.
Article mentions a U.S. presidential order placing a large number of Pacifc Islands under the jurisdiction of the Hawaiian courts.

1939Diary of Destiny: Pacific moves by America in April 1939 .Pacific Islands Monthly Vol 9 (11). June 1939, Page 45.

1939New bases in north Pacific: feverish American activity. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 10 (2), September 1939, Pp. 51-52.

1940 "Bath-tub gardens"; development of life on Pacific Island airports. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol 10(6). January 1940, Page 43.
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables. Mentions also the imports of soil to Midway Atoll.

1940Barriers for airborne pests; entomologist's interesting work in New Caledonia. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 11 (4), November 1940, Page 58.

1940What's become of hydroponics? Success of Pan American Airways' chemical gardens on Pacific Island revives interest. Business Week July 27, 1940, P.38
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.

1940[Typhoon on Wake Atoll]. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 11 (4), November 1940, Page 55.

1941 Stand at Wake. Time Vol. 38, December 22, 1941, P, 19.
Description of the stand of the U.S. Marines against the attack by Japanese forces.

1941Japanese Attack. Pacific Islands Monthly December 1941, Page 1.
Description of the stand of the U.S. Marines against the attack by Japanese forces.

1941Japanese Naval Vessels. snooping near U.S. Pacific bases Pacific Islands Monthly Vol 12 (4), November 1941, Page 14.
The newsitem mentions the occurrence of Japanese warships circling the U.S. Navy airstations on Midway and Wake Atolls and the bases on Guam and Nauru.

1941Rats-crabs-birds; how PAA unwittingly upset nature's balance at Wake Island. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 12 (3), October 1941, Page 68.

1942 Isles of valor. Newsweek Vol, 19, January 5, 1942, Page 14.
Description of the stand of the U.S. Marines against the attack by Japanese forces.

1942Battle of Wake. Paradise of the Pacific. 54(2), 10-12 (February 1942).
Summary of an official U.S.Navy press release and account of the battle on Wake Atoll.

1942Flame of glory; Wake's hopeless, gallant fight. Time Vol. 39, January 19, 1942, Page 20.
Description of the stand of the U.S. Marines against the attack by Japanese forces.

1942Midway holds out; may yet provide nail to Jap coffin. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 12 (8), March 1942, page 6.
Wake Atoll renamed Ottori Jima by the Japanese.
Summary of an official U.S.Navy press release and account of the battle on Wake Atoll.

1942Overwhelmend by Japanese. Pacific Islands Monthly January 1942, Page 11.
Summary of an official U.S.Navy press release and account of the battle on Wake Atoll.p>

1942Remember Guam and Wake! American Federationist Vol. 49 (1), January 1942, 1.
Summary of an official U.S.Navy press release and account of the battle on Wake Atoll and Guam.

1942Semper fidelis. Scholastic Vol. 39,January 12, 1942, Page 4.
Summary of an official U.S.Navy press release and account of the battle on Wake Atoll and Guam.

1942Wake and Midway. Pacific Islands Monthly January 1942, Page 11.
News item summing up the role of wake and Midway before the war and their fate during the initial days of fighting.

1942Wake Island. The epic story of 443 marines standing off a great Japanese fleet and 300 Jap planes for 15 days. Look Vol. 6 (19), September 22, 1942, Pages 38-41.
Summary of an official U.S.Navy press release and account of the battle on Wake Atoll.

1942Wake's 378 Time Vol. 39, January 5, 1942, Page 20.
Summary of an official U.S.Navy press release and account of the battle on Wake Atoll.

1942World War in the Pacific; progress of events and what they signify. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 12 (6), January 1942, Page 7-12.

1943Pacific news-review; notes and comments on the progress of the war from Sept. 15 to Oct.14 .Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 14 (3), October 1943, Page 1.

1943Wake Island. Spectator 170, January 15 1943, 45.
Review of a film on the stand of the U.S. Marines at Walke Island. Fictitious account of the occurrences made for propaganda purposes.

1943Wake Island: the mid-Pacific Jap air base attacked by U.S. Navy. Illustrated London News 20 (5457), November 20, 1943, 563.
Newspaper report on the U.S. carrier strike on Wake Atoll. Report includes official U.S.Navy photographs.

1944Raid on Wake. Flying 34, January 1944, 28-29.
Newspaper report on the U.S. carrier strike on Wake Atoll. Report includes official U.S.Navy photographs.

1945Wake Island; Americans retake Pacific outpost.Life 19, September 24, 1945, 49-50.
Newspaper report on the surrender of the Japanese garrison on Wake Atoll. Report includes official U.S.Navty photographs.

1945Wake: two who got back. Newsweek 26, July 30, 1945, 30.
Newspaper report on the depradations of two survivors of the former U.S. Wake Atoll garrison.p>

1952Pacific area communicable disease information service. Pacific Science Association Information Bulletin PS 52/6, 1-37.

1952Wake Island's big blow. Typhoon levels Pacific outpost. Life [Magazine] Vol. 33, 28-29, September 29, 1952.
Public account on the effects of Typhoon Olive on Wake Atoll; article includes pictures.

1952Wake levelled by Typhoon. Pacific Islands Monthly 23(3), October 1952, Page 20.
Report on the effects of a typhoon which devastated Wake Atoll.The paper contains illustrations.

1969Marshall Islands Survey Trip Report. December 1989. Boulder, Colorado: Facilities Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research.

1983Guide to islands in the tropical Pacific. Preliminary revised edition. Honolulu: Pacific Science Information Center, Bernice P.Bishop Museum.

1988Botanical Survey of Kwajalein Missile Range, Marshall Islands. Ms. on file Republic of the Marshall Islands National Register of Archaeological and Historical Sites.

1989 Introducing the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Asian Culture Quarterly. 17(2): 83-nnn.

1994 Marshall islands, special feature on the Marshall islands. Pacific Islands Monthly64 (3): 43-nnn.

1994 Pohnpei/ Marshall Islands. Pacific Islands Monthly : JUL 01 1994-nnn.

1996 Horrors in the Marshall Islands. Earth Island Journal. 11(2): 27-nn.

Armagnac, A.P.
1938Uncle Sam's new ocean empire. Popular Science Monthly 132 (6),June 1938, 22-25;107.

Armknecht, R.
1942This was Wake. Christian Science Monitor Magazine 3 July 1942, P.7

Arnow, T.
1954The Hydrology of the Northern Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 30. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Ascher, Marcia
1995Models and Maps from the Marshall Islands: A Case in Ethnomathematics. Historia mathematica. 22 (4): 347-nn.

Ashby, Gene
ed. Never and Always: Micronesian Legends, Fables and Folklore. Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM: Rainy Day Press.

Ashby, Gene
ed. Micronesian Customs and Beliefs. Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM: Rainy Day Press.

Athens, J.S.
1985 Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of six islets at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Appendix prepared for Sea Engineering Inc., In: Draft Environmental Impact Statement/US Department of the Army Permit Application , Discharge of Fill material for the Kwajalein Atoll Causeway Project. Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Fort Shafter, Hawaii: U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.

Athens, J.S.
1985 Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of six islets at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall islands. Appendix prepared for Sea Engeneering Inc., In: Draft Environmental Impact Statement/US Department of the Army Permit Application , Discharge of Fill material for the Kwajalein Atoll Causeway Project. Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Fort Shafter, Hawaii: U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.

Atkinson, Marlin J
1987Oceanography of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 57 - 70

Ault, J.P.
1929Form of the slope of Wake Island. Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik 23 (1), 8-9.

1902 Commonwealth of Australia. Notes on German Colonies - New Guinea, Samoa, Marshall Islands for the year 1902. Australian Archives, Record A 6661/1 850. Australian Archives, A.C.T. Regional Repository, Canberra, Australia.

Ayres, P.A.
1940Wake - the vegetable isle. Paradise of the Pacific 52(1), 13.
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.



Bailey, A.M.
1951 Notes on the birds of Midway and Wake Islands. Wilson Bulletin 63(1), 33-37.
General paper on birds in the Central Pacific area.

Bailey, A.M.
1951bWake Observations. In: A.M.Bailey & R.J.Niederach (eds.), Stepping Stones across the Pacific; a narrative of the Denver Museum of natural history expedition to the mid-Pacific Ocean. Denver Museum of Natural History, Museum Pictorial 3, 47-64.
Report on the Denver Museum expedition to the islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The article details a number of ornithological, zoological and botanical observations.

Bailey, J.W. & W.H.Harvey
1874 Algae. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition, Vol 17, Botany Cryptogamia. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard. pp. 153-192.
First description of algae from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during the U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to Wake Atoll in 1840.

Baker, R.H
1951The avifauna of Micronesia. Its origin, evolution, and distribution. University of Kansas Publications Museum of Natural History 3(1), 1-359.

Baldwin, H.W.
1942Saga of Wake. Virginia Quarterly Review 18 (3), 321-335.

Bancroft, H.H.
1899The New Pacific. New York: The Bancroft Co.

Banner, A.H.
1957Contributions to the Knowledge of the Alpheid Shrimp of the Pacific Ocean Part II, Collection from Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands, Pac. Sci., Johnson, M.W.,11: 190-206.

Banner, A.H.
1968 Contirbutions to the Knowledge of the Alpheid Shrimp of the Pacific Ocean, Part XII, Collections from the Marshall and Caroline Islands, Micronesica, 4: 261-294.

Banner, A.H., J.C.Nevenzel & W.R. Hudgins
1969Marine Toxins from the Pacific II. The contamination of Wake Island Lagoon. Atoll Research Bulletin 122. Washington: Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.

Barratt, Glynn
1981Russia in Pacific waters, 1715-1825. A survey of the origins of Russia's naval presence in the North and South Pacific. Vancouver & London: University of British Columbia Press
The book provides background information on the motives behind the Russian presence in the Pacific. Little detailed information is given on the Marschall islands. Unfortunatly little work has been done to correlate the Russian names of islands with the common western or Marshallese spelling/nomenclature.

Barrett, Harris & Associates Inc.
1984Contract Documents for the Construction of Majuro Sewer Project, Phase I, D-U-D Area, for the Republic 0f the Marshall Islands. Tamuning, Guam/Honolulu, Hawaii: Barrett, Harris & Associates Inc.

Barrows, R.G.
1936Report [on a survey of Wake Island] of the district engineer In: United States, House of Representatives, 1936, Wake Island, Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, dated June 30, 1936, submitting a report, together with accompanying papers and illustrations, on a preliminary examination and survey of Wake Island authorized by the River and Harbor Act Approved August 30, 1935 House Document No 84, 75th Congress, 1st session. Pp. 10-19.
Report on the topography and marine geology of Wake Atoll based on the results of the survey by U.S.S.Nitro, together with an assessment of its suitability for military purposes.

Bartsch, W.H.
1986Wreck Discovery: Unknown Maloelap. After the Battle, 54. London: Battle of Britain Prints International Ltd. Pp. 28-41.

Bastian, A
1899Die mikronesischen Colonien as ethnologischen Gesichtspunkten. Berlin: A. Asher.

Bayer, F.M.
1949 The Alcyonaria of Bikini and Other Atolls in the Marshall Group, Part I: the Gorgonacea, Pac. Sci., 3: 195-214.

Bayler, W.L.J.
194Last man off Wake Island. Indianapolis, New York:The Bobbs-Merrill Co.

Bayler, W.L.J.
1943A day on Wake Island. Marine Corps Gazette 27, July 1943, 7.
Description of the daily routines of a U.S.Marine on Wake Atoll before the Japanese attack.

Bayler, W.L.J.
1943Last man off Wake Island, as told to Cecil Carnes. Saturday Evening Post 215(40), April 3, 1943,12-13,62,64,66; 215(41), April 10, 1943, 28-29,37-38,40,42; 215(42), April 17, 1942, 26-27,39,41,44.

Baywater, H.C.
1925The great Pacific War. A history of the American-Japanese campaign of 1931-33. London: Constable & Co.
A description of an imaginary war, based on the strategic data vaialbe at the time. The account, heavily driven by the battleship doctrine assumed the fall of Guam and an uprising of Japanese in Hawaii. Wake was seen as refuelling base.

Beaglehole, J.C.
1966The Exploration of the Pacific. 3rd edition. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Bedford, R
1905The circled continent. The Germans and a copra coup. Sydney Morning Herald 25 November 1905.

Bell, H.H.
1947Review of: J.P.S.Devereux, The story of Wake Island. Philadelphia, New York: Lippincott Co. [1947]. In: Proceedings of the U.S.Naval Institute, Pp. 1112-1113.

Bellwood, P.S.
1978Mans conquest of the Pacific. The prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Collins: Auckland, Sydney, London

Benton, E.J.
1908International law and diplomacy of the Spanish-American War. The Albert Shaw Lectures on Diplomatic History 1907. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press.

Berger, Andrew J.
1987 Birds of Enewetak Atoll. In: Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 331-332.

Berger, Andrew J.
1987Avifauna of Enewetak Atoll. In: Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 215-220.

Bergersen, D. D
1995Cretaceous hotspot tracks through the Marshall Islands. Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 144: 605-nnn.

Bergersen, D. D
1995Physiography and architecture of Marshall Islands guyots drilled during Leg 144: geophysical constraints of platform development. Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 144; 561-nnn.

Bernstein, A.S.
1974Diet and Competition for Food Among the Predatory Gastropods of Limestone Benches in Hawaii and Eniwetok, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oregon.

Berry, R.J., & W.B.Jackson
1979House mice on Enewetak Atoll. Journal of Mammalogy 60, 222-225.

Bettis, Leland, Ketson Johnson, Samuel F. McPhetres, Donald R. Shuster, and Roniti Teiwaki.
1994Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 1992 to 30 June 1993. Contemporary Pacific 6, (Spring 1994): 163-176.

Biddulph, O.
1950Section VI of Radiobiological Survey of Bikini, Eniwetok and Likiep Atolls, July-August, 1949, UWFL-2, Appl. Fish. Lab. Univ. Wash.

Biddulph, O., and R. Cory
1952The Relationship Between Ca45. Total Calcium and Fission Product Radioactivity in Plants of Portulaca oleracea Growing in the Vicinity of the Atom Bomb Test Sites on Eniwetok Atoll. UWFL-31, Appl. Fish. Lab. Univ. Wash.

Biermann, Max
1891 Von den Marshallinseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 2, 321-332.
The report gives an account of the undertakings of the German Colonial Adminsstrator, in which he discusses the succession of power on Majuro and land disputes on Mile.

Bindman, Dan.
1992Will They Go Under? It's Not as Cut and Dried as Some Would Have You Believe. Islands Business Pacific, March 1992, 26-27.

Biskup, P
1968 Dr. Albert Hahl-sketch of a German Colonial Official. Australian Journal of Politics and History 144, 342-357.

Blakeney, J.
1957Heroes U.S.Marine Corps 1861-1955. Armed Forces Awards, Flags. Reference Book. Washington: United States Marine Corps.
Volume listing all military awards given to U.S. Marine Coirps personnel. Contains citations for several soldiers involved in the 1941 defense of Wake Atoll.

Bloom, A.J.
1970Paludal stratigraphy of Truk, Ponape and Kusaie, Eastern Caroline Islands. Geological Society of America Bulletin 81, 1895-1904.

Blumenstock, D.I.
1961(ed.) A report on Typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Resarch Bulletin 75. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board.

Boettger, O
1904 Landschencken der Insel Nauru (Marschall-Inseln). Zoologische Jahrbücher 20, 409-412.
The paper describes a collection of land snails collected in Nauru in 1902-03 by Ludwig Kaiser and submitted by Dr. Schnee, the German Government Physician of the Marshall Islands

Boettger, O
1904Beschreibung einer neuen Melanie von den Marschall-Inseln. Zoologische Jahrbücher 20, 408-409.
The paper describes a species of land snail collected in 1902-03 by the German Government Physician of the Marshall Islands

Boggs, S.W.
1938American contributions to the geographical knowledge of the Central Pacific.Geographical Review 28(2), 177-192.
Paper discussing the history of the American explorations in the Central Pacific, ranging from whalers and Guano hunters to the U.S.Exploring expedition.

Bohsen, E
1907 review of: A. Brandeis Kochbuch für de Tropen Berlin: D.Reimer. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 18(14), 1907, 698.

Borden, Ch.A.
1961South Sea Islands. Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Co.

1911Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Eingeborenenmedizin der Marschallaner. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 12,168-169.

Born, L
1913Bericht über Dienstreise nach Majuro, Arno, Mille und Ebon. Born, Regierungsarzt Jaluit, to Kaiserlicher Stationsleiter Merz, dated 22 September 1913. Record on file. German Colonial Records from Rabaul, New Britain. Australian Archives, Record Series G2, File U24 Regierungsarzt Jaluit. Australian Archives, A.C.T. Regional Repository, Canberra, Australia.

Born, Ludwig
1911Marshall Inseln-Jaluit. Medizinische Berichte über die Deutschen Schutzgebiete für das Jahr 1909/10. Herausgegeben vom Reichskolonialamt. E.S. Mitter & Sohn, Berlin. Pp. 539-543.

Brüll, Magarete
1995Kolonialzeitliche Sammlungen aus dem Pazifik. in E.Gerhards (ed.), Als Freiburg die Welt entdeckte. 100 Jahre Museum für Völkerkunde. Freiburg: Promo Verlag. Pp. 109-145.
Article describing the establsihement of the Pacific collections of the ethnographic museum in Freiburg, Germany. Antonie Brandeis, wife of the German administartor Eugen Brandeis had compiled a sizeable collection of artefacts around 1901-02.

Bradley, C., M.Kurtz, R.Livingston, T.Mulligan, M.Parseghian, P.Vanderveer & J.Yale,
1978List of Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations and Miscellaneous Units, 1801-1947. Special List 44. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration.

Brandeis, Antonie
1898Von den Marshallinseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 11: 248-249.

Brandeis, Antonie
1904 Das Gesicht im Monde. Ein Märchen der Nauru-Insulaner. Ethnologisches Notizblatt

Brandeis, Antonie
1907Kochbuch für de Tropen Nach langjähriger Erfahrung in den Tropen und Subtropen zusammengestellt. Berlin: D.Reimer.

Brandeis, Antonie
1908Nauru. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 25(34), 599-600.

Brandeis, Antonie
1908Südsee-Erinnerungen. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 25(1), 6-7; 25(2), 20-22; 25(3), 36-38.

Brandeis, Eugen
1892Jahresbericht betreffend das Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 3, 332-336.
Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data for the report period 1-4-1891 to 31-3-1892.

Brandeis, Eugen
1899Jahresbericht des Landeshauptmannes auf Jaluit 1. April 1898 bis 31. März 1899. In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1894 bis Oktober 1900. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 2. No. 6525. National Library of Australia, Canberra. Microfilm G8600.

Brandeis, Eugen
1900Jahresbericht über Entwicklung des Schutzgebietes der Marshall Inseln (vom 1. April 1899 bis 31. März 1900). In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1900 bis Januar 1911. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 3. No. 6526. Microfilm G8600Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data

Brandeis, Eugen
1901 Jahresbericht über Entwicklung des Schutzgebietes der Marshall Inseln (vom 1. April 1900 bis 31. März 1901). In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1900 bis Januar 1911. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 3. No. 6526. Microfilm G8600Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data

Brandeis, Eugen
1906Jahresbericht über Entwicklung des Schutzgebietes der Marshall Inseln (vom 1. April 1905 bis 31. März 1906). In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1900 bis Januar 1911. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 3. No. 6526. Microfilm G8600Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data

Briscoe, Robert, Godwin S. Nair, and Alex Sibbald.
1990Enterprise Support Organizations for the South Pacific: Problems and Proposals. PIDP Research Report Vol. 13, Series. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1990.

Brost, F.B., & R.D. Coale
1971A guide to shell collecting in the Kwajalein Atoll. Tuttle: Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan.
Photo-illustrated description of shell species found in Kwajalein lagoon. The volume provides information on locations where the shells can be found.

Brown, J.W.
1859Second cruise of the Morning Star. Nautical Magazine. 28, 281-287.

Browning, M.A.
1972Walab im meto: canoes & navigation in the Marshalls. Oceans, 5 (1), 25-38.

Bruce, A.J.
1979a A Report on a Small Collectio of Pontoniine Shrimps from Eniwetok Atoll, Crustaceana (Leiden), 5: 209-230.

Bruce, A.J.
1979b Ctenopontonia cyphastreophila, A New Genus and Species of Coral Associated Pontoniine Shrimp from Eniwetok Atoll, Bull. Mar. Sci., 29: 423-435.

Bruce, A.J., and D.L. Zmarzly
1983Periclimenes pilipes, New Species, a Crinoid Associated from Eniwetak Atoll, Marshall Islands (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pontiinae), J. Crust. Bio., 3: 644-654.

Bryan, E., H.
1944Revegetation of certain Marshall Islands. Unpublished Report. Central Pacific Base Command.

Bryan, E.H. jr.
1926a Insects of the Tanager Expedition (Abstract). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Academy of Science, 1st Annual Meeting 1926. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Special Publication 11, 31. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum.
Short description of the insects found on Wake Atoll collected during the 1923 Tanager Expedition.

Bryan, E.H. jr.
1926bEphyrid fly new to Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 6(2): 279.
Scientific description of a new fly species from Wake Atoll.

Bryan, E.H. jr.
1937High points on the clipper trip. Pan-Pacific Magazine 1(1), 37-43, Jan-March 1937.
General account of a trip with a Pan American Airways flying boat, including a short description of Wake Atoll.

Bryan, E.H. jr.
1942American Polynesia and the Hawaiian Chain. Honolulu: Tongg Publishing Co.

Bryan, E.H. jr.
1948Flies on Wake. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 13, 221.
Short general paper on fly species of Wake Atoll.

Bryan, E.H. jr., and collaborators
1926Insects of Hawaii, Johnston Island and Wake Island. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 31, 1-94. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum.
General paper on the insects of the Central Pacific Ocean, includes references to Wake Atoll.

Bryan, E.H., jr
1941American Polynesia. Coral islands of the Central Pacific. Honololu: Tongg Publications Ltd.
General geography and history of the Central Pacific islands claimed at one stage by the United States.

Bryan, E.H., Jr.
1944Revegetation of Certain Marshall Islands, unpubl. report, Cent. Pac. Base Comm.

Bryan, E.H., Jr.
1972Life in the Marshall Islands, Pacific Science Information Center, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu.

Bryan, E.H., jr.
1959Notes on the geography and natural history of Wake Island. Atoll Research Bulletin 66. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Bryan, E.H., jr.
1964Stick charts from the Marshall Islands. Honolulu: Pacific Science Information Centre, Bishop Museum. Mimeographed.

Bryan, E.H., Jr., and M.A. Lee
1975 Survey of Terrestrial Plants on Enewetak Atoll, Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory Annual Report, 1974-1975, NVO-0628-T11.

Bryan, Edwin H., jr.
1953Checklist of atolls. Atoll Research Bulletin 19. Washington: Pacific Science Board.
General checklist of atolls, lists Wake and provides some additional names.

Bryan, Edwin H., jr.
1972Life in the Marshall Islands. Honolulu, Hawaii: Pacific Scientific Information Center.

Buckingham, H.W.
1949The iroij of Ralik, Marshall Islands. Typescript ms. on file Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii (Pac GR 385.M34B8).

Buckley, K. and Klugman, K
1981The history of Burns Philp. The Australian company in the South Pacific. Sydney: Burns Philp & Co.
History of the Australian trading Company Burns Philp and its Pacific operations. Contains sections dealing with the obstructions by the German colonial administration.

Buckley, K. and Klugman, K
1983 "The Australian Presence in the Pacific" Burns Philp 1914-1946.Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
History of the Australian trading Company Burns Philp and its Pacific operations. Contains sections dealing with the obstructions by the Japanese Mandate administration.

Buddemeier, R.W., S.V.Smith & R.A.Kinzie
1975Holocene windward reef-flat history, Enewetak Atoll. Geological Society of America Bulletin 86, 1581-1584.

Bunsen, Hildegard von
1904Mein Leben auf einer Koralleninsel. Velhagen & Klasings Monatshefte 18, 459-467

Burch, Beatrice L
1987Introduction in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. xvii-xviii.

Burns, W.J.
1974CINCPACREP GUAM/TTPI CAD-GUAM, Civic Action Team Marshalls Deployment Completion Report for the period 2 November 1973 to 14 May 1974. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Representative Guam and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Civic Action Team Guam

Burroughs, J.R.
1959Siege of Wake Island. American Heritage 10, June 1959, 65-76.

Bushman, J.B., D.D. Parker, and D.E. Johnson
1963A Report on the Team Effort at Eniwetok Atoll, Pacific Ocean, University of Utah for U.S. Army Chemical Corps, Dugway Proving Ground (typed report).

Bybell, L.M., and Poore, R.Z
1989Calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminifers from Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, western Pacific Ocean, 1991, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1513-C, 21 p. Campbell, I.C. A History of the Pacific Islands. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.

Bywater, H.
1921Sea-power in the Pacific; a study of the American-Japanese naval problem. Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin Co.

Bywater, H.
1921Sea-power in the Pacific; a study of the American-Japanese naval problem. London:Constable & Co. Ltd.

Bywater, H.
1935Sea-power in the Pacific; a study of the American-Japanese naval problem. Revised edition. Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin Co.



Caldwell, R.
1975 Ecology and Evolution of Agnostic Behavior in Stomatopods, Naturwissenschaftes, 62: 214-222.

Caldwell, R., and H. Dingle
1972 Aggressive and Reproductive Behavior of Stomatopod Crustaceans, Eniwetok Mar. Biol. Lab., 1971-1972 Ann. Rept.

Caldwell, R., and S. Brunenmeister
1975Agnostic Behavior of Stomatopod Crustacea, Mid-Pacific marine Lab., Ann Rept., 1975: 26-27.

Cameron,, J.
1923John Cameron's Odyssey. New York:

Camoin, G. F., Vanneau, A. Arnaud and Ogg, J. G
1995Anatomy and evolution of the inner perimeter ridge (Sites 874 and 877) of a Campanian-Maastrichtian atoll-like structure (Wodejebato Guyot, Marshall Islands). Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 144; 271-nnn.

Carano, P. & P.C.Sanchez
1964A complete history of Guam. Rutland, Vermont: Ch.Tuttle & Co.
A history of Guam which touches on events in the Marshall Islands and on Wake Atoll related to Guam's development.

Carpenter, M.L., Jackson, W.B. and Fall, M.W
1968Bird populations at Enewetak Atoll Micronesica 4(2): 294-307.

Carter, J
1986The Pacific Islands Year Book. 15th edition. Sydney: Pacific Publications.

Carter, K.C & R.Mueller
1973The Army Air Force in World War II. Combat Chronology 1941-1945. Washington: Albert Simpson Historical Center, Air University & Office of Air Force History, Headquarters USAF.

Carter, T.D., J.E.Hill & G.H.H.Tate
1946Mammals of the Pacific World. New York:The Macmillan Company.

Carucci, Laurence M.
1987Methods and Meanings of Smoking in Marshallese Society. In Lindstom (Ed). Drugs in the western Pacific societies. ASAO Monograph No. 11: University Press of America, 1987.

Carucci, Laurence M.
1989The Source of the Force in Marshallese Cosmology. In Lindstrom/White. The Pacific theater: Islands Representations of World War II. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989.

Carucci, Laurence, M.
1985Conceptions of Maturing and Dying in the Middle of Heaven In Counts, Dorothy/David Counts. Aging and its Transformations. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1985.

Carucci, Laurence, M.
1990Negotiations of Violence in the Marshallese Household. Pacific Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3, (1990): pp. 93-113.

Carucci, Laurence, M.
1992Nudging Her Harshly and Killing Him Softly: Displays of Disenfranchisement on Ujelang Atoll. In Counts/Brown/Campbell. Sanctions and Sanctuary-Cultural Perspectives on the Beating of Wives. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992.

Casey, E
1966The birds of Wake Island `Elepaio 43:69-70.

Casey, R.J.
1943Field day at Wake Island. In: W.H.Fetridge (ed.) Navy reader. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co. Pp, 187-200.

Cassin, J.
1858Mammalogy and Ornithology. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition, Vol 8, Philadelphia: J.L.Lippincott.
First description of the birds and mammals from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during the U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to Wake Atoll in 1840.

Cernohorsky, W.O.
1967Marine shells of the Pacific. Sydney: Pacific Publications.
Descriptions of shell species in the Pacific region. Well illustrated standard text for shell identifications.

Cernohorsky, W.O.
1972Marine shells of the Pacific. Vol II. Sydney: Pacific Publications.
Descriptions of shell species in the Pacific region. Well illustrated standard text for shell identifications.

Cernohorsky, W.O.
1978Tropical Pacific marine shells. Sydney: Pacific Publications.
Descriptions of shell species in the Pacific region. Well illustrated standard text for shell identifications.

Chace, F.A., Jr.
1955 Notes on Shrimps from the marshall Islands, Proc. USNM, 105(3349): 1-22.

Chambers, K.S.
1972Tale traditions of eastern Micronesia. A comparative Study of Marshallese, Gilbertese and Nauruan Folkstories. MA Thesis, University of California, berkeley.

Chamisso, A. von
1910Reise um die Welt mit der Romanzoffschen Endeckungs-expedition in den Jahren 1815-1818 auf der Brig Rurik, Capitän Otto v. Kotzebue Zweiter Theil: Bemerkungen und Ansichten. Chamisso's Werke Vierter Theil. Berlin: G.Hempel. [For the benefit of the anglophone readers I have quoted as much as posible the English translation (1986) rather than the German original (1st edition) of 1836. However, the translation of Chamisso's Notes and Opinions is not complete].

Chamisso, A. von
1986A yoyage around the world with the Romanzov exloring expedition in the years 1815-1818 in the Brig Rurick, Captain Otto von Kotzebue. (translated by H.Kratz). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Chamisso, A.von
1836Reise um die Welt. Leipzig.

Chave, E. H. and Devaney, Dennis M
1987Recent Forminifera Nonplanktonic Protozoans in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 37 - 48.

Chave, M.E.
1949Anthropological study of mixed bloods in Majuro. Pacific Science Board, Washington D.C. (Co-ordinated investigation of Micronesian Anthropology 1947-1949).

Child, C. Allan
1987Pycnogonida of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 179 - 180.

Child, C.A.
1982Pycnogonida from the Marshall Islands, Proc. Bio. Sco. Wash., 95: 270-281.

Chilson, L.M.
1953Fleas on Wake Island. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 15(1), 1.
Short general paper on the discovery of a flea species on a warehouse floor on Wake Atoll.

Choris, L.
1822Voyage pittoresque autor de monde, avec des Potraits de Suvages d'Amerique, d'Asie, d'Afrique, et des Isles du Grand Ocean; des Paysages, des Vues Maritimes, et Plusieurs Objects d'JHistoire Naturelles; Accompagne de Descriptions par M. Le Baron Cuvier, et M.A. de Chamisso, et d'observations sure les crans humains par M. le Docteur Gall. Paris: Imprimerie de Firman Didot.

Christian, F.W.
1899The Caroline Islands. Travels in the sea of the little islands. London: Methuen & Co.
Travelogue and ethnography of the Caroline Islands, with remarks on the Marshall Islands and Palau.

Christopherson, E.
1931Vascular Plants of Johnstone and Wake Islands. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 9(13) 1-20.
The paper discusses the vascular plants collected during the 1923 Tanager Expedition on Wake and Johnston Atolls.

Clapp, R.B. & E.Kridler
1977The natural history of Necker Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 206. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Report on the natural history of Necker Island. Contains a section detailing the operations of Japanese feather poachers in the north-western Hawaian Chain, which has relevance to similar operations on Eneen-Kio.

Clapp, R.B. & W.O.Wirtz II
1975The natural history of Lisianski Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 186. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Report on the natural history of Lisianski Island. Contains a section detailing the operations of Japanese feather poachers in the north-western Hawaian Chain, which has relevance to similar operations on Eneen-Kio.

Clapp, R.B.
1988Notes on the birds of Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Washington: National Ecology Research Center, U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service, National Museum of Natural History.

Clapp, R.B., E.Kridler & R.R.Fleet
1977The natural history of Nihoa Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 207. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Report on the natural history of Nihoa Island. Contains a section detailing the operations of Japanese feather poachers in the north-western Hawaian Chain, which has relevance to similar operations on Eneen-Kio.

Clark, A.H.
1951 Butterflies of the Marshall Islands, Proc. Entomol. Soc.Wash., 53: 43-44.

Clark, H.L.
1925Echinoderms other than sea stars. In: Marine Zoology of the tropical Central Pacific. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 27: Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 89-111.
The paper discusses sea urchins and other echinoderms collected during the 1923 Tanager Expedition. The paper includes specimens collected on Wake Atoll.

Clune, F.
1951Hands across the Pacific. London: Angus & Roberston.
Description of a trans-Pacific air voyage from Australia to Canada. The volume outlines the history of the southern air route and the trans-Pacific air traffic.

Clyde, P.H.
1935Japan's Pacific Mandate. New York: Macmillan.

Cohen, S.
198Enemy on island - issue in doubt: the capture of Wake Island, December 1941. Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co.

Cole, A.C.
1949 The Ants of Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands (Hymenoptera), Pan-Pac. Entmol., 25: 172-174.

Cole, A.C.
1951 Insects from Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, J. Tenn. Acad. Sci., 26: 246-248.

Cole, W.S.
1957Larger Foraminifera from Eniwetok Atoll Drill Holes, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 260-V, pp. 743-784.

Colin Patrick L
1987Subtidal Environments and Ecology of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 91 - 138

Colin, P.L.
1987Physiography of Enewetak Atoll. In: Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 27-36.

Colin, P.L. and Bell, L.J
1991Aspects of the spawning of labrid and scarid fishes (Pisces: Labroidei) at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands with notes on other families. Environmental biology of fishes.31(3): 229-nnn.

Colin, Patrick L
1987Physiography of Enewatak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 27 - 36

Connell, John, and John Lea.
1992 My Country Will Not Be There: Global Warming, Development and the Planning Response in Small Island States. Cities 9, (November 1992): 295-309.

Connell, John.
1991The New Micronesia: Pitfalls and Problems of Dependent Development. Pacific Studies 14, (March 1991): 87-120.

Conner, J.
1945Return from Wake. Leatherneck 28, October 1945, 20-22.

Cordy, Ross H
1979Majuro's historic properties and their management. Manuscript, Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Saipan, Marianas
Part of the report was incorporated into McCoy 1981.

Coulter, John Wesley.
1957 The Pacific Dependencies of the United States. New York: MacMillan.

Courson, M.
1970Beautiful downtown Wake Island. Beacon, Magazine of Hawaii 10(7), 19-23.
The article discusses the improvements of the vegatation of Wake Atoll as a result of a planting programme by the University of Hawaii.

Cox, D.C.
1951The Hydrology of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 8. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Craib, John
1989Archaeology reconnaissance survey and sampling, U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll facility (USAKA), Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia. Report prepared by J.Craib with contributions by T.Bonhomme, Joyce Clevenger, Nancy Farrell, Orrin Sage Report submitted to U.S.Army Engineer District, Honolulu, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.

Craven, W.F. & J.C.Kate
1950The Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. 4: The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan August 1942 to July 1944. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Crawford, Martha J.
1992 Republic of the Marshall Islands National Environment Management Strategy-Part A: State of the Environment Report. Apia, Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, 1992.

Crawford, Martha J.
1992Republic of the Marshall Islands National Environment Management Strategy-Part B: Action Strategy for Strengthening Environmental Management 1992-1996. Apia, Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, 1992.

Crawford, Martha J., Paul. Holthus, C. Makroro, E. Nakasaki, and S. Sullivan.
1992Vulnerabiliy Assessment to Accelerated Sea Level Rise, Case Study: Majuro Atoll (Executive Summary). U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1992.

Cresson, E.T. jr
1934Descriptions of a new genus and species of the dipterous family Ephydridae XI. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 60, 199-222.
The article contains a scientific description of a new fly species occurring in the Hawaiian area inc; species on Wake

Cross-Cultural Survey
1943 Gazetteer of the Marshall Islands. Bibliography of Micronesia Vol. 1 Cross-Cultural Survey Institute of Human Relations, Yale University, 1943.

Cross-Cultural Survey
1943Food and water supply in the Marshall Islands. Bibliography of Micronesia Vol. 5 Cross-Cultural Survey Institute of HumanRrelations, Yale University, 1943.

Cross-Cultural Survey
1943Metereology of the Marshall Islands. Bibliography of Micronesia Vol. 2 Cross-Cultural Survey Institute of Human Relations, Yale University, 1943.

Crowl, P.A. & E.G.Lowe
1955Seizure of the Gilberts and the Marshalls. The War in the Pacific. United States Army in World War II. Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.

Cuffey, Roger J. and Cox, Robert S
1987 Reef-Dwelling Bryozoans of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 85 - 92.

Cummins, G.B.
1940Descriptions of tropical rusts. Torrey Botany Club Bulletin 67,67-75.
The paper contains a description of tropical rusts and contains references to species occurring on Wake Atoll.

Cunningham, W.S.
1961Wake Island Command. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
Account of the Battle of Wake by the commander of the Wake Atoll garrison. The account differs in many respects from the official version by Devereux and the historical section of the U.S. Marines (Heinl). The book also contains an assessment of the prisoner of war conditions in China and the media cpverage of the Battle of Wake during and after the war.

Curray, J.R., F.P.Sheppard & H.H.Veeh
1970Late quarternary sea-level studies in Micronesia: CARMARSEL Expedition. Geological Society of America Bulletin 81, 1865-1880.

Curtis, C.
1986Handcrafts of the Marshall Islands. Typescript. Majuro: Museum of the Marshall Islands. (Copy held at the National Archives of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Alele Museum, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands).

Cushman, J.A., R. Todd, and R.J. Post
1954 Recent Foraminifera of the Marshall Islands, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 260-H, pp. 319-384.

Cutress, Bertha M. and Rowe, Francis W. E
1987Holothurians of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 263 - 276.

Cutress, C. E. and Arneson A. C
1987 Sea Anemones of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 53 - 62.



Dana, J.D.
1846Zoophytes. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition,Vol 7, Crustacea. Philadelphia: C.Sherman.
First description of the corals from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during the U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to Wake Atoll in 1840.

Dana, J.D.
1852Crustacea. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition,Vol 13, Crustacea. Philadelphia: C.Sherman.
First description of the crustacea from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during the U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to Wake Atoll in 1840.

Dana, J.D.
1853Crustacea Vol. II. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition,Vol 14, Crustacea. Philadelphia: C.Sherman.
First description of the crustacea from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during the U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to Wake Atoll in 1840.

Davenport, W.
1964Marshall Islands Cartography. Exposition, the Bulletin of the University Museum of the Univeristy of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 6, 10-13.

Davenport, William H.
1952Fourteen Marshallese Riddles. Journal of American Folklore. Vol. 65, No. 257 (1952), pp. 219-237.

Davenport, William H.
1953Marshallese Folklore Types Journal of American Folklore. Vol. 66, No. 261 (1953).

Davenport, William H.
1960Marshall Islands Navigational Charts. In Imago Mundi (The Hague). Vol 15 (1960), pp.19-26. Reprinted in Bobbs-Merrill Social Science Reprint Series , Reprint A-48.

Davis, Alice S., Pringle, Malcolm S. and Pickthorn, Leda-Beth G
1989Petrology and Age of Alkalic Lava From the Ratak Chain of the Marshall Islands. Journal of geophysical research. 94(5): 5757-nnn.

de Brum, R
1962Marshallese Navigation (as told to C.R.Olson). Micronesian Reporter 10 (3), 1-10.

de Jonge, Alice.
1993The Constitution of the Marshall Islands: Its Drafting and Current Operation. 8 vols. Vol. 1 .Pacific Studies Monographs. Kensington, New South Wales, Australia: Centre for South Pacific Studies, University of New South Wales, 1993.

de Smith, Stanley A
1970(Ed.). Microstates and Micronesia: Problems of America's Pacific Islands and Other Minute Territories. New York: New York University Press, 1970.

Deecken, R.
1901 Die Marshall Inseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 18,393.
General description of the German Colony on Jaluit Atoll.

1989Draft Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Actions at U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll. June 1989. Huntsville, Alabama: Department of the Army, U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command.

Denfeld, D.C.
1980An Historic site survey of Kwajalein Missile Range, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pacific Studies Institute, Agana, Guam. Contract No. DACW-79-C-0028, P00005. (not seen).

Denfeld, D.C.
1981Japanese fortifications and other military structures in the Central Pacific. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report No. 9. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

deRienzi, M.G.L.Domeny
1836Oceanie, ou cinquime partie du monde. Revue Geographique..Paris: Firmin Diderot & Freres et Cie.

deRienzi, M.G.L.Domeny
1840Oceanien, der fünfte Theil der Welt. Geographische Revue. Freiburg.

Devaney, Dennis M
1987Echinodermata Other than Holothurians of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 277 - 286.

Devaney, Dennis M
1987Nonplanktonic Copepoda of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp
197 - 202.

Devaney, Dennis M
1987Octocorallia of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 63 - 66.

Devaney, Dennis M
1987Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, and Nematoda of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 95 - 96.

Devaney, Dennis M
1987Porifera of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 49 - 52.

Devaney, Dennis M
1987Sipunculans and chiurans of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 93 - 94.

Devaney, Dennis M. and Bailey-Brock, Julie H
1987Polychaetes of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 97 - 104.

Devaney, Dennis M. and Bruce A. J
1987Crustacea Decapod (Penaeidea, Stenopodidea, Caridea, and Palinura) of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 221 - 234.

Devaney, Dennis M. and Lang, Judith C
1987Scleractinia (Stont Corals) of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 67 - 76.

Devereux, J.P.S.
1946 This is how it was, as told to J.Bryan. Saturday Evening Post 218, 23 February 1946, 110-11; 218, 2 March 1946, 28-29; 218, 9 March 1946, 28-29; 218, 16 March 1946, 20.

Devereux, J.P.S.
1947The story of Wake Island. Philadelphia, New York: Lippincott Co.

Devereux, J.P.S.
1959The story of Wake Island. London:Panther Books.

Devereux, J.P.S.
1978Wake Island. Revised & enlarged edition. Canoga park, California:Major Books.

1848Logbook of the whaler Marengo of New Bedford , Captain Devoll, for the years 1848-1851. Original logbook owned by Free Public Library, New Bedford, Mass. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 346.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 28 March 1849).

Diamond, J.M.
1969Avifaunal equilibria and species turnover rates on the Channel Islands of California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 64:57-63

Diamond, J.M.
1976Colonization Cycles in Man and Beast. World Anthropology 8:249-261

Dibblin, Jane
1990Day of Two Suns: U.S. Nuclear Testing and the Pacific Islanders. New York: New Amsterdam Books.

Dickson, D.
1939Wake Island. Paradise of the Pacific 51(4), 6 (25 April 1939).
Historical note on Wake Atoll written under a pseudonym by Edwin North McClellan.

Dierdorff, R.A.
1943Pioneer party - Wake Island. Proceedings of the U.S.Naval Institute 69 (482), 499-508.

Dixon, K.L. & W.C.Starrett
1952Offshore observations of tropical sea birds in the Western Pacific. The Auk 69, 266-272.
Offshore observations of sea birds seen near Wake Atoll in 1946 and 1946.

Doane, E.P
1861Über die Pflanzen von Ebon. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde NF 9, 1861, 218

Doane, E.T
1861Remarks upon the atoll of Ebon, in Micronesia. The Friend [Honolulu] 10(11) 18 November 1861, pp. 81-83.

Doane, E.T.
1861Remarks upon the atoll of Ebon, in Micronesia. American Journal of Science 2(31), 318-325.

Domnick, Charles & M.Seeleye
1967Subsistence patterns among selected Marshallese villagers.In: L.Mason (ed.), The Laura Report. A field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. Pp. 1-45.(pagination in volume is not consecutively numbered).

Dorrance, John C.
1992The United States and the Pacific Islands. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Douglas, G
1969Draft checklist of Pacific Oceanic islands. Micronesica 5, 327-464

Doulman, David J.
1986Fishing for Tuna: The Operation of Distant-Water Fleets in the Pacific Islands Region. PIDP Research Report Series Vol. 3,. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1986.

Doulman, David J.
1987 Options for U.S. Fisheries Investment in the Pacific Islands Region. PIDP Research Report Series Vol. 8,. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1987.

Doulman, David J., and Robert E. Kearney.
1986The Domestic Tuna Industry in the Pacific Islands Region. PIDP Research Report Series Vol. 7. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1986.

Downing, Jane, Dirk H.R. Spennemann and Margaret Bennett (editors)
1992Bwebwenatoon Etto. A collection of Marshallese Legends and Traditions. With illustrations by Amram Enos and Paul Kingsbury. Marshall Islands Culture And History. Series E: Legends, Chants and Proverbs. Vol No. 1. Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands: Historic Preservation Office.

Drummond-Hay, H.
1939 A trip to Wake Island. China Journal 30, 333-339.
Note on the vegetation of Wake Atoll and on the hydroponic vegetable garden maintained for the Pan American Airways Station.

Dunn, Paul H. and Reynolds, Don
1987Fungi of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 11 - 16.

Dye, T.S.
1987Archaeological survey and test excavations on Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. In: T.Dye (ed.), Marshall Islands Archaeology. Pacific Anthropological Records 38. Honolulu: Department of Anthropology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pp. 271-399

Dyer, G.
1972The Amphibians came to conquer: The story of Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner. Washington, DC: U.S.P.G.O.



Ebert, T.A., and R.F. Ford
1986Population Ecology and Fishery Potential of the Soiny Lobster Panulirus pencillatus at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, Bull. Mar. Sci., 38: 56-67.

Edelmann, L.M.
1920 Logbook for U.S.S.Newport News for the year 1.January - 31.December 1920. United States National Archives, Record Group 24, Logbooks of U.S.Naval Vessels.

Edmondson, Ch.H.
1925Crustacea. In: Marine Zoology of the tropical Central Pacific. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 27: Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. pp. 3-62.
The paper discusses the crabs and shrimp collected during the 1923 Tanager Expedition. The paper includes specimens collected on Wake Atoll.

Edo, Junko.
1991Japanese Aid to the Pacific Islands Region. PIDP Research Report Series Vol. 4,. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1991.

Eisenhart, Otto
1880 Acht Monate unter Eingeborenen auf Ailu (Marshall-Gruppe). Aus allen Weltteilen, 19, 1880, 207; 223; 250.

Eldredge, Lucius G
1987Protocordates of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 287 - 288.

Ely, Ch. A., & R.B.Clapp
1973The natural history of Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 171. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
Report on the natural history of Laysan Island. Contains a section detailing the operations of Japanese feather poachers in the north-western Hawaian Chain, which has relevance to similar operations on Eneen-Kio.

Emery, K.O., J.I.Tracey & H.S.Ladd
1954Geology of Bikini and nearby atolls. Part 1: Geology U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 260-A. Washington D.C.


Engbring, John, and Peter Pyle.
@@Checklist of the Birds of Micronesia. Honolulu: Hawaii Audubon Society.

Engler, A.
1896Notizen ueber die Flora der Marschall-Inseln. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens Berlin. 1,222-226

Enos, Paul, Camoin, G. F. and Davies, G. R
1995Diagenesis of platform carbonates, Wodejebato Guyot, Marshall Islands. Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 144: 789-nnn.

Erdland, Augustin
1905Sturm auf Jaluit. Hiltruper Monatshefte, Pp. 447-

Erdland, P.A.
1914Die Marshall Insulaner. Leben und Sitte, Sinn und Religion eines Südsee-volkes. Anthropos Bibliothek. Internationale Sammlung Ethnologischer Monographien, Vol.2(1). Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Erdland, Pater Augustin
1909Die Stellung der Frauen in den Häuptlingsfamilien der Marshall Inseln. Anthropos 4.

Erdland, Pater Augustin
1914Die Marshall Insulaner. Leben und Sitte, Sinn und Religion eines Südsee-volkes. Anthropos Bibliothek. Internationale Sammlung Ethnologischer Monographien, Vol.2(1). Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Escholtz, F.
1821Description of foreign butterflies. In: O.von Kotzebue, A voyage of discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Strais. for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the expense of His Highness the Chancellor of the Empire, Count Romanzoff in the ship Rurick, under the command of the Lieutenant in the Russian Imperial Navy, Otto von Kotzebue. 3 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown.Vol. III, pp. 365-402.

Eschscholtz, F.
1830 Review of the zoological collection. In: O.von Kotzebue, A new voyage around the world in the years 1823-1826. London:H.Colbourn & R.Bentley. Volume II, pp 325-362.
Account of the zoological specimens collected during the second Russian exploring expedition to the Marshall Islands.



Fabricius, Walter
1992Nauru 1888-1900. An account in German and English based on official records of the colonial section of the Foreign Office, held by the Deustches Zentralarchiv Potsdam. Canberra: Division of Pacific and Asian History, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.

Fairbairn, Te'o I. J., and Thomas G. Parry.
1986 Multinational Enterprises in the Developing South Pacific Region. PIDP Research Report Series Vol. 1,. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1986.

Fall, M.W., A.B. Medina, and W.B. Jackson
1971Feeding Patterns of Rattus rattus and Rattus exulans on Eniwetok Atoll. Marshall Islands, J. Mammal., 52: 69-76.

Fallan, Joseph E.
1991Federal Policy and U.S. Territories: the Political Restructuring of the United States of America. Pacific Affairs 64, (Spring 1991): 23-41.

Faron, Richard S
1989Odyssey of a Marshall Islands Canoe. Field Museum of Natural History bulletin. 60(9): 24-nnn.

Feinstein, Charles.
1994Privatization Possibilities Among Pacific Island Countries. PIDP Research Report Series Vol. 2,. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1986.

Fifield, R.H.
1946Disposal of the Carolines, Marshalls and Marianas at the Paris Peace Conference American Historical Review 51(3), 472-479.

Findlay, A.G
1886Directory for the navigation of the North Pacific Ocean. 3rd edition. Pp. 1035-1036.

Finsch, O
1880aOrnithological letters from the Pacific II. The Ibis 4(14): 218-220.

Finsch, O
1880bOrnithological letters from the Pacific II. The Ibis 4(15): 329-333.

Finsch, O.
1880 Reise nach den Marschall-Inseln. Sitzungsberichte der Berliner anthropologischen Gesellschaft XII.

Finsch, O.
1882Bericht über Reisen in der Südsee. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fuer Erdkunde, Berlin. IX.

Finsch, O.
1894 Hautverzierungen der Gilbert-Insulaner. Globus 65, 265-277.

Finsch, Otto
1886Die Marschall-Inseln. Die Gartenlaube.34, 37-38.

Finsch, Otto
1887Canoes and Canoebau auf den Marschall Inseln. Verhandlungen der Berliner anthropologischen Gesellschaft Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 19, 22-2

Finsch, Otto
1893Ethnographische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee. Annalen des K. & K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums 7. Vienna: K. & K. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum.

Finsch, Otto
1914Südseearbeiten. Gewerbe- und Kunstfleiß, Tauschmittel und "Geld" der Eingeborenen auf Grundlage der Rohstoffe und der geographischen Verteilung. Hamburg: L. Friederishsen.

Firth, Stewart
1987Nuclear Playground. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Fisher, W.K.
1925Sea stars. In: Marine Zoology of the tropical Central Pacific. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 27: Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 63-88.
The paper discusses sea stars (echinoderms) collected during the 1923 Tanager Expedition. The paper includes specimens collected on Wake Atoll.

Follansbee, W.
1952Typhoon Olive. Ms. mimeographed, copy helld in the Library of the Bernice P.Bishop Museum in Hololul. 17 pp.
Description of the effects of typhoon Olive hitting Wake Atoll in 1952.

Ford, R.E., T.A. Ebert, M. McCollum and D. Bartley
1979Population Characteristics and Fishery Potential of Spiny Lobsters at Enewetak Atoll, MPRL Ann. Rept. FY 1978-79.

Fosberg, F.Raymond & D.Carroll
1965Terrestrial sediments and soils of the Northern Marshall Islands.Atoll Research Bulletin 113. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond & M.-H. Sachet
1962Vascular Plants recorded from Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Research Bulletin 92. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond & M.-H. Sachet
1969Wake Island Vegetation and Flora, 1961-1963. Atoll Research Bulletin 123. Washington: Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.

Fosberg, F.Raymond & M.-H. Sachet
1987 Flora of the Gilbert Islands, Kiribati, Checklist. Atoll Research Bulletin 295. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Fosberg, F.Raymond & M.-H.Sachet
1962Vascular Plants recorded from Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Research Bulletin 92. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1946Botanical Report on Micronesia. U.S.Commercial Company Economic Survey of Micronesia. Typewritten 1947.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1949Atoll vegetation and Salinity. Pacific Science 3,89-92.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1954Soils of the northern Marshall Atolls with special reference to the Jemo series. Soil Science 78(2), 99-107.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1955a Northern Marshall Islands Expedition 1951-1952. Narrative. Atoll Research Bulletin 38. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1955aNorthern Marshall Islands Expedition 1951-1952. Narrative. Atoll Research Bulletin 37. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1955b Northern Marshall Islands Expedition, 1951-1952. Land biota:vascular plants. Atoll Research Bulletin 39. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1955bNorthern Marshall Islands Expedition, 1951-1952. Land biota: vascular plants. Atoll Research Bulletin 39. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1956Military Geography of the Northern Marshalls. Engineer Intelligence Dossier, Strategic Study Marshall, Subfile 19, Analusis of the Natural Environment. Prepared under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, U.S.Army by the Intelligence Division Office of the Engineer Headquarters United States Army Forces Far East with personnel of the United States Geological Survey.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1959 Additional Records of Phanerograms from the Northern Marshall Islands, Atoll Res. Bull., 68: 1-9.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1959aNotes on rats and pest control on Wake Island, 1952. In: E.H.Bryan, Notes on the geography and natural history of Wake Island. Atoll Research Bulletin 66. Washington: Pacific Science Board. pp. 7-8

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1959b Vegetation and flora of Wake Island. Atoll Research Bulletin 67. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1960 The Vegetation of Microneia. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 119: 1-76.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1961VII.Soils. In: D.I.Blumenstock (ed.) A report on Typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Resarch Bulletin 75. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board. Pp. 47-49.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1961bIX: Typhoon effects on individual species of plants. In: D.I.Blumenstock (ed.) A report on Typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Resarch Bulletin 75. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board. Pp. 57-68.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1961bVIII.Flora and vegetation. In: D.i.Blumenstock (ed.) A report on Typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Resarch Bulletin 75. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board. Pp. 51-55.,

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1961c Appendix I: Table of plant specie by islets. In: D.I.Blumenstock (ed.) A report on Typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Resarch Bulletin 75. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board. Pp. 95-104.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1961c IX. Typhoon effects on individual species of plants. In: D.i.Blumenstock (ed.) A report on Typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Resarch Bulletin 75. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board. Pp. 57-68.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1966Northern Marshall Islands land biota: birds. Atoll Research Bulletin 114. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1987Vegetation of Bikini 1985. In: Interim Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the rehabilitation of soil at Bikini Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands.Bikini Rehabilitation Committee Supplementary Document No. 2, July 1987. Berkerley, CA: Bikini Rehabilitation Committee.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1988Vegetation of Bikini. Atoll Research Bulletin 315. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1988Vegetation of Bikini. Atoll Research Bulletin 315. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Fosberg, F.Raymond
1990 A review of the Natural History of the Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin. 330. Washington: Smithonian Institution.

Foulton, J.F.
1939A trip to Bohol in search of tarsius. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 11, 561-573.
General description of Wake Atoll by a naturalist during a stop-over on a trans-Pacific Trip.

Fowler, H.W. & S.C.Ball
1925Fishes of Hawaii, Johnstone Island and Wake Island. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 26. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum.
The paper discusses fish specimens collected and seen during the 1923 Tanager Expedition. The paper includes specimens collected on Wake Atoll.

Fowler, H.W., & S.C.Ball
1924Descriptions of new fishes obtained by the Tanager expedition of 1923 in the Pacific Islands west of Hawaii. Proceedings of the Academy Natural Sciencies Philadelphia 76, 269-274.
The paper discusses fish specimens collected and seen during the 1923 Tanager Expedition. The paper includes specimens collected on Wake Atoll.

Franz, F.
1971aDas Navigieren mit "Stabkarten" auf den Marschall-Inseln 1 and 2 Führungsblaetter des Museums für Völkerkunde, Abteilung Suedsee. Serie 3, Blatt No. 097a and 097b Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz.
Two leaflets accompanying the ethnographic exhibition in Berlin, explaining the Marshallese stick charts. One leaflet (1971a) explains in great detail the functioning of a teaching chart (Waapepe), while the other (1971b) is concerned on a more general level with the other types of stick charts (meto and rebbelip)

Freeman, O.W.
1951Hawaii and the American island outposts. In: O.W.Freeman (ed.), Geography of the Pacific.New York: Wiley & Sons. Pp.328-363.

Friedrichs, K
1890 Stand- und Erbrecht auf den Marshall Inseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 315 & 324.

Friedrichs, K.
1865Marschall-Inseln.. Globus VIII, 351.

Friedrichsen, I.
1879Karte der Marschall Inseln auf der Basis der englischen Admiralitätskarte No. 983 nach den von J.Kubary auf Ebon eingezogenen Erkundingungen und nach Angaben des Capitaen Mellen. Hamburg: Friedrichsen & Co.
Map of the Marshall Islands, contains notes on the population and on German Trading stations in the archipelago.

Friend, Tad
1997 Lost at Sea. Outside. 22(3): 54-61.
A tour of the Marshall Islands is presented. The US blew up 66 nuclear bombs on the islands between 1946 and 1958. The effects of the bombs on the islands and their inhabitants are examined.

Fueta, K.
1947Evidence given during interrogation. In: USSBS 1947a, United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 225-232.

Fukushi, Masaichi
1942 Tattooing of the South Sea Islander (Uchi-Nan-yo tomin no irezumi). Japanische medizinische Wochenschrfit (1040), 1919. Nippon Iji Shinposhoa, Tokyo.

Furnas, W.J.
1942Leathernecks to the last. Heroic defenders of Wake Island. Collier's 110 (21) 21 November 1942, 100-101.



Gale, R. W.
1979The Americanization of Micronesia: A Study of the Consolidation of U.S. Rule in the Pacific. Washington, D. C.: University Press of America, 1979

Gardener, E.
182A few remarks on a whaling voyage from the Sandwich islands to the coast of Japan. Logbook of the whaler Foster of New Bedford, Captain S.Chase, logbook for the years 1823-1824 kept by E.Gardener. Original logbook owned by Nicholson Whaling Collection, Providence Public Library, Providence, Rhode Island. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 862.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 3 May 1823). The reference mentions that the crew went ashore for obtaining firewood and that they also collected fish and beche-de-mer in the lagoon.

Garth, John S., Haig, Janet and Knudsen Jens W
1987Crustacea Decapoda (Brachyura and Anomura) of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 235 - 262.

Gerber, R.P.
1981Species Composition and Abundance of Lagoon Zooplankton at Eniwetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, Atoll Res. Bull., 247: 1-22.

Gerber, R.P., and N. Marshall
1974 Ingestion of Deritus by the Lagoon Pelagic Community at Enewetak Atoll, Limnol. Oceanogr., 19: 815-824.

Gerber, R.P., and N. Marshall
1982Characterization of the Natural Suspended Particulate Organic Matter and Feeding of Lagoon and Zooplankton at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, Bull. Mar. Sci. 32: 290-300.

Gerber, Ray P
1987 Lagoon Plankton of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 203 - 216.

Gershman, Kenneth A., Rolfs, Robert R. and Larsen, Sandra A
1992Seroepidemiological Characterization of a Syphilis Epdemic in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Formerly a Yaws Epidemic Area. International journal of epidemiology. 21(3): 599-nnn.

Gilbert, Th.
1789 Voyage from New South Wales to Canton in the year 1788 with views of the islands discovered by Thomas Gilbert Esqu., commander of the Charlotte. London.
The paper describes a trip to Ailuk and comments on the various aspects of daily life.

Gilmartin, M.
1958Some Observations on the Lagoon Plankton of Enewetak Atoll, Pac. Sci., 12: 313-316.

Glassman, S.F.
1952The Flora of Ponape. Bulletin of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 209. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum

Goebert, Deborah A
1990 Polio in the Marshall Islands. World health : the magazine of the world health MAR 01 1990: 28-nnn.

Goetz, Carl
1914Die Koralleninseln as Grundlage menschlicher Siedelungen. Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig. Weida: Thomas & Hubert.

Gold, K., and E.A. Morales
1977Studies on the Tintinnida of Enewetak Atoll, J. Protozool., 24: 580-587.

Goodenough, W.H.
1951 Native astronomy in Micronesia: a rudimentary science. Scientific Monthly 73 (2) 105-110.

Gooding, R.M.
1972Oil pollution on Wake Island from the tanker R.C.Stoner. Seattle:National Marine Fisheries Service.
In 1976 the oil tanker R. C.Stoner, suppling aircraft gasoline and other fuel to Wake Atoll, foundered off the harbour entrance in September 1967, causing considerable pollution of marine life

Gorenflo, L. J.
1990 Regional Discontinuities of Planning Objectives in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Environment and Planning, 8: 297-314.

Graham, James C. and Simon, Stephen L
1996A study of 137Cs in soil profiles from the Marshall Islands. Science of the total environment, 183(3) 255-nn.

Grant, Ch
1947Frigate bird and the Laysan rail. Condor 49(3) 130.

Grant, Ch.
1947Frigate bird and the Laysan rail. Condor 49(3) 130.
Paper on the birds of Wake Atoll, with special reference to the environmental conditions and their effects on the Wake Island rail.

Grant, Richard E
1987 Brachiopods of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 77 - 84.

Grattan, C. Hartley
1963 The Southwest Pacific Since 1900: A Modern History. Edited by Allan Nevins and Howard M. Ehrman. 1st ed, The University of Michigan History of the Modern World. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.

Grattan, C. Hartley
1963The Southwest Pacific to 1900: A Modern History. Edited by Allan Nevins and Howard M. Ehrman. 1st ed, The University of Michigan History of the Modern World. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.

Gray, A.
1854Botany, Panerogamia. Part I. U.S. Exploring Expedition 15. Philadelphia:C.Sherman.

Green, M.M.
1938Wake, the perfect island. Honolulu Star Bulletin Five Star Weekly and Feature Section 7 May 1938.
Newspaper article on the geography and history of Wake island.

Gressitt , J.L.
1961 Terrestrial fauna. In: D.I.Blumenstock (ed.) A report on Typhoon effects upon Jaluit Atoll. Atoll Research Bulletin 75. Washington, D.C.: Pacific Science Board. Pp. 69-73.

Griffin, A.
1942Here come the marines: the story of the Devil dogs from Trysoli to Wake Island. New York: Hoswell, Sosokin Publishing Co.
General history of the U.S.Marines. Contains a section on the defense of Wake in December 1942.

Grooch, W.S.
1936Skyway to Asia. New York: Longman & Green.
Account of the "North Haven" expedition of Pan American Airways, which established civilian air stations on Midway, Wake and Guam for use in the new trans-Pacific "clipper" air route.

Grooch, W.S.
1938Winged Highway. New York: Longmans.
Abbreviated account of the "North Haven" expedition of Pan American Airways, which established civilian air stations on Midway, Wake and Guam for use in the new trans-Pacific "clipper" air route. set in the wider context of civil aviation.

Grundemann, D.
1887Unser kleinstes Schutzgebiet, die Marschallinseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 4, 441-444.

Gulick, Luther Halsey
1862The Marshall-Islands. Nautical Magazine P.298

Gunasekera, H.M.
1994Report on the Economic and Social Indicators. Majuro: Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, 1994.



Hachisyka, M., N.Takatsukasa, S.Uchida & Y.Yamashina
1942Handlist of Japanese birds. 3rd. revised edition. Tokyo:____
Account of Japanese birds, includes bird records from the Japanese Mandated Islands and the Japanese acquistions in the early years of World War II. Includes records from Wake Atoll ("Otorijima").

Hager, Carl
1886Die Marshall Inseln in Erd- und Völkerkunde, Handel und Mission. Leipzig: G.Lingke.

Hahl, Albert
1937 Governeurs-Jahre in Neu Guinea. Berlin: Dr. Reimer. [not seen]

Hahl, Albert
1942 Deutsch-Neuguinea. Berlin: Dr. Reimer [not seen]

Hahl, Albert
1980Governor in New Guinea Berlin: Dr. Reimer, Peter G. Sack and Dymphna Clark. (eds) Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Hailey, John M.
1987Entrepreneurs and Indigenous Business in the Pacific. PIDP Research Report Series Vol. 9,. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1987.

Hailman, J
1979Notes on the birds of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands `Elepaio 40:87-90.

Hall, M.
1947Journey to an end of an era. New York:_______.
Memoirs of an air officer, U.S.Forces. Contains description of birds, flora and geography on Wake and Midway.

Hambruch, Paul
1912 Die Schiffahrt auf den Karolinen- und Marschall-Inseln. Meereskunde VI. Berlin.

Hamilton, Th.E., G. van Belle & J.P.LoGerfo
1987 Thyroid Neoplasia in Marshall Islanders exposed to nuclear fallout. Journal of the American Medical Association. 258, 629-636.

Hamlin, S. & S.S.Anthony
1987 Groundwater resources of the Laura Area, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Denver, Co.: U.S.Geological Survey Center.

Harrison, G.S
1990Seabirds of Hawaii. Natural History and conservation. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Hart, T.C.
1922 Logbook for U.S.S.Beaver for the year 1.January - 31.December 1922. United States National Archives, Record Group 24, Logbooks of U.S.Naval Vessels.

Harwell, E.
1945The Wake Story. Leatherneck 28, 22-26.

Hasebe, K.
1915Notes on the local custom of the Marshall Islands Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 30, 278-279.

Hasebe, Kotondo
1915Notes on the local custom of the Marshall islands. (Marshall gunto no dozoku kobanashi) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 30(7), 278-279.

Hasebe, Kotondo
1917Concerning the tattoos of the natives of Ponape Island. (Ponape-to dojin no iresumi ni tsuite) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 32(7), 191-196.

Hasebe, Kotondo
1928The tattooing of the Western Micronesians (Seibu Micronesia-jin no irezumi) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 43(3), 120-146

Hasebe, Kotondo
1929 Some examples of the nasal septum pierced, @@@

Hasebe, Kotondo
1930"Obligoismus" (Ketsubaku suhai "Oblogoismus") Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 45(10), 385-391.:

Hasebe, Kotondo
1932 Tattoos by people of the Marshalls. (Marshall-jin no irezumi) Dorumen. Dolmen 1(5), 27-35[Quoted after translation kept at the Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, Guam.

Hasebe, Kotondo
1942Lataran, concerning the tattooing (Rataran) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 57 (7), 297-302.

Hasebe, Kotondo
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Hashimoto, M.
1954Sunk: The story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet 1941-1945. New York: H.Holt & Co.

Hatanaka, S.
1977A bibliography of Micronesia compiled from Japanese Publication [sic] 1915-1945. Tokyo: Research Institute for Oriental Studies, Gakushuin University.

1847 Logbook of the whaler Pioneer of New Bedford , Captain Hathaway, for the years 1847-1851. Original logbook owned by Nicholson Whaling Collection, Providence Public Library, Providence, Rhode Island. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 881.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 20 April 1850).

Hatheway, W.H.
1953 The Land Vegetation of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 16. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Hatheway, W.H.
1953The Land Vegetation of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 16. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Hatheway, W.H.
1957Agricultural notes on the Southern Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 55. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Haushofer, K.
1924Geopolitik des Pazifischen Ozeans. Studien über die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Geographie und Geschichte. Berlin-Grunewald: K.Vohwinckel Verlag.
Study on the geopolitical situation of the Pacific Ocean region and the Pacific Rim states following the political changes in the wake of World War I. The study discusses the strategic importance of small islands and atolls for cable links and flying boat harbours.

Hawaii Architects & Engineers
1972Wotje Master Plan Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: Planning Division, Department of Public Works.

Hawaii Architects & Engineers Inc.
1967Planning Proposals Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands District. Trust Territory Physical Planning Program, Second Submission. Honolulu: Hawaii Architects & Engineers, Inc.

Hawaii Architects & Engineers Inc.
1968aPlanning Proposals Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands District. Trust Territory Physical Planning Program, Pre-Final Report. Honolulu: Hawaii Architects & Engineers, Inc.

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1968bPlanning Proposals Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands District. Trust Territory Physical Planning Program, Final Report. Honolulu: Hawaii Architects & Engineers, Inc.

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1968cPlanning Proposals Eveye and Carlson Islands, Marshall Islands District. Trust Territory Physical Planning Program, Final Report. Honolulu: Hawaii Architects & Engineers, Inc.

Hay, G.
1942 Wake Island. Poetry 60, 9.

Hein, J.R., W.C.Schwab & A.S.Davis
1988Cobalt- and Platinum-rich feromanganese crusts and associated substrate rocks from the Marshall Islands. Marine Geology 78, 255-283.

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1974 Micronesia at the Crossroads: A Reappraisal of the Micronesian Political Dilemma. Honolulu: East-West Center, University Press of Hawaii.

Heine, Carl, Lance Laack, and Espen Rønneberg
1992Republic of the Marshall Islands: Basic Facts and Statistics. New York: Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations

Heine, Dwight, & Anderson, J.A
1971Enen-kio Island of the kio flower. Micronesian Reporter 14 (4), 34-37.

Heinl, R.D & J.A.Crown
1954The Marshalls: increasing the tempo. Washington: Headquarters U.S.Marine Corps, Historical Branch, G-3 Division.

Heinl, R.D.
1946"We're headed for Wake". Marine Corps Gazette June 1946.

Heinl, R.D. jr.
1947The defense of Wake. Washington, D.C.:U.S.Marine Corps, Division of Public Information, Historical Section.

Helfferich, Dr
1905Zur Reform der kolonialen Verwaltungs-Organisation. Berlin: E.S. Mittler & Sons.

Helfrich, Phillip and Ray, Roger
1987 Research at Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 1 - 16

Helgenberger, Kasuo, Nancy Convard, South Pacific Commission, and South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
1992Country report for UNCED: Republic of the Marshall Islands. Apia, Western Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), 1992.

Hempenstall, Peter J
1978Pacific Islanders under German rule. A study in the meaning of colonial resistance. Canberra: Australian University Press.

Hempenstall, Peter J
1987The neglected empire: the superstructure of the Colonial State in German Melanesia. in: Knoll, Arthur J. and Lewis H. Gann, (eds) Germans in the tropics: essays in German colonial history. New York: Greenwood Press. Pp. 93-118

Hempenstall, Peter J. and Rutherford, Noel
1984Protest and dissent in the colonial Pacifc. Suva: University of the South Pacific.

Hernsheim, Franz
1883 Südsee-Erinnerungen. Berlin.
The chapter on the Marschall islands (pp.75-93) gives a not very detailed overview on the Marshallese culture, mainly using Jaluit as a point of reference.

Hernsheim, Franz
1887Die Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen der geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1885-1886 (1887), 297-308.

Heymsfield, Andrew J. and McFarquhar, Greg M
1996High Albedos of Cirrus in the Tropical Pacific Warm Pool: Microphysical Interpretations from CEPEX and from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 53(17):2424-2451.
The results of a study on whether relative reflective ice crystals with dimensions smaller than 100 mum near the tops of tropical cirrus clouds are principally responsible for the high albedos observed in this region are presented.

Hezel, Francis J.
1979Foreign ships in Micronesia. A compendium of ship contacts with the Caroline and Marshall Islands 1521-1885. Saipan, Mariana Is.: F.J.Hezel & Trust Territory Historic Preservation Office.

Hezel, Francis X.
1983 The First Taint of Civilisation. A History of the Caroline and Marshall Islands in Pre-Colonial Days, 1521-1885. Pacific Islands Monographs Series, No.1. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Hezel, Rev. Francis X., and M.L. Berg, eds.
1972 Micronesia: Winds of Change. Saipan: Omnibus Social Studies Program of the Trust Territory, 1980.

Hiatt, R.W. & D.W.Strasburg
1960Ecological relationships of the fish fauna on Coral reefs of the Marshall Islands. Ecological Monographs 30(1):65-127.

Hiatt, R.W.
1950Marine Zoology Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 4. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Hiery, Hans J
1995Das Deutsche Reich in der Südsee (1900-1921). Eine Annäherung and die Erfahrungen verschiedener Kulturen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Rupprecht.

Hiery, Hans J
1995The neglected war. The German South Pacific and the influence of World War I. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Highsmith, R.C.
1981Coral Bioerosion at Enewerak: Agents and Dynamics, Int Revue Gesamen. Hydrobiol., 66: 335-375.

Hines, N.O.
1952 The secret of Marshallese sticks. Discovery September-October 1952, pp.18-23.

Hintjens, Helen M., and Malyn D. D. Newitt, eds.
1992The Political Economy of Small Tropical Islands: The Importance of Being Small. Exeter, United Kingdom: University of Exeter Press, 1992.

Hirako, Goichi
1918On the identification of persons by foot prints of the Marshall Islanders (Marshall dojin no ashiato no motozuku kojin kanbetzuryoku) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 33(7), 192-201.

Hirshfield, H.I., L. Helson, and R. Charmatz
1957Enewetak Protozoa., Rept. to EMBL.

Hirshfield, H.I., L. Helson, and R. Charmatz
1957Eniwetok Protozoa, Report to MPRL, 100pp.

Hirshfield, H.I., R. Charmatz, and L. Helson
1968Foraminifera in Samples Taken Mainly from Eniwetok Atoll in 1956 J. Protozool., 15: 497-502.

Hiyane, J.T.
1967The culture and use of Polynesian arrowroot, T.Leontopetaloides in the Marshall Islands. Majuro: Trust Territory Agriculture Division, Majuro, Marshall Islands. (Contained in Archives of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Microfilm No. , 219).

Hiyane, J.T.
1971aRats and coconuts in the Marshall Islands. Agricultural Extension Circular No. 12. Saipan, Mariana Islands: Divison of Agriculture, Department of Resources and Development, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Hiyane, J.T.
1971bPandanus in the Marshall Islands. Agricultural Extension Bulletin No. 10. Saipan, Mariana Islands: Divison of Agriculture, Department of Resources and Development, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

1939 Exchange of notes between His Majesties Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Administration of the islands of Canton and Enderbury. Washington April 6th, 1939. Treaty Series No. 21 (1939). London: His Majesties Stationary Office.
Treaty between Great Britain and the U.S.A. outlining a joint use agreement of Canton and Enderbury for the purposes of civilian aviation.<p>

Hobbs, W.H.
1945The fortress islands of the Pacific. Ann Arbor, Mi.:J.V.Edwards
Assessment of the U.S.Pacific possessions and their strategic role following World War II.

Hobson, E.S., and J.R. Chess
1973Feeding Oriented Movements of the Atherinid Fish Pranesus pinguis at Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands, Fish. Bull., 71: 777-786.

Hobson, E.S., and J.R. Chess
1978Trophic Relationships Among Fishes and Plankton in the Lagoon at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, Fish. Bull., 76: 133-153.

Holbrook, S.H.
1942Battle at Wake. In: _____, None more courageous American war heroes of today. New York: Macmillan Co.

Hops, A.
1956 Über die Einmaligkeit der Marschall-Stabkarten im Stillen Ozean. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 81, 104-110.

Hornell, J.
1936The Canoes of Polynesia, Fiji, and Micronesia. Canoes of Oceania.Vol.I. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Special Publication 27. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum.

Hough, F.O.
1947The Islands war. The U.S. Marine Corps in the Pacific. Philadelphia & New York: J.P.Lippincott & Co.
Comprehensive history of the actions of the U.S. Marine Corps in the Pacific War, contains a section on Wake Atoll.

Hough, F.O., V.E.Ludwig & H.E.Shaw
1958History of U.S. Marine Corps operations in World War II. Volume I: Pearl Harbur to Guadalcanal.Washington, D.C.: Historical Branch, G-3 Division, U.S.Marine Corps.

Howard, C. & J.Whitley
1946One damned island after another. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Howland, C.P.
1930Survey of American Foreign relations. New Haven:
Discusses in passing the political status of Wake Atoll.

Huber, E.R
1982Deutsche Verfassungsgschichte seit 1789. Bd. IV. Struktur und Krisen des Kaiserreiches. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.

Hull, F.M.
1937Checklist of Syrphidae of Oceania. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 13. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 79-87.

Hull, F.M.
1937Checklist of Syrphidae of Oceania. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 13. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 79-87.

Humes, A.G.
1970bClavisodalis hterocentroti gen. n. et sp. n., a Cyclopoid Copepod Parasitic on an Echinoid at Eniwetok Atoll, J. Parasitol., 56: 575-583.

Humes, A.G.
1971a Cyclopoid Copepods (Stellicomitidae) Parasitic on Sea Stars from Madagascar and Eniwetok Atoll, J. Parasitol., 57: 1330-1343.

Humes, A.G.
1971bSunaristes (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) Associated with Hermit Crabs at Eniwetok Atoll, Pac. Sci., 25: 529-532.

Humes, A.G.
1972a Pseudanthessius comanthi n. sp. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) Associated with a Crinoid at Eniwetok Atoll, Pac. Sci., 26: 373-380.

Humes, A.G.
1972bCyclopoid Copepods Associated with Tridacnidae (Millusca, Bivalvia) at Eniwetok Atoll, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 84: 345-358.

Humes, A.G.
1973aNanaspis (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) Parasitic on the Holothurian Thelenota ananas (Jaeger) at Eniwetok Atoll, J. Parasitol., 59: 384-395.

Humes, A.G.
1973bCyclopoid Copepods (Lichomolgidae) from Octo-corals at eniwetok Atoll, Beautifortia, 21: 135-151.

Humes, A.G.
1974Octopicola regalis n. sp. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Lichomolgidae) Associated with Octopus cyaneus from New Caledonia and Eniwetok Atoll, Bull. Mar. Sci., 24: 76-85.

Humphrey, O.J
1887The wreck of the Rainier. A sailor's narrative. Portland: W.H.Stevens & Co.

1824Logbook of the whaler Mentor of Nantucket, Captain ?, for the years 1827-1830. Original logbook owned by Whaling Museum Nantucket, Mass. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 385.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 29 December 1824).

Hunt, C.D. & F.L.Peterson
1980Groundwater resources of Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, Water Resources Research Center.

Hurd, D.C., and D.S. Lawson
1975 On the Possible Concentration of Radionuclides by the Siliceous Spicules from Enewetak Lagoon, MPML Ann. Rept. FY 1975.



Ingram, W.M., and J.P.E. Morrison
n.d Cypraeidae of the Marshall Islands, MS., U.S. National Museum.

Irmer, Georg
1894Jahresbericht des Landeshauptmannes auf Jaluit 1. April 1893 bis 31. März 1894. In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1894 bis Oktober 1900. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 2. No. 6525. National Library of Australia, Canberra. Microfilm G8600Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data

Irmer, Georg
1895a Jahresbericht des Landeshauptmannes auf Jaluit 1. April 1894 bis 31. März 1895. In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1894 bis Oktober 1900. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 2. No. 6525. National Library of Australia, Canberra. Microfilm G8600Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data

Irmer, Georg
1896Jahresbericht des Landeshauptmannes auf Jaluit 1. April 1895 bis 31. März 1896. In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1894 bis Oktober 1900. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 2. No. 6525. National Library of Australia, Canberra. Microfilm G8600Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data

Irmer, Georg
1897Jahresbericht des Landeshauptmannes auf Jaluit 1. April 1896 bis 31. März 1897. In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1894 bis Oktober 1900. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 2. No. 6525. National Library of Australia, Canberra. Microfilm G8600Annual Colonial report providing background information and economical data

Irmer, Georg
1915Völkerdämmerung im Stillen Ozean. Leipzig: S. Hirzel.

Isoda, I.
1928 Ethnology of the Marshall Islands (Marshall gunto no bunka-shi) Marshall News (Marshall Shinpo) special number

Isoda, I.
1929 A cultural history of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, I.
1929 The Position of the Marshall Islanders in Cultural History. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, I.
1929A cultural history of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, I.
1929The Position of the Marshall Islanders in Cultural History. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Isoda, Isao
1929, The Marshallese and cultural history (Marshall guntomin no bunkashi-jo no ichi) Marshall News (Marshall Shinpo) (300)



Jackson, T.H.
1936Report [on a survey of Wake Island ] of the divison engineer In: United States, House of Representatives, 1936, Wake Island, Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, dated June 30, 1936, submitting a report, together with accompanying papers and illustrations, on a preliminary examination and survey of Wake Island authorized by the River and Harbor Act Approved August 30, s1935 House Document No 84, 75th Congress, 1st session. Pp. 6-10.
Report on the topography and marine geology of Wake Atoll based on the results of the survey by U.S.S.Nitro, together with an assessment of its suitability for military purposes.

Jackson, W.B. & R.L. Strecker
1962Ecological Distribution and relative numbers. In: N. Storer, Pacific Island Rat Ecology. Report on a study made on Ponape and adjacent islands 1955 - 1958. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 225. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 45-63.

Jackson, W.B.
1968Dragonfly Populations at Eniwetok Atoll, Bioscience, 18: 1123.

Jackson, W.B., and M.L. Carpenter
1967Radioisotope Cycling in Terrestrial Communities at Eniwetok Atoll, in Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Radioecology, Ann Arbor May 15-17, 1967, Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, pp. 644-651.

Jackson, W.B., S.H.Vessey & R.K.Bastian
1987Biology of the Rodents of Enewetak Atoll. In: Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 203-214.

Jacobs, W.V.E.
1910Report to the Secretary of the Treasury of investigation and apprehension of Japanese plumage hunters in January 1910. Record Group 26 (126?), U.S. National Archives, Washington.
Manuscript detailing the operations of Japanese feather poachers in the north-western Hawaian Chain. Has relevance to similar operations on Eneen-Kio.

Jacot, A.P.
1928New oribatoid mites. Psyche 35, 213-215.
cientific account of mites from the Pacific area, including records from Wake Atoll.

Jacot, A.P.
1929Concerning the genus Neolides (Oribatoidea - Acarina). American Microscopical Society Transactions.48, 30-48
Scientific account of mites from the Pacific area, including records from Wake Atoll.

Jacot, A.P.
1934Some Hawaiian Oribatoidea (Acarina). Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 121. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 1-99.
Scientific account of mites from the Pacific area, including records from Wake Atoll.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
190Jahres-bericht für 1902 vorgelegt in der vierzehnten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 29. Mai 1903. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
191Jahresbericht für 1912 vorgelegt in der vierundzwantzigsten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 25. Juni 1913. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1890Jahres-bericht für 1889 vorgelegt in der ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 12. August 1890. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1891 Jahres-bericht für 1890 vorgelegt in der zweiten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 11 November 1891. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1892Jahres-bericht für 1891 vorgelegt in der dritten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 3. August 1892. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1893a Jahres-bericht für 1892 vorgelegt in der vierten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 10. Juni 1893. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1893b Revidiertes Statut der Jaluit Gesellschaft beschlossen in der Generalversammlung am 10. Juni 1893. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1896Jahres-bericht für 1895 vorgelegt in der siebten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 17 September 1896. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1897Jahres-bericht für 1896 vorgelegt in der achten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 31. Juli 1897. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1898Jahres-bericht für 1897 vorgelegt in der ordentlichen neunten Generalversammlung am 30. Juni 1898. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1899Jahres-bericht für 1898 vorgelegt in der ordentlichen zehnten Generalversammlung am 27. Juni 1899. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1900Jahres-bericht für 18929 vorgelegt in der ordentlichen elften Generalversammlung am 25. September 1899. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1901Jahres-bericht für 1900 vorgelegt in der zwölften ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 15. Juni 1901. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1902Jahres-bericht für 1901 vorgelegt in der dreizehnten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 15. Juli 1902. Gente, Hamburg.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1907Jahresbericht für 1906 vorgelegt in der achtzehnten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 31. Maerz 1907. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1908Jahresbericht für 1907 vorgelegt in der neunzehnten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 26. Juni 1908. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1909Jahresbericht für 1908 vorgelegt in der zwantzigsten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 26. Mai 1909. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1910Jahresbericht für 1909 vorgelegt in der einundzwantzigsten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 10. Juni 1910. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1911Jahresbericht für 1910 vorgelegt in der zweiundzwantzigsten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 30. Mai 1911. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1911Revidiertes Statut der Jaluit Gesellschaft gemaess Beschluss der General Versammlung von 21. Juli 1911. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Statutes and company regulations of the German trading Company Jaluit Gesellschaft.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1912Jahresbericht für 1911 vorgelegt in der dreiundzwantzigsten ordentlichen Generalversammlung am 10 Juni 1912. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Annual report of the the German trading company Jaluit Gesllschaft. Contains general figures but no detailed figures for the Marshall Islands.

Jaluit Gesellschaft
1912Revidiertes Statut der Jaluit Gesellschaft gemaess Beschluss der General Versammlung von 10. Juni 1912. Hamburg: Graefe & Tiedemann.
Statutes and company regulations of the German trading Company Jaluit Gesellschaft.

Japanese Government
192Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1923. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1922Report on the administration of the territory under Japanese Mandate [for 1921]. C 189.1922VI. Commnique aux membres du Conceil 1/18085/18085. 6 April 1922. Contained in Commonwealth of Australia, External Affairs Department, Australian Archives, Record No. A981/1 Marshall and Caroline Islands 2 Part 1. Australian Archives, A.C.T. Regional Repository, Canberra, Australia.

Japanese Government
1924Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1924. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1927Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1927. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1928Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1928. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1929Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1929. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1931Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1931. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1932Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1932. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1934Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1934. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1935Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1935. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1936Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1936. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1937Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1937. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Japanese Government
1938Annual report to the League of Nationson the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1938. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Jenkins, W.S
1946Wartime Canoe Building in the Marshall Islands. American Neptune 6(1), 71-71.

Jenkyns, H. C., Mutterlose, J. and Sliter, W. V
1995Upper Cretaceous carbon- and oxygen-isotope stratigraphy of deep-water sediments from the North-Central Pacific (Site 869, flank of Pikinni-Wodejebato, Marshall Islands). Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 143: 105-nnn.

Jeschke, Carl
1905Bericht über den Orkan in den Marschall-Inseln am 30. Juni 1905 . Petermanns Mitteilungen 51, 248-249.
The report describes the effects of the 1905 cyclone on the southern Atolls in the Marshall Islands:when a 12m high wave washed across Mile, Ngarikrik, Arno, parts of Majuro and Jaluit, destroying several islets and killing several people.

Jeschke, Carl
1906Bericht über die Marschall-Inseln. Petermanns Mitteilungen 52, 270-277.
The report describes the effects and after-effrects of the 1905 cyclone on the southern Atolls in the Marshall Islands. It contains a descripotion of the effects on Ujelang, about which information had been unavailable the year before.

1944Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Areas, Air Target maps and Photos ATF No. 23-A Wake. February 20, 1944. 64th Engr. Top. Co. USAFICPA No. 596-3.
Detailed bomb target map of Wake Atoll with numerous aerial photos.

Johannes, R. E., J. Alberts, C. D'Elia, R. A. Kinzie, L. R. Pomery, W. Sottie, W. Wiebe, J. A. Marsh, Jr., P. Helfrich, J. Maragos, J. Meyer, S. Smith, D. Crabtree, A. Roth, L. R. McCloskey, S. Betzer, N. Marshall, M. E. Q. Pilson, G. Telek, R. I. C lutter, W. D. DuPaul, K. L. Webb, and J. M. Wells, Jr.
1972The Metabolism of Some Coral Reef Communities: A Team Study of Nurtient and Energy Flux at Eniwetok, Bioscience, 22: 541-543.

Johannes, R.E., and R.P. Gerber
1974 Import and Export of Net Plankton by an Enewetak Coral Reef Community, in Proceedings of the Second International Coral Reef Symposium, Australia, 1973: pp. 97-104.

Johnson, Giff, Samuel McPhetres, Julie Olsson, Donald R. Shuster, and Roniti Teiwaki.
1993 Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992,Contemporary Pacific 5, (Spring 1993): 133-149.

Johnson, Giff.
1984Collision Course at Kwajalein: Marshall Islanders in the Shadow of the Bomb. Honolulu: Pacific Concerns Resource Center, 1984.

Johnson, J.G.
1935Wake Island is stirred to life. A visitor describes the coral atoll that will be a station for air travelers on their way across the Pacific Ocean. New York Times 12 May 1935, Section X, Page 17.

Johnson, M.W.
1949 Zooplankton as an Index of Water Exchange Between Bikini Lagoon and the Open Sea Trans. Am. Geophy. Union, 30: 238-244.

Johnson, M.W.
1954 Plankton of the Northern Marshall Islands, Bikini and Nearby Atolls, U.S. Geol. Surv. Professional Paper 260-F, 301-314.

Johnson, O.W
1973 Reproductive condition and other features of shorebirds resident at Enewetok Atoll during the boreal summer. Condor 75: 336-343.

Johnson, O.W
1977Plumage and molt of shorebirds summering at Enewetak Atoll. Auk 94: 222-230.

Johnson, O.W
1979 Biology of shorebirds summering on Enewetak Atoll. Studies in Avian Biology 2:193-205.

Johnson, O.W. and Kleinholz, R.J
1975New avifaunal records for Enewetok. Auk 92, 592-594.

Johnson, S., and L.M. Boucher
1983 Notes on Some Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Mashall Islands, Including 57 New Records, Pac. Sci., 37: 251-291.

Johnson, W.O. and Morton, M.L
1976 Fat content and flight range in shorebirds summering at Enewetak Atoll. Condor 78: 144-145.

Johnston, D.W. & R.W.McFarlane
1967Migration and bioenergetics of flight in the Pacific golden plover. Condor 69 (2), 156-168.

Jones, Peter D
1988From Bikini to Belau: the Nuclear Colonization of the Pacific. London: War Resisters International.

Jordan, K
1939 On the constancy and variability of the differences between Old World Species of Utheisa (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Novitates Zoologicae 41, 251-291.

Joyce, T.A.
1908 Note on a native chart from the Marshall Islands in the British Museum. Man VIII

no dateThe story of Wake Island. 32pp. illustrated.



Kabua, P. & N.Pollock
1967 The ecological bases of political power in Laura Community.In: L.Mason (ed.), The Laura Report. A field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. Pp. 1-83. (pagination in volume is not consecutively numbered).

Karolle, Bruce G.
Atlas of Micronesia. Honolulu: Bess Press.

Kaucher, D. & W.Winter
1939Wake Island, America's mid-Pacific airport. Travel 72 (4) February 1939, 19-21;52-53.

Kaucher, D.
1947Wings over Wake. San Francisco:John Howell.

Kay, E.A. & S.Johnson
1987 Mollusca of Enewetak Atoll. In: Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 105-146.

Kelin II, Daniel A
1995Tales in Tiny Islands. Storytelling magazine. 7(6) 20-nn

Kelley, K.C.
1974 CINCPACREP GUAM/TTPI CAD-GUAM, Civic Action Team Marshalls Deployment Completion Report for the period 1 May 1974 to 28 October 1974. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Representative Guam and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Civic Action Team Guam

Kempny, P.
1904Beitrag zur Neuropternfauna der Marshall-Inseln, nebst Beschreibung zweier neuer Chrysopa-Arten, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges Wien., 54: 352-355.

Kennedy, P.M.
1974The Samoan Tangle. A study in Anglo-German-American relations 1878-1900. Dublin: The Irish University Press.
A study on the relations of three colonial powers and the handling of the Samoa crisis. The study includes geopolitical aspects, as well as background information on the role of the Marshall Islands.

Kephart, R.
1950Wake, war and waiting. New York:Exposition Press.

King, R.D.
ndIndex to the islands of the Territory of Hawaii, including other islands under the souvereignty of the United States scattered in the North Pacific Ocean. Honolulu:nnn

1880Die Südseeinseln und der deutsche Südseehandel

Kiste, Robert C
1987History of the People of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 17 - 26.

Kiste, Robert C.
1968Kili Island: A study of the relocation of the Ex-Bikini Marshallese. Eugene, Oregon: Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon.

1947Evidence given during interrogation. In: USSBS 1947a, United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. P. 59.

Kluge, P.F.
1991The Edge of Paradise: America in Micronesia. New York: Random House, 1991.

Knappe, W
1891Beschreibungen und Erlaeuterungen des Konsuls Dr. Knappe, von ihm 1885-1889 gemachten Sammlungen. Erfurt.
Catalogue of an ethnological colletion compiled by Wilhelm Knappe, admnsitator of the German Protectorate of the Marshall Islands from 1886-1888.

Knight, G.K.
1981Plans for the opening exhibition of Marshall Islands Museum. Ms. on file Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. 25pp.

Knight, Gerald.
1982Man This Reef. Majuro, MH: Micronitor Press, 1982.

Koehler, J.
1899Das Recht der Marschall-Insulaner. Zeitschrift fuer vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft. XII, 441-459.

Kohn, Alan J
1987 Intertidal Ecology of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 139 - 158

Koidsumi, G.
1917Plants of Jaluit. Rigaku-kai (Science World) 15 (1), 14-17; 89-96 [in Japanese].

Koidzumi, G
The vegetation of Jaluit Island. Botanical magazine (Tokyo) 29, 242-257.

Koranda ,J.J., J.R. Martin, M.L.Stuart, D.R.McIntyre & G.Potter
1973Enewetak Radiological Survey NVO-140. Las Vegas, Nevada:U.S.Atomic Energy Commission.

Koranda, J.J., J.R. Martn, S.E. Thompson, Jr., M.L. Stuart, D.R. McIntyre, and G. Potter
197Enewetak Radiological Survey, NVO-140, U.S. Atomic Energy Commssion, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 225-235.

Koranda, J.J., W.L. Robison, S.E. Thompson, and M.L. Stuart
1978Enewetak Radioecolgy Reseach Program: I. Ecological Studies on Enjebi Island 1975-1976.Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-52409-1, University of California, Livermore.

Kornicker, Louis S
1987Ostracoda ( Myodocopina) of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 217 - 220.

Kotzebue, Otto von
1821A voyage of discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits. for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the expense of His Highness the Chancellor of the Empire, Count Romanzoff in the ship Rurick, under the command of the Lieutenant in the Russian Imperial Navy, Otto von Kotzebue. 3 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown.
Account of the first Russian exploring expedition to the Marshall Islands. Contains numerous accounts of the ethnography and customs, as well as geographical data on the atolls. Mentions fruitless attempt to reach Wake Atoll.

Kotzebue, Otto von
1830A new voyage around the world in the years 1823-1826. 2. vols. London:H.Colbourn & R.Bentley.
Account of the second Russian exploring expedition to the Marshall Islands. contains numerous accounts of the ethnography and customs, as well as geographical data on the atolls.

Krämer, A.
1905Der Haus- und Bootsbau auf den Marshallinseln. Archiv für Anthropologie N.F. III.

Krämer, A.
1906Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa. Stuttgart: Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Krämer, A., & H.Nevermann
1938 Ralik-Ratak (Marschall Inseln). In: G.Thilenius (ed.), Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II. Ethnographie, B: Mikronesien. Vol. 11: Hamburg: Friedrichsen & de Gruyter.

Krämer, Augustin
1904 Die Ornamentik der Kleidmatten und der Tatauierung auf den Marschall-Inseln. Archiv für Anthropologie N.F. II.

1905Die Gewinning und Zubereitung der Nahrung auf den Ralik-Ratak Inseln. Globus 88, 140-146.

1906Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa. Stuttgart: Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

1927Die Entsehung der Korallen Inseln nach neuen Gesichtspunkten auf Grund eigener Untersuchungen. Stuttgart: E. Schweitzerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

1938 Fächer. In: A. Krämer & H.Nevermann, Ralik-Ratak (Marschall Inseln). In: G.Thilenius (ed.), Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. II. Ethnographie, B: Mikronesien. Vol. 11: Hamburg: Friedrichsen & de Gruyter. P. 159.

Krauss, N.L.H.
1969Wake Island (Western Pacific) Bibliography. Honololu: N.L.H. Krauss.

Kriste, Robert C
1974The Bikinians: A Study in Forced Migration. Menlo Park, CA: Cummings Publishing Co.

Kubary, Johann S.
1873Die Ebon-Gruppe im Marshall's Archipel. Herausgegeben von E.Graeffe. Journal des Museum Godeffroy, Heft 1.

1887 Das Tätowiren in Mikronesien, speziell auf den Karolinen. In: W.Joest, Tätowiren, Narbenzeichnen und Körperbemalen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Ethnologie. Berlin: A.Asher & Co. Pp. 74-98.
Paper on the tattooes and tattooing techniques of Micronesia, focussing on the Caroline Islands, with refernces to the rest of Micronesia.



Ladd, H.S., J.I. Tracey, J.W. Wells & K.O. Emery
1950Organic growth and sedimentation on an atoll. Journal of Geology 58:410-425

Ladd, H.S., J.I.Tracey & G.G.Lill
1948Drilling on Bikini Atoll, M.I. Science 107,51-55.

Laird, W.E.
1981Soil Survey of Airik, Arno, Mili and Taroa; Marshall Islands.United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Honolulu, Hawaii, in conjunction with the office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Department of Resource and Development, Government of the Marshall Islands; United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; and University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources; April 1981. 76 pages. Ms. on file, National Archives of the Marshall Islands.
Discussion of the soil types on the four islands investigated. Discusses soil properties in terms of land use, chemistry, sanitatary facilities, building site development, construction materials and water management. uses generalised soil classification for the Marshall Islands.Mapping of soil units was conducted on 1940s airphotos.

Laird, W.E.
1989Soil Survey of the islands of Airik, Arno, Majuro, Mili and Taroa; Republic of the Marshall Islands. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service.

Lamberson, J.O.
1982A Guide to Terrestrial Plants of Enewetak Atoll. Pacific Scientific Information Center, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu.

Lamberson, J.O.
1982A guide to terrestrial plants of Enewetak Atoll. Pacific Science Information center. Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum.

Lamberson, J.O.
1987Natural History of Terrestrial Vascular Plants on Enewetak Atoll. In: D.M.Devaney, E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich (eds.), The natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Vol. II Biogeography and systematics. Oak Ridge, ten.: U.S. Department of Energy.

Lamberson, Janet O
1987Natural History of Terrestrial Vascular Plants of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 17 - 36.

Lamberson, Janet O
1987Reptiles of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 325 - 330.

Lane, I.E.
1960 in Microclimatic Observations at Eniwetok, D.I. Blumenstock and D.F. Rex, Atoll Research Bull., No. 71, Pacific Science Board, Washington, D.C., pp. 15-19.

Langdon, Robert
1978American whalers and traders in the Pacific: A guide to Microfilms. Canberra: Bacific Manuscripts Bureau, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.

Langdon, Robert
1979Thar she went: an interim index to the Pacific Ports and islands visited by American whalers and traders in the 19th century being a supplement to "American whalers and traders in the Pacific: A guide to Microfilms". Canberra: Bacific Manuscripts Bureau, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.

Langhans, P.
1898Beiträge zur Kenntnis der deutschen Schutzgebiete. Petermanns Mitteilungen 39, 238.
Discusses the trading network of the Jaluit Company in the Marshall Islands and in Micronesia in general.

Laubenfels, M.W. de
1950Ocean currents in the Marshall Islands. Geographical Review 40 (2), 254-259.

Laubenfels, M.W. de
1950bNative navigators. Research Reviews (June 1950), Office of Naval Research, pp. 7-12.

Lay, William & Cyrus M.Hussey
1928A narrative of the mutiny on board the ship Globe of Nantucket in the Pacific Ocean, Jan 1824, and the journal of a residence of two years on the Mulgrave ISlands, with observations on the manners and customs of the inhabitants..New London (Reprint: New York: Corinth Books

Lee, G.
1980 Men and Island Matched, Isolated and Detached. New York Times 25 July 1980, Page 25.

Lee, M.A., amd J.S. Lee
1978 Terrestrial Nutrient Cycling: Analysis of Compartments, Mis-Pacific Marine Laboratory Annual Report, 1975-1976, NVO 0628-2, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.

Lee, M.W.
1984Survey Report, Joachim deBrum House, Likiep Atoll, Marshall Islands. Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
The report provides an assessment of the deBrum's house on Likiep, which has been nominated as a national Site with the US National Register of Historic Places.

Leff, D.N.
1940Uncle Sam's Pacific Islets. Stanford University:Stanford University Press.
Description of the geography, natural history and history of the central Pacific islands and other possessions of the U.S. in the Pacific Ocean.Brief description of Wake Atoll, not too accurate.

Leopold, E.B.
1969 Miocene Pollen and Spore Flora of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 260-II.

Leopold, E.B.
1969Miocene Pollen and Spore Flora of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 260-II. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Geological Service.

Lerner, Marc, Fujikawa, Sharon and Adams, William H
1989Hearing Loss and Middle-Ear Abnormalities In a Group of Marshallese Children. The Hearing journal. 42(8): 21-nnn.

Lewis, A.G.
1968 Copepod Crustaceans Parasitic on Fishes of Eniwetok Atoll, Proc. U.S. nat. Mus., 125: 1-78.

Lewis, David
1972We, the navigators. The ancient art of landfinding in the Pacific. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii.

Lewis, Paul.
1992 Island Nations Fear a Rise in the Sea. New York Times, February 17 1992, A3.

Lewis, Paul.
1992Danger of Floods Worries Islanders. New York Times, May 13 1992, A11.

Lowman, F. G., and R. F. Palumbo
1962 Occurrence of Bismuth-207 at Eniwetok Atoll, Nature (Lond.), 193: 796-797

Lucas, Robert.
1991Performance and Growth Prospects: Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau. Honolulu: Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, 1991.

Lyons, H.
1928 The sailing charts of the Marshall Islands. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 72, 325-328.



Maa, T.C.
1968 Records of Hippoboscidae (Diptera) from the central Pacific. Journal Medical Entomology 5(3), 325-328.

MacKenzie, J.B.
1956Agriculture Survey of Jebet, Jar Bokalap, Jebwor and Kili islands. Mimeographed. Angana, Guam: Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. (Copy held at the National Archives of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Alele Museum, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands).

Maguire, B. Jr.
1967Small Freshwater Organisms on Eniwetok Atoll, Micronesica, 3: 151-157.

Major, H.
1938Isle of paradoxes. Country Life 74, 36-39.
The article discusses the hydroponic gardens run by L.Laumeister and later by T.Lyons on Wake Atoll to supply the Pan American Airways trans-Pacific air service with fresh vegetables.

Manchester, C.A.
1951The exploration and mapping of the Pacific. O.W.Freeman (ed.), Geography of the Pacific.New York: Wiley & Sons. Pp.61-88.

Manner, H.I.
1990A review of atoll agriculture and ecology with respect to climate change and sealevel rise in the Pacific basin. In: P.J.Hughes & G.McGregor (eds.), Gloval warming-related effects on agriculture and human health and comfort in the South Pacific. A report to the South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme and the United Nations Environment Programme. The Association of South Pacific Environmental Institutions, University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby. Pp. 41-64.

Manning, R.B., and M.L. Reaka
1982Gonodactylus insularis, a New Stomatopod Crustacean from Enewetak Atoll, Pacific Oceaas, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 95: 347-351.

196Wake Island, NW, North Pacific Ocean. Prepared by the 29th Engineer Battalion, compiled in 1954 by planetable survey methods 1952. Sheet 7579 IV NW Series W823, Edition 1-AMS (AFFE). 2nd printing November 1963. Stock No. W823X75794NW. Washington: Department of Defense, U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.Army Map Service.

1854Wakes Island, Map 94. in: Wilkes, Ch.1858, Atlas of Charts from the surveys of the expedition. Vol. II. United States Exploring Expedition, Volume XX. Philadelphia: C.Sherman.
First map of Wake Atoll.

1935Wake Island, from a survey by U.S.S.Nitro 1935 with additions from U.S.S.Tanager survey 1923. Natural scale 1:45,000., Hydrographic Office. No. 162 (1935).

1936Wake Island, Location of proposed harbour. Map prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Scale 1:24.016. In: United States, House of Representatives, 1936, Wake Island, Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, dated June 30, 936, submitting a report, together with accompanying papers and illustrations, on a preliminary examination and survey of Wake Island authorized by the River and Harbor Act Approved August 30, 1935. House Document No 84, 75th Congress, 1st session.

1944Wake Island. Army Map Service Map based on aerial photos and intelligence. Scale 1:10,000. AWS W882 Type F AMS 1. Washington: War Department, Army Map Service.

1944Wake Island. Map based on sorties of 5-6 October 1943, prepared by the Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Areas PRISIC No. M-40229-8. Contained in: JICPOA, 1944, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Areas, Air Target maps and Photos ATF No. 23-A Wake. February 20, 1944. 64th Engr. Top. Co. USAFICPA No. 596-3.

1945Wake Island. Army Map Service Map based on aerial photos and intelligence. Scale 1:10,000. AWS W882 Type F AMS 3. Washington: War Department, Army Map Service.

1947North Pacific Ocean. Wake Island. Based on a survey by U.S.S.Hydrographer in 1945. Scale 1:15,000. United Stated Hydrographic Office Map USHO No 6034. April 1947. Washington: Secretary of the Navy, Hydrographic Office.

1954Wake Island, NW, North Pacific Ocean. Prepared by the 29th Engineer Battalion, compiled in 1954 by planetable survey methods 1952. Sheet 7579 IV NW Series W823, Edition 1-AMS (AFFE). Washington: Department of Defense, U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.Army Map Service.

1976Pacific Ocean. Wake Island, United States Possession. Scale 1:13,000. National Oceanographic Survey Map 81664. 4th edition, 24 february 1976. Washington: U.S.Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Athmos[heric Administration, National Oceanographic Survey.

Marcus, E., and J.B. Burch
1965Marine Euthyneuran Gastropoda from Eniwetok Atoll, Western Pacific, Malacologia, 3: 235-262.

Marsh, James A. Jr
1987Reef Processes: Energy and Materials Flux in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 159 - 180

Marshall, H.G.
1968Marine phytoplankton collected at Wake Island. Hydrobiology 31 (1/2), 145-149.

Marshall, J.F. & G. Jacobson
1985Holocene growth of a mid-Pacific atoll Tarawa atoll, Kiribati. Coral Reefs, 4, 11-17.

Marshall, J.T.
1950Vertebrate ecology of Arno Atoll. Atoll Research Bulletin 3. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Marshall, J.T.
1957Atolls visited during the first phase of the Pacific Islands Rats Ecology project. Atoll Research Bulletin 56. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Marshall, Melson and Gerber Ray P
1987Trophic Relationships at Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp, 181 - 186

Masefield, G.B.
1948A handbook of Tropical Agriculture. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Mason, L
1952 Anthropology-Geography Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 10. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Mason, L.
1947The economic organisation of the Marshall Islands. U.S.Commercial Company Economic Survey.Typrewritten Honolulu April 1947. HRAF

Mason, L.
1951Micronesia: Marshalls, Gilberts, Ocean Island and Nauru. In: O.W.Freeman (ed.), Geography of the Pacific.New York: Wiley & Sons. Pp.270-297.

Mason, Leonard
1952Anthropology-Geography Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 10. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Mason, Leonard.
1989 A Marshallese Nation Emerges from the Political Fragmentation of American Micronesia. Pacific Studies 13, (November 1989): 1-46.

Matsamura, Akira
1916The Marshallese and the boomerang (Marshall gunto dojin to boomerang) Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo 31(3), 101-103.

Matsamura, Akira
1918 Contribution to the ethnology of Micronesia. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 40(7).

Matsui, Isao
1941 Studies of customs and administration in the South Sea islands, the Marshallese customs (Tomin Kanshu to gyosei no kenkyu, Marshall gunto tomin kanshu e no kosatsu) The South Sea islands (Nan'yo Gunto) 7(3), 50-52.

Matsuoka, Shizuo
1927 Ethnography of Micronesia (Micronesia mizokushi). Oka-shoin, Tokyo.

Matthews, J.
1975The Marshalls Human Development Project. Chicago: Institute of Cultural Affairs.

May, C.P.
1973Oceania, Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia. New York: Thomas Nelson Inc.

Mayr, E.
1945 Bird conservation in the southwest Pacific. Audubon Magazine 47, 279-282.
General paper on birds and bird conservation in the Pacific area.

McCoid, M. J., R. A. Hensley, and G. J. Witteman.
1994. Factors in the decline of Varanus indicus on Guam, Mariana Islands. Herpetological Review 25, no. 2 (1994): 60-61.

McCoy, J.J.
1981Majuro Development Plan. Saipan, Marianas: High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
1981 development plan outlining the proposed development of the DUD municipalty. the volume provides an accumulation of background information on Majuro Atoll.

McHenry, D.F.
1975Micronesia: Trust Betrayed. Altruism versus Self-interest in American Foreign Policy. New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

McKee, E.D
1959Storm sediments on a Pacific Atoll. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 29, 354-364.

McKee, E.D.
1956Geology of Kapingamarangi Atoll, Caroline Islands. U.S. Geological Survey.

McLeod, Rory.
1991New Zealand's Economic Links With Pacific Island Countries. Pacific Economic Bulletin 6, (June 1991): 18-22.

McMullen, Ronald.
1983 Lilliput Revisited: The Case for Free Association. Journal of Public and International Affairs 4, (Fall 1983): 50-66.

McPhetres, Samuel F., Julie Olsson, and Donald R. Shuster.
1994Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 1993 to 30 June 1994 Contemporary Pacific 7, (Spring 1995): 125-137.

Meinecke, Carl E
1863Die Gilbert und Marschall-Inseln. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde, N.S. 15, 369-417.

Meinicke, G.
1876Die Inseln des Stillen Oceans, Eine geographische Monographie. 2 vols. Leipzig: Paul Frohberg.
A monograph on the geography of the Pacific Ocean, discussing the physical geography, the ethnography and the history of the island groups. Makes references to Wake Atoll as part of the Marshall Islands.

Meller, Norman.
1969The Congress of Micronesia: Development of the Legislative Process in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1969.

Meller, Norman.
1986Constitutionalism in Micronesia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986.

Merrill, E.D.
1981Plant life of the Pacific world. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E.Tuttle Co.

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1987 Meteorology and Atmospheric Chemistry of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 71 - 90

Merz, Georg
1910Rundreise mit "Delphin". Kaiserliches Bezirksamt Journal No. 1324/10. Report to the Imperial Governor at Rabaul, dated Jaluit, September 6th, 1910. Manuscript. contained in: Reichskolonialamt Volume 3077, Document 23. Manuscript. on file. Australian Archives, Document Series G-2, Y40
Report on an inspection trip of the German Distraict adminsuatrator to a number of atolls in the Marshall Islands. The report contains demoigraphic data and descritions of islands visited.

Merz, Georg
1911Jahresbericht ueber die Entwicklung der Marschall Inseln im Jahre 1910/1911. Dated 18 June 1911. Record on file. German Colonial Records from Rabaul, New Britain. Australian Archives, Record Series G2, File N6, Jahresberichte des Inselgebietes. Australian Archives, A.C.T. Regional Repository, Canberra, Australia.

Meurer Jr., Glenn W
1992The TRADEX Multitarget Tracker. The Lincoln Laboratory journal. 5(3): 317-nnn.
The Multitarget Tracker (MTT) is a real-time signal processing and data

processing system installed in the TRADEX radar at the Kiernan Reentry

Measurements Site (KREMS) on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The

MTT is designed to detect and track as many as 63 targets within the beam of the

TRADEX radar, and it provides data necessary for determining the angular

locations and ranges of all of these targets, as

presents target information to operators through real-time interactive graphical

displays. This information is given to the KREMS Control Center and from there

is made available to other systems in the test range. This article presents an

overview of the TRADEX MTT system and discusses its implementation,

application, and operation.

Meyer, H.
1916Gegenwart und Zukunft der deutschen Kolonien. Meereskunde X. Berlin (S.31)

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1957 Health and sanitation survey of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Resarch Bulletin 62. Washington, DC: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council

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1966 Studies on the Biology and Ecology of Some Indo-Pacific Terebra from Eniwetok Atoll, M.Sc. thesis, University of Hawaii.

Miller, H.A. & M.S.Doty
1953Bryophytes from Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 25. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Miller, W.B.
1936Flying the Pacific. National Geographic Magazine 70(6), December 1936, 664-708.
Travel description of the inaugural flight with the Pan American Airways flying boat on its trans-Pacific Service. Contains descriptions of the individual air stations.

Milne, C. & M.Steward
1967 The inheritance of land rights in Laura.In: L.Mason (ed.), The Laura Report. A field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii. Pp.1-45. (pagination in volume is not consecutively numbered).
The paper discusses the mechanisms and intra-group knowledge about the inheritance of land allotments in Laura village in great detail

Mitchell, R.E.
1973 Micronesian Folktales. Asian Folklore Studies Nagoya. Vol. 23, 1-276.

Miwa, Shigoshi
1945Vice Admiral, C-in-C 6th (Submarine) Fleet, Evidence given during Interrogation. USSBS Interrogation No. 366, Naval Interrogation No. 72. Date: 10 September 1945. U.S. National Archives RG 243 2 o (29).

Moore, J.B.
1906A digest of international law as embodied in diplomatic discussions, treaties and other international agreements, international awards, the decisions of municipal courts, and the writings of juirist and especially documents, published and unpublished, issued by Presidents and Secretaries of State of the United States, the opinions of the Attorneys-General, and the decisions of courts, federal and state. 8 vols. Washington: Government Printing Office.

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1951History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. Vol VII: Aleutians, Gilberts & Marshalls.June 1942-April 1944. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

Morris, F.D.
1943Zero weather. Collier's 112, 18 December 1943, 24.
Report in the October 1943 U.S. carrier strike on Wake Island.

Moss, F.J.
1889Through atolls and islands in the great South Sea. London: Sampson Low, Searle & Rivington.
Travellog and description of several islands in the Pacific Ocean. Contains numerous scattered references to the Marshall Islands.

Motoda, Shigeru
1938On the canoes of Micronesia (Canoe o tazunete, Micronesia no tabi) Japanese Journal of Ethnology 4(2), 302-319.

Mulford, Judy. Decorative Marshallese Baskets. Los Angeles: Wonder Publications

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Munter, W.H.
1915Report on destruction of bird life on Laysan Island. Annual Report of the Coast Guard for 1915. PP. 130-140.

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1954Nutrition Study in Micronesia. Atoll Research Bulletin 27. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Murai, M., F.Pen & C.D.Miller
1958Some Tropical South Pacific Island Foods. Description, history, use, composition and nutrtional value. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Murano, M.
1983Mysidacea Fauna from Enewetak Lagoon, Micronesia, Bull. Plankton Soc. Jpn., 30: 81-90.

Murray, N.
1936America bridges north Pacific; inauguration of `Frisco-China air mail is most marvellous development of 1936. Pacific Islands Monthly 6 (10), May 1936, Page 25-27.



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Nakono, Ann.
1984Broken Canoe: Conversations and Observations in Micronesia. St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia: Queensland University Press, 1984.

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Nelson, D.M.
1942The lesson of Wake Island. In: U.S. labor goes to war. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Emergency Management Office, War Production Board. Pp. 23-24.

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1994 America's Painful Atomic Secrets. Pacific Islands Monthly 64, (April): 11-13.

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Noshkin, V. E., Robison, W. L. and Wong, K. M
1994Concentration of 210Po and 210Pb in the diet at the Marshall Islands. Science of the total environment. 155(1): 87-ff.

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1985Half Life: A Parable for the Nuclear Age. Documentary Film produced by O'Rourke & Associates, Filmakers, Australia. Distributed by Kino International.

Oda, T.
1935 Charts drawn by the Marshall Islanders. Globe 25(3), 222-238.

Odum, E.P. & H.T.Odum
1957Zonation of corals on Japan Reef, Enetwetok Atoll. Atoll Research Bulletin 52. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

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1995Trophic Structure and Productivity of a Windward Coral Reef Community on Enlwetok Atoll, Ecol. Monogr., 25: 291 320.

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Okumiya, M.
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1944Civil Affairs Handbook. Administrative Organisation and Personnel of the Japanese Mandated Islands. OPNAV 50E-4. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Department. 1 January 1944.

1950Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Report to the United Nations. OPNAV-P22-100J (June 1950). Washington: U.S.Navy Department.

Owen, R.P.
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194Pacific Islands Pilot, Vol. II : The central groups comprising New Caledonia and Iles Loyalty; the New Hebrides Group and Santa Cruz Islands; the Fiji Islands and the Tonga, Samoa, Ellice, Gilbert, Marshall, Phoenix and Tokelau Islands. 7th edition. London: Hydrographic Department, Admiralty.

Pacific Islands Pilot
1908Pacific Islands Pilot, Vol. II : The central groups comprising New Caledonia and Iles Loyalty; the New Hebrides Group and Santa Cruz Islands; the Fiji Islands and the Tonga, Samoa, Ellice, Gilbert, Marshall, Phoenix and Tokelau Islands. 4th edition. London: Hydrographic Department, Admiralty

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1956Pacific Islands Pilot, Vol. II : The central groups comprising New Caledonia and Iles Loyalty; the New Hebrides Group and Santa Cruz Islands; the Fiji Islands and the Tonga, Samoa, Ellice, Gilbert, Marshall, Phoenix and Tokelau Islands. 8th edition. London: Hydrographic Department, Admiralty.

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Palumbo, R. F.
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Palumbo, R. F.
1959Gross Beta Radioactivity of the Algea of Enewetak Atoll, 1954-1956, U. S.Atomic Energy Commision, UWFL-61, 32 pp.

Palumbo, R.F.
1962Recovery of the Land Plants at Eniwetok Atoll Following a Nuclear Detonation, Radiation Biol., 1: 182-189.

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1955Helpful information for clipper passengers arriving Wake Island. 1 September 1955. No place: Pan American, world's most experienced airline.
Pamphlet of general background information on natural history, geography and history of Wake Atoll.

Pan American Airways
1944Wake Island. New York: Pan American Airways. 5 numbers.

Parr, Ch.M.
1941Over and above our Pacific. New York:Whole World and Co.
Notes by a traveller stopping briefly at Wake during a trans-Pacific flight in 1940.

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Historical atlas including a map on the expansion of the U.S. into the Pacific Ocean.

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Peale, T.R.
1848Mammals and Ornithology. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition, Vol 8, Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard.
First description of the birds and mammals from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during Charles Wilkes' U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to the atoll in 1840.

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1993 Island Paradise Seeks Development Assistance, An Interview with H.E. Kinja Andrike, Ambassador of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Japan 21st. 6, 24-nnn.

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1967Avifaunal records from Enewetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. Condor 69(2): 201-203.

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Phelps, T. J., R. L. Siegrist, N. E. Korte, D. A. Pickering, J. M. Strong Gunderson, A. V. Palumbo, J. F. Walker, C. M. Morrissey, and R. Mackowski
1994 Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Column Lysimeters from Kwajalein Island. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 46: 835-845.

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1879Geographical distribution of animals and plants. U.S.Exploring Expedition 19 (2), 1-524. Philadelphia:C.Sherman.

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Picking, S.
1922Wake Island. Report by U.S.S.Beaver on a visit to Wake Atoll. Ms. held at Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Manuscripts of the Tanager Expedition, File 2.12. 3 pp.
Report on the visit of U.S.S.Beaver to Wake Atoll in 1922. Describes the environment, the Japanese poachers camps and the strategic importance of the atoll to the U.S.Navy.

Pillsbury, G.B.
1936Report [on a survey of Wake Island ] of the board of engineers for Rivers and Harbors. In: United States, House of Representatives, 1936, Wake Island, Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, dated June 30, 1936, submitting a report, together with accompanying papers and illustrations, on a preliminary examination and survey of Wake Island authorized by the River and Harbor Act Approved August 30, 1935 House Document No 84, 75th Congress, 1st session. Pp. 3-5.
Report on the topography and marine geology of Wake Atoll based on the results of the survey by U.S.S.Nitro, together with an assessment of its suitability for military purposes.

Playdon, G.W.
1967The significance of the Marshallese Stick Charts. Journal of the Institute of Navigation (London) 20(2), 155-166.

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Pollock, Nancy J
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Pomeroy, E.S.
1948American policy respecting the Marshalls, Carolines and Marianas, 1891-1941 Pacific Historical Review 17, 43-nnn
Paper discussing U.S. foreign policy for Micronesia and outlines the strategic positions of several islands as seen through time.

Pomeroy, E.S.
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Description of bird populations on Wake Atoll unharmed by Typhoon Olive in 1952.

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1972aCINCPACREP GUAM/TTPI CAD-GUAM, Civic Action Team Marshalls Deployment Completion Report for the period 24 August 1971 to 19 February 1972. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Representative Guam and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Civic Action Team Guam

Porter, M.D.
1972bCINCPACREP GUAM/TTPI CAD-GUAM, Civic Action Team Marshalls Deployment Completion Report for the period 19 February 1972 to 27 July 1972. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Representative Guam and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Civic Action Team Guam

Porter, M.D.
1973aCINCPACREP GUAM/TTPI CAD-GUAM, Civic Action Team Marshalls Deployment Completion Report for the period 24 July 1972 to 15 January 1973. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Representative Guam and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Civic Action Team Guam

Porter, M.D.
1973bCINCPACREP GUAM/TTPI CAD-GUAM, Civic Action Team Marshalls Deployment Completion Report for the period 15 January 1973 to 26 June 1973. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Representative Guam and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Civic Action Team Guam

Poyer, L.
1990Final Report Micronesian Resources Study, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Ethnography component. Report prepared for the Micronesian Endowment for Historic Preservation. February

Prager, M.
1886 (?), Reisen durch die Inselwelt der Suedsee. Kiel.

Pratt, H.D. and Bruner, P.L.
1981Noteworthy records of non-breeding birds in Micronesia. Micronesica 17:195-198.

Pratt, H.D., Bruner, P.L. & Berret, D.G.
1987A field guide to the birds of Hawaii and the tropical Pacific. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
A detailed guide to the bird species in the Pacific, contains references to Wake.

Pratt, J.W.
1964America's Colonial Experiment. How the U.S. gained, governed and in part gave away a colonial empire. Gloucester, Mass.: P.Smith.

Price, W.
1936Rip Tide in the South Seas. London:Heinemann.
Travellers report on a rare visit to the Japanese Mandated Territory of Pacific islands. contains data on the various atoll groups and on Japanese developments.

Price, W.
1944Japan's islands of mystery. New York: John Day Co.
Travellers report on a rare visit to the Japanese Mandated Territory of Pacific islands. Contains data on the various atoll groups and on Japanese developments (Reprint of above with slight alterations).

Puleston, W.D.
1941The armed forces of the Pacific. A comparision of the Military and Naval Power of the United States and Japan. New haven: Yale University Press.





1995 Data Reports: Mass accumulation rate calculations and laboratory determinations of calcium carbonate and eolian material in Neogene sediments from the Marshall Islands, Sites 871, 872, and 873 Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 144: 953-nnn.

Rainbird, Paul
1994 . Prehistory in the Northwest Tropical Pacific: The Caroline, Mariana, and Marshall Islands. Journal of world prehistory, 1998(3) : 293-nnn.

Randall, John E. and Randall, Helen A
1987Annotated Checklist of the Fishes of Enewetak Atoll and Other Marshall Islands in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 289 - 324.

Ravi, B.N., and P.J. Scheuer
1976Toxins and Biomedical Agents of Marine Invertebrates, MPML Ann. Rept. FY 1975.

Ravi, B.N., H. Perry Perzanowski, R.A. Ross, T.R. Erdman, and P.J. Scheuer
1979Recent Research in Marine Natural Products: the Puupehenones, Pure and Appl. Chem., 51: 1983-1900.

Reaka, M.L.
1973Variation in Aggressive Behavior in Populations of Gonodactylus falcatus (Stomatopoda: Crustacea) from Populations in Isolation and in Sympatry with Congeners, Eniwetok Mar. Bio;. Lab., Ann. Rept, 1972-1973, pp. 51-54.

Reaka, M.L., and R.B. Manning
1987bThe Distributional and Behavioral Ecology and the Ecology of Color Patterns in the Stomatopod Crustacea from Enewetak Atoll, Smith, Contr. Mar. Sci., (in press).

Reaka, Marjorie L. and Manning, Raymond B
1987Stomatopod Crustacea of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 181 - 190.

Rees, Ernst S
1987Mammals of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 333 - 336.

Reese, Ernst S.
1987Introduction in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp.xvii-xviii.

Reese, Ernst S.
1987Terrestrial Enviroments and Ecology of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp
187 - 202

Reeves, W.C.
1953Possible recent introductions of mosquito vectors of human diseases in the central Pacific. Proceedings of the seventh Pacific Science Congress 7, 371-373.

Reeves, W.C.
1953Possible recent introductions of mosquito vectors of human diseases in the central Pacific. Proceedings of the seventh Pacific Science Congress 7, 371-373.

Reid, C.F.
1942Overseas America: our territorial outposts. New York: Foreign Policy Association.

Reigle, N.J.
1964 Nonmarine Mollusks of Rongelap Atoll, Marshall Islands, Pac. Sci., 18: 126-129.

Renaud, M.L.
1977Observations on the Behaviour and Shell Types of Cypraea moneta at Enewetak, Marshall Islands, Pac. Sci., 30: 147-158.

Republic of the Marshall Islands.
1985First Five Year Development Plan. Majuro: Republic of the Marshall Islands Office of Planning and Statistics, 1985.

Richard, D.E.
1957The United States Naval Administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Vol. 1: The Wartime Military Government Period 1942-1945. Washington, DC: U.S. General Printing Office.

Richard, D.E.
1957The United States Naval Administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Vol. 2: The Post-war Military Government Era 1945-1947.. Washington, DC: U.S. General Printing Office.

Richard, D.E.
1957The United States Naval Administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Vol. 3: The Trusteeship Period 1947-1951. Washington, DC: U.S. General Printing Office.

1850Logbook of the whaler Harvest of New Bedford, Captain Riddell, for the years 1850-1854. Original logbook owned by Free Public Library, New Bedford, Mass. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 331.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 7 March 1853). The crew of the vessel went ashore for collecting firewood.

Riebow (ed.)
1898Die Deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzgebung. Erster Teil bis zum Jahr 1892. Berlin.
The volume contains the German Colonial Legislation until 1892.

Riebow, G
1898Die Deutsche Kolonialgesetzgebung. Erster Theil bis zum Jahr 1892. Berlin: D. Reimer.

Riley, T.L.
1987Archaeological survey and testing, Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands.In: T.Dye (ed.), Marshall Islands Archaeology. Pacific Anthropological Records 38. Honolulu: Department of Anthropology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pp.

Riordan, Brian M
1989 The Single Audit in Paradise. The Internal auditor.46(3): 36-nnn.

Ristvet, B.L.
1987Geology and Geohydrology of Enewetak Atoll. See Entry No. nnn.

Ristvet, Byron L
1987Geology and Geohydrology of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 37 -56

Rody, N.
1981New Pacific Nutrition. Saipan: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Nutrition and Education Training Program.

Rogers, D.P.
1947Fungi of the Marshall Islands, Central Pacific Ocean, Pac. Sci., 1: 92-107.

Rogers, O.G.
1946Report on soils of Micronesia. Honolulu, U.S.Commercial Company, Economic Survey. Printed for Division of Land Management, resources and development, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. June 1967.

Roosevelt, Th.
1937Colonial policies of the United States. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co. Inc.
Discusses the colonial policies of the U.S. in the 1880s to 1920s.

Rosen, L., W.C.Reeves & T.Aarons
Aedes aegypti on Wake. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 13, 255-256.

Rosendahl, P.
1977Archaeological reconnaissance survey of the dock construction site project area at Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands District, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Prepared for Dames & Moore. B.P.Bishop Museum Ms. 033177.

Rosendahl, P.H.
1977 Archaeology in Eastern Micronesia: reconnaissance survey in the Marshall and Eastern Caroline Islands. A completion-of-Fieldwork Progress Report on the Kelton-Bishop Museum Expedition to Eastern Micronesia. Bishop Museum Ms. No. 080577; Department of Anthropology, Bernice P.Bishop Museum.

Rosendahl, P.H.
1979 Archaeology in Eastern Micronesia: reconnaissance survey in the Marshall and Eastern Caroline Islands. Final Report on the Louise L. Kelton-Bishop Museum Expedition to Eastern Micronesia. Prepared for Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territorry of the Pacific Islands, Saipan, Mariana Islands. Ms. No. 9-100179.

Rosendahl, P.H.
1987 Archaeology in Eastern Micronesia: reconnaissance survey in the Marshall Islands. In: T.Dye (ed.), Marshall Islands Archaeology. Pacific Anthropological Records 38. Honolulu: Department of Anthropology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Pp. 17-168.

Rothschild, W.
1903 Hypotaenida wakensis n. sp. British Ornithological Bulletin 13(99), 78.
Original description of the Wake Atoll rail.<p>

Roy, P., and J. Connell.
1989The Greenhouse Effect: Where Have All the Islands Gone? Pacific Islands Monthly, April/May 1989.

Rubinstein, Donald H
1995. Love and Suffering: Adolescent Socialisation and Suicide in Micronesia. Contemporary Pacific 7: 21-54.

Rukeyser, M.
1942Wake Island: a poem. Garden City, New York:Doubleday Doran & Co.
Poetic impression of Wake Atoll.

Rust, K.C.
1979Seventh Air Force Story in World War II. Temple City, CA.: Historical Aviation Album.

Ryenkevich, M.A.
1981 Traders, Teachers and Soldiers: An anthropological study of Colonial Era sites on Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report 8. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.



Sachet, M.-H.
1955 Punice and other extraneous volcanic material on coral atolls. Atoll Research Bulletin 38. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Sachet, M.H.
1953Scorpions from Coral Atolls. Atoll Research Bulletin 26. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Sage Associates
1989Geo-archaeological study, Kwajalein Atoll, Ennugarret Islet, Eniwetak Islet, Legan Islet. (Appendix A).In: J.Craib, Archaeology reconnaissance survey and sampling, U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll facility (USAKA), Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia. Report submitted to U.S.Army Engineer District, Honolulu, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.

Sager, W. W., Tarduno, J. A. and MacLeod, C. J
1995Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous sediments, Hole 869B, Marshall Islands: magnetic polarity, paleolatitude, and a paleomagnetic pole. Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 143: 405-nnn.

Sakurai, J.
1947Evidence given during interrogation. In: USSBS 1947a, United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. @@@@@.

Saller, A.H. and Moore Jr., C.H
1989Meteoric diagenesis, marine diagenesis and microporosity in Pleistocene and Oligocene limestones, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Sedimentary geology. 63(3-4): 253-nnn.

Samejima, M.
1938a The physical anthropological research on the Marshallese crania. Minzoku seibutsugaku kenkyu. [Research on racial biology, Bulletin of the Institute of Hygiene, Medical College of Kanazawa] 5

Samejima, M.
1938b Untersuchungen über Fingerabdrücke der Bewohner der Marshall Inseln. (in Japanese). Race Hygiene 6, 395-409.

Samuelson, G. Allen and Nishada, Gordon M
1987Insects and Allies (Arthropoda) of Enewetak Atollin Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 147 - 178.

Sander, Dr
1907 Review of: Antonie Brandeis, Kochbuch für de Tropen Berlin: D.Reimer. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 24(36), 366-367.

Sapper, Karl
1933Einige Atoll der Marschall-Gruppe. Petermann's Mitteilungen 79, 289-291.

Schück, A.
1902Die Stabkarten der Marschall-Insulaner. Hamburg.

Schechter, Mitchell
1995How To Satisfy Foodservice Customers In A Remote Location - Marriot Corporate Services, U.S. Marshall Islands. Food management. 30(6): 56-nnn.

Schellhorn, Kai M.
1991Politics in the South Pacific Region. Contemporary Southeast Asia 13, (September 1991): 188-199.

Schipper, W.L
1985Observations of birds in Kwajalein Atoll, 1978-1983.Elepaio 46(4): 27-32.

Schmeltz, JJ.D.E. & R.Krause
1881Die ethnographisch-anthropologische Abteilung des Museum Godeffroy in Hamburg. Hamburg 1881.

Schmidt, O.C.
1928Verzeichnis der Meeresalgen von Neu-Guinea und dem westlichen Oceanien. Hedwigia 68, 19-86.
Scientific study of marine algae from the Pacific Ocean. Contains references to Wake Atoll.

Schnee, H
1920Deutsches Koloniallexikon. Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer.

Schnee, H
1926German Colonization, past and future: the truth about the German colonies. London: Allen & Unwin.

Schnee, H.
1904Zur Geologie des Jaluit Atolls. Globus, 85, 329-333;352-356; 363-367.
Description of the Geology and geomorphology of the Jaluit Atoll, discussing the genesis of the atoll, the reef formation and the genesis of the islets.

Schnee, Paul
1903Darwinistische Studie auf einer Koralleninsel. Odenkirchen.

Schnee, Paul
1904 . Die Landfauna der Marshall-Inseln nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Fauna der Insel Nauru. Zoologische Jahrbücher 20, 387-412.
The paper, written by the German Government Physician of the Marshall Islands, summarises the german knowledge of the fauna of the Marshall Islands. Schnee lists eigth species of mammals (including domestic and commensal species), 4 species of domestic and 24 species of wild birds and 6 species of reptiles. Most of his effort was directed to collect insects.

Schnee, Paul
1904. Die Kriechtiere der Marschall-Inseln. Zoologischer Garten 43, 354-362.
The paper describes a collection of insects made 1901-02 by the German Government Physician of the Marshall Islands

Schnee, Paul
1904 Gesundheitsverhältnisse des Schutzgebietes der Marshallinseln in der Zeit vom 1. April 1901 bis 31. März 1902 Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte 21 (1), 138.

Schnee, Paul
1904Land und Leute der Marschallinseln. Zeitschrift für Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht, und Kolonialwirtschaft 6, 245-265.

Schneider, E
1891 Tagebuchblätter von Jaluit. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 4(1), 30-34

Schneider, E.
1891Tagebuchblätter von Jaluit. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 4, 30-34;46-48;58-61;75-77.
Extracts from the diary of a Catholic priest visiting Jaluit. The diary contains a plethora of data on everyday life and on individuals living in the German colony.

Schofield, J.A.
1977Late Holocene Sea Level, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, West Central Pacific Ocean. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 20, 503-529.

Schreck, H.C.
1980aMuseum and Historic Site development in the Trust Territory.An overview. A preliminary plan for Museum and Historic Site Development in the Islands of Micronesia. Report prepared for the Historic Preservation Office of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. NEH Grant No. . PM 33438-78-1569.

Schultz, D.P.
1978Wake Island, the heroic gallant fight. New York: St.Martin's Press.

Schumann, K. & K.Lauterbach
1901Die Flora der deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Suedsee. Leipzig: pp.1-613.

Schumann, K.
1888Die Flora des deutschen ost-asiatischen Schutzgebietes. Botanisches Jahrbuch 9,189-223.

Schwabe, G.
1905Der Taifun auf Jaluit. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 22, 401-402.

Schwabe, Gustav
1907 Marshall Inseln. Medizinische Berichte über die Deutschen Schutzgebiete für das Jahr 1905/06. Herausgegeben vom Reichskolonialamt. E.S. Mitter & Sohn, Berlin. P. 310.

Schwabe, Gustav
1908Marshall Inseln-Jaluit. Medizinische Berichte über die Deutschen Schutzgebiete für das Jahr 1906/07. Herausgegeben vom Reichskolonialamt. E.S. Mitter & Sohn, Berlin. P. 253-254.

Schwabe, Gustav
1909 Marshall Inseln-Jaluit. Medizinische Berichte über die Deutschen Schutzgebiete für das Jahr 1907/08. Herausgegeben vom Reichskolonialamt. E.S. Mitter & Sohn, Berlin. P. 472-483.

Scott, G.A.J. & G.M. Rotondo
1983 A model to explain the differences between Pacific Plate Island-Atoll types. Coral Reefs 1, 139-150.

1952Second Demobilisation Bureau, Inner South Seas Islands Area Naval operations. Part I: Gilbert islands operations. Japanese Monograph No.161, Headquarters Far East Command, Military History Section, Japanese Research Division. In: D.S.Detwiler & Ch.B.Bardick (eds.), War in Asia and the Pacific 1937-1949. Volume 5: The Naval Armament ptogram and Naval Operations (Part II). New York: Garland Publishing Co.(1980).

See also the section of folklore and oral traditions under "Anthropology"

Seidel, H.
1890 Zur Geschichte und Ethnographie der Marschall Inseln. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 3, 224-226.
General description and review article of the history and ethnography of the Marshall Islands, mainly relying on published sources. Very little original work.

Seidel, Hans
1882Bemerkenswerte Atoll der Marshall-Gruppe. Natur 35, 420-422.

Seitz, Dr
1904Ueber die von Hern Dr. Schnee auf Jaluit gesammelten Grosschmetterlinge. Zoologische Jahrbücher 20, 392-403.
The paper describes a collection of large butterflies made 1902-03 by the German Government Physician of the Marshall Islands

Senese, Donald J.
1993The United States in Micronesia: From Trust Territory to Freely Associated States. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 18, (Winter 1993): 413-26.

Senfft, Arno
1898Jahresbericht des Landeshauptmannes auf Jaluit 1. April 1897 bis 31. März 1898. In Acta betreffend Jahresschriften Allgemeinen Inhaltes auf den Marshall Inseln vom November 1894 bis Oktober 1900. Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Amt Avii Denkschriften in Bd. 2. No. 6525. National Library of Australia, Canberra. Microfilm G8600.

Senfft, Arno
1903Die Marshall Insulaner. in. S.M. Steinmetz (ed.), Rechtsverhältnisse von eingeborenen Völkern in Afrika und Ozeanien. Berlin.: D.Reimer Pp. 425-455.

Serrane, Fernand
1994 The Serrane Guide. The American Philatelist. 108(12): 2 1110 Summary-.
Article of the Marshall Islands Stamps

Sheean, V.
1942 Flight home - just before Pearl Harbor. Tomorrow 1 (11), July 1942, 44-49.

Shepard, Richard F.
1993Island States Take a Giant Step. Earth Times, August 30, 1993, 3.

Sherrod, R.
1943Raid on Wake Island from the rear seat of a dive bomber. Life 15, 25 October 1943, 27-29.

Sherrod, R.
1952History of Marine Corps Aviation in World War II. Washington: Combat Forces Press.

Sherwood, R.E.
1947Preface to J.P.S.Devereux, The story of Wake Island. Philadelphia, New York: Lippincott Co. [1947]

Showers, W.I., and M. Atkinson
1979Functional Morphology, Biometry and Life History of the Foraminifera Rosalina globularis, MPRL Report for FY 1979, pp. 80-90.

Shun, K & J.S.Athens
1987Archaeological Investigations on Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, Micronesia. Paper presented at the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, University of Guam, Micronesian Archaeological Conference. September 9-12, 1987 (not seen).

Siegrist, R. L., T. J. Phelps, N. E. Korte, and D. A. Pickering.
1994Characterization and Biotreatability of Petroleum Contaminated Soils in a Coral Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 46, (October 1994): 757-773.

Simon, S. L., Jenner, T. and Borchert, A. d
1995A comparison of macro- and microscopic measurements of plutonium in contaminated soil from the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 194 (1): 197-nn.

Sinohara, T.
1947Evidence given during interrogation. In: USSBS 1947a, United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 59-62.

Smith, Gary
1991Micronesia: Decolonization and US Military Interests in the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands. Canberra: Australian National University.

Smith, Roy
1991Micronesian Trust Territories: Imperialism Continues? Pacific Review 4: 36-44.

Smith, S. V. and J. A. Marsh, Jr.
1973, Organic Carbon Production on the Winward Reef Flat of Eniwetok Atoll, Limnol, Oceanogr., 18: 953-961

Smith, S.A. de
1970Microstates and Micronesia. Problems of America's Pacific Islands and other minute territories. New York: New York University Press.

Softkey International
1995The Atomic Age: The History, Science and Consequences of the Nuclear Age. Computer Software CD ROM. Macintosh/Windows,

Solff, K
1911Funkentelegraphische Verbindung der deutschen Südsee. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 28, 40-41.
The paper discusses the options to establish radio-communications in the German Colonies of thje South Seas and outlines the cost efficiency over the exsting, and limited, cable network. The article argues against the establishment of a German-owned cable system.

Soucie, E.A.
1981Atoll Agriculture for secondary Schools. Soils and Major Agricultural Crops of Micronesia. Pohnpei: Ponape Agriculture and Trade School.

Soucie, E.A.
1983Atoll Agriculture for secondary Schools. Soils and Major Agricultural Crops of Micronesia. Pohnpei: Ponape Agriculture and Trade School.

Sparkes, B. & C.E.Dickinson
1942 I fly for a vengeance. Saturday Evening Post 215, 24 October 1942, 24-25.

Sparrow, F.K.
1948Soil Phycomycetes from Bikini, Eniwetok, Rongerik, and Rongelap Atolls, Mycologia, 40: 445-453.

Spennemann, D.H.R
1998Japanese Economic Exploitation of Central Pacific Atoll Seabird Populations 1898 - 1915.Pacific Studies. (accepted).

Spennemann, D.H.R
1998Japanese poaching and the enforcement of German colonial souvereignty in the Marshall Islands. Journal of Pacific History. 33(1), 1998 (in press).

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1989 Report on the skeletal remains from the manshelter of Barracks Building A, Torwa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. OSTEOLOGICAL REPORT DRS 51 (1989). Ms. on file. Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
The report describes some human remains recovered from a Japanese man-shelter next to barracks building A of the main baracks area. Torwa had been a Japanese military installation in World War II and had been severely bombed by the US Forces. The remains seem to have been overloked by Japanese bone recovery groups.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1989dReport on a human femur from the south-western coast of Torwa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. OSTEOLOGICAL REPORT DRS 52 (1989). Ms. on file. Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
The report describes a single human femur found on the shore of Eoon-epje Island, Maloelap Atoll.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1989f Review and assessment of Sections 3.8 and 4.8 (Archaeological, Historical, and Cultural Resources) of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Actions at U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll U.S. Strategic Defense Command, June 1989. Report prepared for the Historic Preservation Office of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Ms. on file. Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. 33pp.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1989gOsteological analysis of human remains from site MI-Mj-20, found at Laura Beach, Majro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Osteological Report DRS 53 (1989) Ms on file at the Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960
The report describes a series of human bones which were found eroding from the historic cemetery MI-Mj-20 at the tip of Laura Beach.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1989hArchaeological site management of the historic cemetery MI-Mj-20, Laura, Majro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands.Report prepared for the Historic Preservation Office, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Ms on file at the Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960
The report describes the administraive pocess undertaken when a series of human bones which was found eroding from the historic cemetery MI-Mj-20 at the tip of Laura Beach. In the event, the cemetery was recirded and then relocated to an area, where to erosion will not affect the integrity of the cemetery.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1990 Eneenkio in Euopean history: a brief review of European contact with and annexion of Wake Island. A Report presented to the Special Commission on Enenkio (Wake Island).Enenkio Background Report No.3 Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1990 Marshallese on Eneen-kio: Evidence from oral traditions, biogeography and history. Eneen-kio Background Report No. 6. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1990 "Send us more Japs": a review of U.S. sentiments towards Wake Island. A Report presented to the Special Commission on Eneenkio (Wake Island).Enenkio Background Report No. 5. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1990 The cessation of Marshallese voyages to Eneeen-Kio. Eneen-kio Background Report No. 7. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1990 The Marshallese and Eneenkio: a review of 19th century European observations. A Report presented to the Special Commission on Eneenkio (Wake Island).Enenkio Background Report No. 2. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1990Geography and Natural History of Eneenkio Enenkio Background Report No. 1. Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spennemann, D.H.R.
1990To hell and back: Wake during World War II. A Report presented to the Special Commission on Eneenkio (Wake Island).Enenkio Background Report No. 4.Report prepared for the Special Commission on Eneen-Kio (Wake Island). Majuro: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spennemann, Dirk H.R
1989Geomorphological survey of Torwa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. 5 - 12 September 1989. Geomorphological Report DRS-GEO 2 (1989). Ms on file at the Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Majro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960
The report describes the effects of erosion which occurred on Taroa, Maloelap since the end of the Japanese occupation.

Spennemann, Dirk H.R. & Jane Downing
1998 Cyclopean Ruins and Remains on the Caroline Islands. The ruins of Nan Madol and Lelu in the 1860s as seen through the eyes of 'A Master Mariner.' MARC Working Papers Vol. 74. Agana: Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam

1998 Editing a 19th century serial: from antiquarian research to boys' own adventure in: Allan Curtis and Lynda Wilson (eds), The Johnstone Centre 1998 Workshop Abstracts,. Johnstone Centre Report 123, 48

1999 Unmasking transient colonial authors: the case of Handley Bathurst Sterndale. Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 23(3), 148-163
Nineteenth century colonial newspapers relied heavily on correspondents and contributions by the general public for special feature articles. While some of these contributions and serials carry by-lines with true names or well-known pseudonyms, the attribution of others is more complicated. This was especially so in the example provided here, an 1871 contribution to the Australian Town and Country Journal, where the author had only spent a short time in Australia and was only a transient resident of Sydney.
Textual analysis provided a number of promising clues that led nowhere due to the author's deliberate attempts at obfuscation in his supposed real life adventures. A systematic verification of all claims and allusions made in the serial through a comparison with contemporary publications which could have served as sources, led to the positive identification of the author: Handley Bathurst Sterndale (1829-1878), well known to Pacific historians as the author of an influential New Zealand parliamentary paper of 1874.

1999 Literary Detection: Discovering the identity of a 'Master Mariner'. Margin 47, pp. 8-13
The paper discusses the process which led to the successful identification of th author a 1870s serialised story published in the Australian Town and Country Journal, a regional newspaper published in Sydney. A systematic verification of all claims and allusions made in the serial through a comparison with contemporary publications which could have served as sources, led to the positive identification of the author: Handley Bathurst Sterndale (1829-1878), well known to Pacific historians as the author of an influential New Zealand parliamentary paper of 1874.

2000 Creating a media persona in 19th century colonial Australasia: the case of Handley Bathurst Sterndale. Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 24(1), 50-67
The role of regional and colonial newspapers as means of opinion creation and modification is well documented. As is still practice today, editorials and invited/solicited series on various topics created a public discussion which informed and directed public opinion. Whilst this is most commonly done to further political ambitions, there are examples designed to further a career for personal gain rather than political power and fame. This is the case with Handley Bathurst Sterndale, born 1829 in India. His oeuvre includes newspaper serials in the Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney) (1871-72); the Daily Southern Cross (Auckland) (1874) and the New Zealand Herald (Auckland) (1877). In this paper his writings will be analysed to show how he created a media persona and gained sufficient credibility that eventually led an invitation to furnish a formal background paper on Pacific Island Trade for the New Zealand Parliament. This in turn led to a partnership with a trading firm which placed him in sole control a Pacific Atoll.

Spoehr, Alexander
1946The Marshall Islands and trans-Pacific aviation. Geographical Review 36(2), 1447-450.
The paper discusses the advantages of the Marshall Islands over Midway and Wake Atoll in the post-World War II trans-Pacific aviation.

1949 Majuro, a village of the Marshall Islands. Fieldiana: Anthropology 39. Chicago: Chicago Natural History Museum.

Sproat, M.N.
1968A guide to subsistence agriculture in Micronesia. Agricultural Extension Bulletin 9. Saipan: Publications Office.

St. John, Harold
1950Flora of Engebi, Aomon-Biijire, and Runit Islands, Rep. UWFL-23, Sect. V, Appl. Fish. Lab. Univ. Wash.

1960 Flora of Enewetak Atoll. Pacific Science 14: 313-335.

Steadman, D.W
1992Extinct and extirpated birds from Rota, Marianas Islands Micronesica 25(1), 71 84.

Steadman, D.W
1995 Prehistoric extinctions of Pacific island birds: biodiversity meets zooarchaeology. Science 267(5201), 1123-1131.

Steadman, D.W. and Intoh, M
1994Biogeography and prehistoric exploitation of birds from Fais Island, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia. Pacific Science 48(2), 116-135.

Steinbach, Erwin
1893 Bericht über die Gesundheitsverhältnisse der Schutzgebiete der Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 6: 306-313.

1893 Zum Klima der Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 6, 314-319.
The report covering the period of January 1, 1892 to March 31, 1893, describes and tabulates the climatic observations made by the German Colonial health Offical.

1894Bemerkungen über das Klima von Jaluit. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 7, 305-318.
The paper discusses the climatic variations and conditions observed on Jaluit Atoll. The report stresses the regularity in the temperature regime and the irregularity in the precipitation. Mentions that an especially large number of pumice were washed ashore in Jaluit and other parts of the Marshall Islands in September 1894. Ships are said to have driven/sailed through large fields of drifting pumice stone.

1895 Bericht über die Gesundheitsverhältnisse der Eingeborenen der Marshall-Inseln. Mittheilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten 8: 157-171.

1895 Die Marshall Inseln. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde. XXII.

1895Einiges über die klimatischen Verhältnisse des Marshall-Archipels. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung 23 June 1895.

Steinmetz S.M
1903Rechtsverhältnisse von eingeborenen Völkern in Afrika und Ozeanien. Berlin.: D.Reimer.

Stevens, William K.
1992 12 Sign the Climate Treaty as Political Clouds Gather. New York Times, June 5 1992.

1994Warming of Deep Sea Is Surprising. The New York Times, May 10 1994, C4.

Stevenson, Fanny
1914("Mrs.R.L.Stevenson"), The Cruise of the Janet Nichol among the South Sea Islands. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

Stokes, D.R.
1966Some Aspects of the Biology of Neritid Gastropods at Eniwetok, M.Sc. (Plan B), University of Hawaii, 46 pp.

Stone, E.L
1951bThe Agriculture of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 6. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

1951The soils of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 5. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

1953Summary of information on atoll soils. Atoll Research Bulletin 22. Washington: Pacific Science Board.

Streck jr, Charles ('Chuck') F.
1989Sections 3.8. and 4.8 Archaeological, Historical and Cultural Resources. In: Draft Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Actions at U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll June 1989. Huntsville, Alabama: Department of the Army, U.S. Strategic Defense Command.

1986Interim report: Archaeological Investigations on Eneu Island, Bikini Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia. Supplementary Document No.1, Appendix B. Berkeley, CA: Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation Committee.

1987Historic Preservation Recommendations for USAKA, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Memorandum for Record, US Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division. 9 June 1987.(not seen).

1987Scope of work for archaeological reconnaissance survey and sampling at the U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll facility (USAKA), Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. CEPOD-ED-PV. 30 November 1987. Copy on file, Alele Museum, P.O.Box 629, Måjro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.

1987Trip report for Unsheduled Emergency Archaeological Assistance at USAKA, Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, 17-18 March and 1-3 April. Memorandum. US Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division. 21 April 1987. (not seen).

1987Trip report-Site Visit for Archaeological Contract management on Kwajalein Island and Archaeological reconnaissance Survey of Lagan and Roi-Namur, USAKAS, July 20-28, 1987. Memorandum for Record, US Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division. 13 August 1987.(not seen).

1987Archaeological Survey. Part 3, Appendix B, Interim Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the rehabilitation of soil at Bikini Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation Committee Supplementary Document No. 2. Berkeley: Bikini Atoll Rehabilitation Committee.

1990Prehistoric settlement in eastern Micronesia: Archaeology from Bikini Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Micronesica Supplement 2, 247-260.

Streeter, M.
1946War damage claim. Pacific Islands Monthly August 1946, Page 35.

Sugerman, B.B.
1972a Insects and Other Arthropods from Kwajalein Atoll (Marshall Islands), Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc., 21: 271-286.

Sugerman, B.B.
1972b Insects of Lib Island (Marshall Islands), Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc., 21: 287-289.

Sugerman, B.B.
1979 Additions to the List of Insects and other Arthropods from Kwajalein Atoll (Marshall Islands), Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc., 23: 147-151.

1847Logbook of the whaler Maria Theresia of New Bedford, Captain Swift, for the years 1847-1851. Original logbook owned by Old Darthmouth Historic Society and whaling museum. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 265.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 10 January 1850).

Szabo, B.J., J.I.Tracey & E.R.Goter
1986Ages of Subsurface Stratigraphic Intervals in Quarternary of Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Quarternary Research 23, 54-61.



Tagliaferri, E., Spalding, R. and Ceplecha, Z
1995Analysis of the Marshall Islands Fireball of February 1, 1994Earth, moon, and planets. 68(3-4) 563-nnn.

Tanaka, Y.
1929 Clans and clansmen of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Tanaka, Y.
1929Clans and Clansmen of the Marshall Islands. (in Japanese). Quoted in Yanaihara 1940.

Taussig, E.D.
1899Old Glory on Wake Island. New Orleans Twice-a-week Picayune May 18, 1899.
Article by the commander of U.S.S.Bennington, describing the annexation ceremony on Wake. Contains a short general description.

Taussig, E.D.
1935Old Glory on Wake Island. Proceedings of the U.S.Naval Institute June 1935. Pp. 807-808.
Reprint of previous article.

Taylor, R.C.
197An atlas of Pacific Islands Rainfall. Prepared for Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-70-A-0016-0001. August 1973 Honolulu: University of Hawaii: Hawaii Institute of Geophysiscs.
Contains precipitation data on Wake.

Taylor, W. R.
1950s Marine Algal Vegetation of the Marshall Islands in Comparison with Other Tropical Areas, Seventh Intern. Bot. Congr. Proc. (Stockholm), pp. 826-827

Taylor, W.R.
1950Plants of Bikini and Other Northern Marshall Islands, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

Taylor, W.R.
1950Plants of Bikini and the Northern Marshall Islands. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Taylor, W.R.
1950Plants of Bikini and the Northern Marshall Islands. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Temme, M
1979Bird populations on Enewetak Atoll. Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory Annual Report 1 October 1977-30 September 1978. University of Hawaii, Honolulu. pp. 67-80.

Tetens, Captain Alfred.
1958Among the Savages of Micronesia, 1862-1868. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, .

Thaman, R.R.
1987Plants of Kiribati: A listing and analysis of vernacular names.Atoll Research Bulletin 296. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Thaman, R.R.
1990Kiribati Agroforestry: Trees, people and the Atoll Environment.Atoll Research Bulletin 330. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Thomas, L.J.
1943Four-plane airforce. In: ____ These men shall never die. Philadelphia: John C.Winston Co. Pp.19-22.

Thomas, P.E. (ed.)
1989Report of the Northern Marshall Islands Natural Diversity and Protected Areas Survey, 7-24 September 1988. Noumea: SPREP.

Thompson, E.N.
1984a National Regsister for Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form: Kwajalein Island Battlefield. Prepared by the Denver Service Center, U.S.National Parks Service.

Thompson, E.N.
1984bNational Regsister for Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form: Roi-Namur Battlefield. Prepared by the Denver Service Center, U.S.National Parks Service.

Thompson, G.B.
1938The Hippoboscidae (Diptera) recorded from the Pacific Islands. Entomology Monthly Magazine 74, 14-17.
Scientific paper on insects from the Pacific Ocean area, includes references to specimens from Wake Atoll.

Thompson, J.C., Jr.
1968 A Description of Cohnilembus verminus from Eniwetok Atoll, J. Protozool., 15: 396-399.

Thompson, J.C., Jr., and C.M. Sellers
1967Mis-Pacific Research Laboratory Annual Report., FY 1966-67, 13 pp.

Thorp, Th.E.,
1960Wake Island. University of California, Riverside. Library Summary 27.

Titgen, Richard H
1987Cirripedia of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 191 - 196.

Titgen, Richard H. and Burch, Beatrice L
1987 Miscellaneous Species Records of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 337 - 344.

Tobin, J.A
1958 Land tenure in the Marshall Islands. in: Land tenure patterns in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Vol 1. Guam: Office of the Staff Anthropologist, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. pp. 1-75.

Todd, R., and D. Low
1960,<i> Smaller Foraminifera from Eniwetok Drill Holes, Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 260-X, pp. 799-861.

Tomita, R.
1947Evidence given during interrogation. In: USSBS 1947a, United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 215-225.

Tracey, J.I & H.S.Ladd
1974Quarternary history of Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls, Marshall Islands. Proceedings of the Second International Coral Reef Symposion. 2:537-550.

Tracey, J.I.
1972Holocene emergent reefs in the central Pacific. Abstracts of the Second Conference of the American Quaternary Association 51-52.

Treadwell, A.L.
1925Polychateus annelids. In: Marine Zoology of the tropical Central Pacific. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 27: Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 113-119.
The paper discusses the annelids collected during the 1923 Tanager Expedition. The paper includes specimens collected on Wake Atoll.

Treue, Wolfgang
1940 Der Erwerb und die Verwaltung der Marshall Inseln. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Jaluit Gesellschaft. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Friedrich Wilhems Universität, Berlin.

Treue, Wolfgang
1962 Die Jaluit Gesellschaft. Zeitschrfit für Firmen-Geschichte und Unternehmer-Biographie 7(2-3), 114-116.

Treue, Wolfgang
1976Die Jaluit Gesellschaft auf den Marshall Inselns 1887-1914. Ein Beitrag zur Kolonial- und Verwaltungsgeschichte in der Epoche des Deutschen Kaiserreichs. Schriften zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Bd. 26. Berlin: Duncker & Humbolt.

Tron'ko, N. D., N. P. Kornyushenko, and T. P. Bezverkhaya
1993Non-Tumours of the Thyroid. Likars'ka Sprava, no. 8 (1993): 5-13.

Trumbull, Robert
1982An Island People Still Exiled by Nuclear Age: Natives of Bikini Want Only to Return to Their Pacific Paradise; but Contamination from U.S. Atomic Tests Puts Their Dream Out of Reach. U S News & World Report, October 18: 48-50.

Trust Territorry of the Pacific Islands
1980Code of the Trust Territorry of the Pacific Islands 1980. Charlottesville, Va.: The Michie Co.

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
1966Revised Code of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 1966.

Tsuda, R. T.
1976Ocurrence of the Genus Sargassum (Phaeophyta) on Two Pacific Atolls, Micronesica, 12: 279-282

Tsuda, Roy T
1987Marine Benthic Algae of Enewetak Atoll in Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume II. Biogeography and Systematics. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 1 - 10.

Tudor, J.
1968Pacific Islands Year Book and Who's Who. Sydney: Pacific Publications Pty Ltd.



Ullman, J.R.
1960Wake, the forlorn island. Holiday 28 (5), 149-151; 194; 195-197.

Ullman, J.R.
1964Where the bong tree grows; the log of one man's journey in the South Pacific. London: Collins.

United States House Committee on Natural Resources-Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.
1994Radiation Exposure from Pacific Nuclear Tests: Oversight Hearing, February 24, 1994. 2d sess, 103d Cong.

United States Hydrographic Office
1944USHO Chart 6018, North Pacific Ocean, Marshall Islands, Wotje Atoll (Eastern Part), Scale 1:40,300. Drawn up 1 May 1944 (basically a reprint of a captured copy of the Japanese map 416)

United States Hydrographic Office
1944USHO Chart 6019, North Pacific Ocean, Marshall Islands, Wotje Atoll (Western Part), Scale 1:40,300. Drawn up 1 May 1944 (basically a reprint of a captured copy of the Japanese map 416)

United States Hydrographic Office
1968 USHO Chart 6019, North Pacific Ocean, Marshall Islands, Wotje Atoll (Western Part), Scale 1:40,500. Revised edition 1968

United States Hydrographic Office
1968USHO Chart 6018, North Pacific Ocean, Marshall Islands, Wotje Atoll (Eastern Part), Scale 1:40,300. Revised edition 1968

United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
1991 Resettlement of Rongelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands: Hearing, September 19, 1991. Senate hearing 102-316, 1st sess., 102d Cong. Washington: GPO.

United States, Civil Aeronautics Administration
1950Federal Civil Airports on Canton and Wake Islands. Regulations of Aministration Pt. 575 effective May 1, 1950.

United States, Civil Aeronautics Board
1954Accident investigation report. Pan American World Airways Inc. - between Honolulu, T.H., and Wake Island December 6, 1953. Adopted July 15, 1954.

United States, Civil Aeronautics Board
1954Accident investigation report. Trans-Ocean airlines 300 miles east of Wake Island. July 12, 1953. Adopted March 10, 1954.

United States, Civil Aeronautics Board
1956Accident investigation report. Flying Tiger Line, Inc. DC-4, N90433, - between Honolulu, and Wake Island September 24, 1955. Adopted March 20, 1956.

United States, Congress
1856An act to authorise protection to be given to citizens of the United States who may discover deposites of Guano. Chapter CLXIV of Public laws of the United States of America passed at the first session of the thirtyfourth Congress 1855-1856. Edited by G.Minot. Boston:Little, Brown & Co. Pp. 119-120.

United States, Congress
1898Treaty of Peace between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain. In: The Statutes at Large of the United States of America from March, 1897 to March, 1899, and recent treaties, conventions, executive proclamations and the concurrent resolutions of the two houses of Congress. Vol XXX. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. Pp. 1754-1762.

United States, Congress
1937Wake Island, letter submitting report on preliminary examination and survey of Wake Island. Engineer Department of the War Department. 75th U.S.Congress, 1st session House Document No. 84 19pp.

United States, Congress
1939An act to authorise the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the construction of certain public works, and for other purposes. April 25, 1939. House Resolution 4278. In: United States Statutes at large containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the first session of the seventy-sixth congress of the United Atates of America 1939 treaties, international agreements other than treaties, proclamations, and reorganisation plans compiled, edited, indexed, and published by authority or law under the direction of the Secretary of State Volume 53 Part 1 Public laws and reorganization plans Washington: United States Government Printing Office Pp.590-592.

United States, Congress
1940 S.1114, Act to extend jurisdiction of United States District Court, Hawaii, over Midway Islands, Wake Island, Johnston Island, Sand Island, Kingman Reef, Kure Island, Baker Island, Howland Island, and Jarvis Island, and for other pruposes. U.S.Congress Public Act 762, 76th Congress.

United States, Congress
1942For relief of dependents of civilians who were engaged by civilian contractors on islands of Wake and Guam. House resolution 6638 [introduced by] Mr.Hinshaw [letter from Acting Secretary of Navy to Chairman of Committee of Naval Affairs concerning bill]. P. 3163 No. 224.

United States, Congress
1943 For relief of dependents of civilians who were engaged by civilian contractors on islands of Wake and Guam. House resolution 58 [introduced by] Mr.Hinshaw [letter from Acting Secretary of Navy to Chairman of Committee of Naval Affairs concerning bill]. P. 215 No. 32.

United States, Congress
1943For relief of dependents of civilians who were engaged by civilian contractors on islands of Wake and Guam. House resolution 58 [introduced by] Mr.Hinshaw [letter from Acting Secretary of Navy to Chairman of Committee of Naval Affairs concerning bill]. P. 215 No. 32.

United States, Congress
1957House resolution 7540, Act to amend Public Law 815, 81st Congress, reating to school construction in federally affected areas, to make its provisions applicable to Wake Island. Approved August 21, 1957. 85th U.S.Congress, Public Law 161.

United States, Department of Labor
1957 Statement of fair labor standards act on Guam and Wake Island. WH-58-556. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions.

United States, Department of Labor
1960Register of reporting labor organisations, June 30, 1960, Vol.5. Western States, Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, American Samoa, Guam, Wake Island. Official Labor Management Reports. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor, Labor-Management Services Avilian)

United States, Department of Labor
1964Register of reporting labor organisations, January 1, 1964, Vol.5. Western States, Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, American Samoa, Guam, Wake Island. Official Labor Management and Welfare-Pension Reports Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor, Labor-Management Services Administration.

United States, Department of the Interior
1957West Pacific Islands. Official Standard Names approved by the U.S.Board on geographic names. July 1957. Washington: Department of the Interior, Office of Geography.
Official list of geographical names and geographical co-ordinates, including those of the Marshall Islands and Wake Atoll. The list contains also akternate spellings and names.

United States, Federal Aviation Agency
1962Wake Island Code. Federal Aviation Regulations Pt. 165. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Agency. 22pp.

United States, Federal Aviation Agency
1965Wake Island Code. Federal Aviation Regulations Pt. 165. Change No. 1, effective June 27, 1965. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Agency. 24 pp.

United States, Federal Aviation Agency
1968Wake Island Code. Federal Aviation Regulations Pt. 165. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Agency. 32pp.

United States, House of Representatives
1936Wake Island, Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, dated June 30, 1936, submitting a report, together with accompanying papers and illustrations, on a preliminary examination and survey of Wake Island authorized by the River and Harbor Act Approved August 30, 1935 House Document No 84, 75th Congress, 1st session. 19pp.
Report on the topography and marine geology of Wake Atoll based on the results of the survey by U.S.S.Nitro, together with an assessment of its suitability for military purposes.

United States, House of Representatives
1940Extending jurisdiction of United States District Court, Hawaii, over Midway and other islands. report to Accompany S. 1114. House Reports on Public Bills No. 2573, 76th Congress, 3rd Session.

United States, House of Representatives
1957 Application of Public Law 815 (81st Congress) to Wake Island. Report from Committee on Education and Labor to accompany H.R. 7540. June 14, 1957. House reports on Public Bills No. 570, 85th Congress.

United States, Hydrographic Office
1938Sailing directions for the Pacific Is;ands. Vol. I Western Groups. H.O. No. 165. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Hydrographic Offic.

United States, Navy
1944Gazetteer (No. 6) Caroline, Marianas, Marshall and Gilbert Islands. 2nd edition. H.O.Publication No. 886. July 1944. Washington: U.S.Navy Department, Hydrographic Office.
Official list of geographical names and geographical co-ordinates, including those of the Marshall islands and Wake Atoll. The list contains also akternate spellings and names.

United States, Navy
1946Report to United Nations on Guam, American Samoa and other island possessions administered by the Navy Department. July 1946. OPNAV P22-100. Washington, D.C.: Navy Department, Office of Naval Operations (Island Government).

United States, Navy,
ndA climatic summary of Wake Island. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, Aerology Section.

United States, President
1934 Executive Order No. 6935, Wake Island, Johnston Island and Kingman Reef place under control and jurisdiction of Navy Department. December 29, 1934.

United States, President
1935 Executive Order placing certain islands in Pacific Ocean under control and jurisdiction of Secretary of Navy: Wake Island, Kingman Reef, Johnston and Sand Islands.

United States, President
1941Executive Order No. 8682, establishing naval defensive sea areas around and naval airspace reservation over islands of Palmyra, Johnston, Midway, Wake and Kingman Reef, Pacific Ocean.February 14
1941U.S. Federal Register 6 (33), 1015.

United States, Senate
1939 Extending jurisdiction of United States District Court for Hawaii, report to accompany S. 1114, submitted by Mr.Logan. June 5, 1939. Senate Reports on Public Bills No. 536, 76th Congress, 1st session.

Urwin, G.J.W.
19@@The defenders of Wake Island: their two wars, 1941-1945. Ann Arbor: University Microfilm International.

US Marine Corps
1944 United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 August to 31 August 1944.. Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

US Marine Corps
1944 United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 February to 29 February 1944. Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

US Marine Corps
1944 United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 October to 30 October 1944. .Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

US Marine Corps
1944United States Marine Corps, Division of Aviation, Intelligence Section, Bombing of gun emplacements by SBD-5's. Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Evaluation of the efficiency of bombing techniques on Japanese gun-emplacements at Japanese military bases in the Marshall Islands.

US Marine Corps
1944United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 April to 30 April 1944.. Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

US Marine Corps
1944United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 June to 30 June 1944. .Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

US Marine Corps
1944United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 March to 31 March 1944. Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

US Marine Corps
1944United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 May to 31 May 1944. Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

US Marine Corps
1944United States Marine Corps, Marine Scout-bombing Squadron Two Thirty-one. Fourth Marine Base Defense Aircraft Wing, War Diary. Report prepared by Major E.G.Glidden, Deputy Air Commander Majuro Atoll. War Diary, 1 September to 30 September 1944. Copy of Ms. on file, Alele Museum, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall IslandsWar diaries of the Marine Scout-bombing Squadron 231, based in Majuro. The diary describes details of bombing raids on the Japanese military bases of Torwa, Maloelap Atoll; Mile, Mile Atoll; Wojja, Wojja Atoll, and Jabor, Jalwoj Atoll. In addition details on attacks on shipping and canoes are given.

1989aUS Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division, Majuro Atoll Coastal Resource Atlas. Honolulu HI: US Army Corps of Engineers.

1989b US Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division, Arno Atoll Coastal Resource Atlas. Honolulu HI: US Army Corps of Engineers.

1989cUS Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division, Kwajalein Atoll Coastal Resource Atlas. Honolulu HI: US Army Corps of Engineers.

195Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

196Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1952Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1954Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1955Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1956Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1957Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1958Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1959Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1960Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1961Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1962Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1964Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1965Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1966Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1967Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1968Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

1969Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Annual Report to the United Nations. Washington, U.S. Department of State.

Usinger, R.L. & I.La Rivers
1953The Insect Life of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 15. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Usinger, R.L.
1937Two new Pacific Island species of Nysius (Lygaeidae - Hemiptera). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 9(3), 439-442.

Usinger, R.L.
1941The genus Oechalis (Pentatomidae, Hemiptera). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 11, 59-93.

Usinger, R.L.
1946 Heteroptera of Guam. In: Insects of Guam Vol. II. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Bulletin 189. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum. Pp. 11-103.

Usinger, R.L.
1949Wartime dispersal of Pacific Islands Nysius (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 13:447

Usinger, R.L.
1951Heteroptera in the Marshall Islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 14, 315-321.

Usinger, R.L.
1951Heterptera of the Marshall Islands, Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc., 14: 315-321.

Usinger, R.L.
1952New Species and Additional Records of Heteroptera from the Marshall Islands, Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc., 14: 519-524.

Usinger, R.L., and I. LaRivers
1953The Insect Life of Arno, Atoll Res. Bull., 15: 1-28.

1947U.S. Navy, Military Government Unit, Majuro, Marshall Islands. Military Government Quarterly Reports, June 1947. Majuro: U.S. Navy, Military Government Unit.

1947United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey.

1946United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The Campaigns of the Pacific War. Washington: Naval Analysis Division, United States Strategic Bombing Survey.

1947 United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The reduction of Wake Island. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey.

1947United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The 7th and 11th Air Force in the war against Japan. Report 70. Washington: Naval Intelligence Center.



< tr>

van Dorn, W.G.
1961 The source motion of the tsunami of March 6, 1957 as deduced from wave measurements at Wake Island. Proceedings of the tsunami Symposion, 10th Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu 1961 International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Monograph 24, Pp. 39-48.
This paper describes the effects and the source of a tsunami affecting Wake Atoll.

van Dorn, W.G.
1964 Tsunamis. Advances in Hydrosciences New York: Academic Press. Pp. 1-46.
This paper describes the effects and the source of a tsunami affecting Wake Atoll.

van Dorn, W.G.
1969A model experiment on the generation of the tsunami of March 28, 1964 in Alasaka. In: W.M.Adams (ed.), Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. Honolulu: East-West Center.
This paper uses data of a tsunami affecting Wake Atoll to explain tsunami theory.

van Dorn, W.G.
1970Tsunami response at Wake Island: comparison of the hydraulic and numerical approaches. Journal of Marine Research 28(3), 336-344.
This paper uses data of a tsunami affecting Wake Atoll to explain tsunami theory.

van Zwalenburg, R.H.
1948 New species and records of elaterid beetles from the Pacific III. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 13, 265-276

Vastano, A.C. & R.O.Reid,
1970Tsunami response at Wake Island:a model study. Journal of Marine Research 28(3),345-356.
This paper uses data of a tsunami affecting Wake Atoll to explain tsunami theory.

Vaughn, Ch.
1945 Observations on the birds of Wake Island. The Migrant 16(2), 26-28.
Article on the birds of Wake Atoll after the end of World War II.

1855 Logbook of the whaler Ocean Rover of Nantucket , Captain Ch.A.Veeder, for the years 1855-1858. Original logbook owned by Free Public Library, New Bedford, Mass. On microfilm available by Pacific Manuscripts Bureau Microfilm No. 382.
Whaling logbook on the voyage to the Pacific whaling grounds containing a reference to Wake Atoll (Entry for 29 April 1856).

Velde, Nancy Vander
1990 Marshall Islands Reef Fishes--In Sea, In Aquaria, and On Stamps. Tropical fish hobbyist. 38(12): 22-nnn.

Verseveldt, J.
1972 Report on a Few Octocorals from Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, Zool. Meded., 47: 457-465.

Verseveldt, J.
1977Octocorallia from Various Localities in the Pacific Ocean, Zool. Verh. (Leiden) No. 150, pp. 1-42.

Volkens, G.
1903 Die Flora der Marschall-Inseln. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens Berlin. 4,83-91.

von Benningsen, Rudolf
1900Bericht des Kaiserlichen Governeurs von Benningsen über seine Reise zum Zwecke der Übernahme des Inselgebietes der Karolinen, Palau und Marianen in deutschen Besitz. Deutsches Kolonialblatt 11: 100-101.

von Werner, S.
1889Ein deutsches Kriegsschiff in der Südsee. @@@

Votaw, H.C.
1941 Wake Island. U.S.Naval Institute Proceedings 67, 52-55.



Walker, A.T. & P.H.Rosendahl
1989Interim report: summary of findings, and general significance assessments and recommended general treatments. Archaeological monitoring proposed Laura Waterline Project, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Project Report 558-030389. Prepared for Historic Preservation Office c/o Alele Museum, P.O. Box 629, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Hilo, Hawaii: Paul H.Rosendahl, PhD. Inc.

Walker, A.T., T.K.Donham & P.H.Rosendahl
1989Archaeological monitoring proposed Laura Waterline Project, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Project Report 558-100289. Prepared for Historic Preservation Office c/o Alele Museum, P.O. Box 629, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Hilo, Hawaii: Paul H.Rosendahl, PhD. Inc.

Walker, Richard B. and Gessel, Stanley P
1991Osmotic Relations of Some Plants of the Northern Marshall Islands. Pacific science.45(1): 55-nnn.

Waller, T.R.
1972The Ppectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, Veliger, 14: 221-264.

Ward, R.G.
1967American activities in the Central Pacific 1790-1870. A history, geography and ethnography pertaining to the American involvement and Americans in the Pacific taken from contemporary newspapers etc. 8vols. Ridgewood, N.J. The Gregg Press.
Compilation of newspaper articles and information relating to the presence of American vessels in the Pacific. The volume contains numerous references to Wake Atoll, especially on the wreckage of the Bremen barque Libelle in 1866.

Watanabe, F.K.
1986Archaeological reconnaissance for Family Housing Dwellings, FY 1987-1989 Increments: Kwajalein Missile Range, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Prepared for U.S.Army Ballistic Missile Defense System Command. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu Engineer District, Fort Shafter, Hawaii: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Watanabe, F.K.
1986Archaeological reconnaissance for Family Housing Dwellings, FY 1987-1989 Increments: Kwajalein Missile Range, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall islands. Prepared for U.S.Army Ballistic Missile Defense System Command. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu Engineer District, Fort Shafter, Hawaii: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Webb, K. L., W. D. DuPaul, W. Wiebe, W. Sottile, and R. Johannes
1975, Enewetad (Eniwetok) Atoll: Aspects of the Nitrogen Cycle on a C oral Ref, Limnol. Oceanogr., 20: 198-210

Weisgall, Jonathan M
1980 The Nuclear Nomads of Bikini. Foreign Policy, : 74-98.

Weisgall, Jonathan M
1994Operation Crossroads. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press.

Welander, A.D., K. Bonham, L.R. Donaldson, R.F. Palumbo, S.P. Gessel, F.G. Lowman, and W.B. Jackson
1966Bikini-Eniwetok Studies, 1964, Rep. UWFL-93, Lab. Radiation Biol. Univ. of Wash.

Welander, A.D., K.Bonham, L.R.Donaldson, R.F. Palumbo, S.P.Gessel, F.G.Loman and W.B.Jackson
1966A review of the ecology of Enewetak Atoll, Pacific Ocean. Contribution No. DA-42-007-403-CML-427. University of Utah Institute of Environmental Biological Research, U.S. Army Chemical Corps, Dugway Proving Ground.

Wells, J.
1954 Recent Corals of the Marshall Islands, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 260-I, pp. 385-486.

Wells, J.W.
1951The Coral Reefs of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 9. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Wendler, Johann
1911. Zur Feuer- und Nahrungsbereitung der Marschall-Insulaner (Südsee). Baessler-Archiv, 1: 269-276.

1988 WESTEC Services Inc, Archaeological reconnaissance Survey and sampling at the U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoill Facility (USAKA), Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands:Micronesia. (RFP DACA83-88-R-0008). Volume I - Technical proposal. Proposal for Professional Services, submittted to U.S.Army Engineer District Honolulu, Fort Shafter. 22 February 1988. San Diego, CA: WESTEC Services Inc.

Wetmore, A.
1925 Bird life among lava rock and coral sand. The chronicle of a scientific expedition to little-known islands of Hawaii. National Geographic Magazine 48, 77-108.
Description of the Tanager Expedition in 1923 with pictures of Midway and Johnston Atolls.

Wheeler, W.M.
1934 Revised list of Hawaiian ants. Bernice P.Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 10 (21), 1-21. Honolulu: Bernice P.Bishop Museum.
Scientific study of ants of the Hawaiian area. Includes specimens known from Wake Atoll.

White, T.
1898Our new possessions. A graphic account, descriptive and historical, of the tropical islands of the sea which have fallen under our sway, their cities, peoples and commerce, natural resources and the opportunities they offer to Americans. Atlanta, Naperville & Toronto: J.L.Nichols.

Whitebait, W.
1943Wake Island at the plaza.. New Statesman and Nation. 25 (620), 9 January 1943, 24.

Wiens, H.J.
1959Atoll environment and morphology. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 49 (1), 31-55.

Wiens, H.J.
1962Atoll environment and Ecology. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Wiens, H.J.
1962Pacific Isands Bastions of the U.S. Princeton, N.J.: D.van Nordstrand & Co.

Wilhelm, D.
1942What happened at Wake. Reader's Digest 40, 41-46.
Condensation of previous item.

1942Glory at Wake. American Legion Magazine 32(4), 5-7; 38.

Wilkes, Ch.
1844Narrative of the U.S.Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842 U.S.Exploring Expedition Vol.5. Philadelphia: C.Sherman.
Description of the U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to Wake Atoll in 1840.

Willan, R.C.
1984 The Pleurobranchidae (Opisthobranchia: Notaspidea) of the Marshall Islands, Central West Pacific Ocean, Veliger, 27: 37-53.

Williams, D.
1902he defense of our new naval stations. Proceedings of the U.S.Naval Institute 28, 181-194.
The paper reviews the strategic importNce of the new naval bases gained by the U.S. as a result of the Spanish-American War.

Williams, F.X.
1945Achaea janata (Linn.) Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 12, 233.
Scientific study of moths of the Hawaiian area, includes specimens from Wake Atoll.

Williams, Ian.
1991Freedom at Last! the UN Security Council Has Cut US Colonial Ties with Three Pacific Trust Territories. Pacific Islands Monthly 61, (February 1991): 10-12.

Williamson, I. & M.D.Sabath
1982Island population, land area, and climate: A case study of the Marshall Islands. Human Ecology 10(1), 71-84.

1899aOn sea charts formerly used in the Marshall Islands. Annual Report of the Smithonian Institution. 1899. Pp. 487-509.

1899b Über die in früheren Zeiten in den Marschall-Inseln gebrauchten Seekarten. Marine Rundschau 1898.

Witt, J.
1881Die Marschall-Gruppe, Annalen der Hydrographie IX.
The article gives a description of the Marshall Islands from a mariner's and navigator's point of view describing in detail the passages and the navigational markers. Also contains information on vegetation, availability ofn water and, to some extent, on demography.

Witze, C.
1957 Marines put HR2S in operational status. Aviation Weekly 66, 62-63.

Wood, J.B.
1935,Airways Pioneers find island is dry - Begin making stations for flights over Pacific- Vainly dig and blast wells on Wilkes. New York Times May 18, 1935, page 19.

Wood, J.B.
1935Islands old ruins mystery in the pacific Identity and fate of Wake's onetime residents and their fate is still unknown. New York Times May 21, 1935, page 10.

Wood, J.B.
1935Pacific Plane line to cost $ 4,000,000. New York Times June 30, 1935, page 5.

Woodbury, A.M.
1962A Review of the Ecology of Eniwetok Atoll, Pacific Ocean, Contr. No. DA-42-007-403-CML-427, Univ. Utah Inst. of Env. Biol. Res., U.S. Army Chem. Corps, Dugway Proving Ground.

Woodbury, D.O.
1946Builders for battle. How the Pacific Naval Air Bases were constructed. New York.E.P.Dutton & Co.

Worden, W.L.
1956Exiles on a pinpoint. Saturday Evening Post 278, 22-23.

Wright, C.H.
1948Sailing canoes of the Marshall Islands. U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 74 (550), 1529-1531.

Wyatt, J. L., Quinn, T. M. and Davies, G. R
1995Preliminary investigation of the petregraphy and geochemistry of limestones at Limalok and Wodejebato Guyots (Sites 871 and 874), Republic of the Marshall Islands. Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 144; 429-nnn.





Yamashina, Y
1940 Some additions to the "List of the birds of Micronesia." Tori 10: 673-679.

Yamazaki, James N. and Fleming, Louis B
1995Children of the Atomic Bomb: An American Physician's Memoir of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the Marshall Islands. Medicine and global survival 2(2): 101-nn.

Yanaihara, T.
1940Pacific Islands under Japanese Mandate. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Yocom, C.F.
1964) Waterfowl wintering in the Marshall Islands, southwest Pacific Ocean. The Auk 81:441-442.

Yoshimi, N.
1947Evidence given during interrogation. In: USSBS 1947a, United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 54-57.



Zmarzly, D.L.
1984 Distribution and Ecology of Shallow-Water Crinoids at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, with an Annotated Checklist of Their Symbionts, Pac. Sci., 38: 105-122.


Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia.

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