Marshall Islands Ornithology
Amerson, A.Binion | |
1969. | Ornithology of the Marshall and Gilbert Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 127. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. |
Anderson, D.A | |
1981. | Observations of birds at Ujelang and other northern Marshall Islands atolls. Micronesica 17: 198-212. |
Anonymous | |
1941 | Rats-crabs-birds; how PAA unwittingly upset nature's balance at Wake Island. Pacific Islands Monthly Vol. 12 (3), October 1941, Page 68. |
Bailey, A.M | |
1951 | Wake Observations. In: A.M.Bailey & R.J.Niederach (eds.), Stepping Stones across the Pacific; a narrative of the Denver Museum of natural history expedition to the mid-Pacific Ocean. Denver Museum of Natural History, Museum Pictorial 3, 47-64. Report on the Denver Museum expedition to the islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The article details a number of ornithological, zoological and botanical observations. |
1951 | Notes on the birds of Midway and Wake Islands. Wilson Bulletin 63(1), 33-37. General paper on birds in the Central Pacific area. |
Baker, R.H | |
1951. | The avifauna of Micronesia. Its origin, evolution, and distribution. University of Kansas Publications Museum of Natural History 3(1), 1-359. |
Berger, A.J | |
1987. | Avifauna of Enewetak Atoll. In: Devaney, D.N., E.S.Reese, B.L.Burch & P.Helfrich, The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll. Volume I. The Ecosystem: Environments, Biotas, and Processes. Oak Ridge, Ten.: U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Pp. 215-220. |
Bryan, E.H. jr | |
1959. | Notes on the geography and natural history of Wake Island. Atoll Research Bulletin 66. Washington: Pacific Science Board. |
Carpenter, M.L., Jackson, W.B. and Fall, M.W | |
1968. | Bird populations at Enewetak Atoll Micronesica 4(2): 294-307. |
Casey, E | |
1966. | The birds of Wake Island `Elepaio 43:69-70. |
Cassin, J | |
1858 | Mammalogy and Ornithology. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition, Vol 8, Philadelphia: J.L.Lippincott. First description of the birds and mammals from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during the U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to Wake Atoll in 1840. |
Clapp, R.B | |
1988. | Notes on the birds of Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Washington: National Ecology Research Center, U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service, National Museum of Natural History. |
Dixon, K.L. & W.C.Starrett | |
1952 | Offshore observations of tropical sea birds in the Western Pacific. The Auk 69, 266-272. Offshore observations of sea birds seen near Wake Atoll in 1946 and 1946. |
Finsch, O | |
1880a. | Ornithological letters from the Pacific II. The Ibis 4(14): 218-220. |
1880b. | Ornithological letters from the Pacific II. The Ibis 4(15): 329-333. |
Fosberg, F.R | |
1955 | Northern Marshall Islands Expedition 1951-1952. Narrative. Atoll Research Bulletin 37. Washington: Pacific Science Board. |
1966. | Northern Marshall Islands Land Biota: birds. Atoll Research Bulletin 114. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. |
1990. | A review of the Natural History of the Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin. 330. Washington: Smithonian Institution. |
Grant, Ch | |
1947 | Frigate bird and the Laysan rail. Condor 49(3) 130. Paper on the birds of Wake Atoll, with special reference to the environmental conditions and their effects on the Wake Island rail. |
Hachisyka, M., N.Takatsukasa, S.Uchida & Y.Yamashina | |
1942 | Handlist of Japanese birds. 3rd. revised edition. Tokyo:____ Account of Japanese birds, includes bird records from the Japanese Mandated Islands and the Japanese acquistions in the early years of World War II. Includes records from Wake Atoll ("Otorijima"). |
Hailman, J | |
1979. | Notes on the birds of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands `Elepaio 40(6): 87-90. |
Hatheway, W.H | |
1953. | The Land Vegetation of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 16. Washington: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council. |
Johnson, O.W | |
1973 | Reproductive condition and other features of shorebirds resident at Enewetok Atoll during the boreal summer. Condor 75: 336-343. |
1977 | Plumage and molt of shorebirds summering at Enewetak Atoll. Auk 94: 222-230. |
1979 | Biology of shorebirds summering on Enewetak Atoll. Studies in Avian Biology 2:193-205. |
Johnson, O.W. and Kleinholz, R.J | |
1975 | New avifaunal records for Enewetok. Auk 92, 592-594. |
Johnson, O.W. and Morton, M.L | |
1976 | Fat content and flight range in shorebirds summering at Enewetak Atoll. Condor 78: 144-145. |
Olson, S.L | |
1996 | History and ornithological journals of the Tanager Expedition of 1923 to the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Johnston and Wake Islands. Atoll Researdh Bulletin. 433. |
Peale, T.R | |
1848 | Mammals and Ornithology. In: U.S.Exploring Expedition, Vol 8, Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard. First description of the birds and mammals from Wake Atoll, collected and observed during Charles Wilkes' U.S.Exploring Expedition's visit to the atoll in 1840. |
Pearson, D.L. and Knudsen, J.W | |
1967. | Avifaunal records from Enewetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. Condor 69(2): 201-203. |
Porter, H.P | |
1953. | The brave young birds of Wake Island. Elepaio 13:47-48. |
Pratt, H.D., Bruner, P.L. and Berrett, D.G | |
1987. | The Birds of Hawaii and the Tropical Pacific. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press |
Rothschild, W | |
1903 | Hypotaenida wakensis n. sp. British Ornithological Bulletin 13(99), 78. Original description of the Wake Atoll rail.<p> |
Schipper, W.L | |
1985. | Observations of birds in Kwajalein Atoll, 1978-1983. Elepaio 46(4): 27-32. |
Schnee, P | |
1904. | Die Landfauna der Marshall-Inseln. Zoologische Jahrbücher 20, 387-412.. |
Spennemann, Dirk H.R. | |
1998 | A note on a 19th century sighting of a ground-dwelling bird on Bokak, the northernmost atoll of the Marshall Islands. Corella 22(4), 111-112 |
1998 | Japanese poaching and the enforcement of German souvereignty in the Marshall Islands Journal of Pacific History 38(1), 51-67. |
1998 | Excessive harvesting of Pacific seabird populations at the turn of the 20th century Marine Ornithology 26, 1998 [1999], 49-57 |
Temme, M | |
1979 | Bird populations on Enewetak Atoll. Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory Annual Report 1 October 1977-30 September 1978. University of Hawaii, Honolulu. pp. 67-80. |
Thomas, P.E | |
1989. | Report of the Northern Marshall Islands Natural Diversity and Protected Areas Survey, 7-24 September 1988. Noumea: South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme. |
Vaughn, Ch | |
1945 | Observations on the birds of Wake Island. The Migrant 16(2), 26-28. Article on the birds of Wake Atoll after the end of World War II. |
Wetmore, A | |
1925 | Bird life among lava rock and coral sand. The chronicle of a scientific expedition to little-known islands of Hawaii. National Geographic Magazine 48, 77-108. Description of the Tanager Expedition in 1923 with pictures of Midway and Johnston Atolls. |
Yocom, C.F | |
1964) | Waterfowl wintering in the Marshall Islands, southwest Pacific Ocean. The Auk 81:441-442. |
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