The Pacific War in Micronesia
A Bibliography of Publications on Japanese Bases and their Equipment
Compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

Adams, W.H., R.E.Ross & E.L.Krause (1990) Archaeological Survey of Taroa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Report submitted to Micronesian Endowment for Historical Preservation, March 10, 1990. Report on file R.M.I. Historic Preservation Office, Majuro.

AIG (1945) Air Intelligence Group, Japanese anti-aircraft and coastal defense guns. Photographic Intelligence Report. U.S. Naval Photographic Intelligence Center, Navy Yard, Washington, DC.

AMF (1941) Australian Military Forces, Identification list for 6-inch marks XI and XI& guns on mountings P Mark VI and P Mark VIA (Australia,, also Q.F. 3-pr. sub calibre gun and Mark I 1-inch Elswick B aiming rifle. Melbourne: H.E. Daw, Govt. Printer.

AMF (1944a) Australian Military Forces, Japanese Equipment. General Staff Intelligence May 1944. Australian Military Forces. Produced by L.Headquarters Cartographic Company, Australian Survey Corps. No place.

AMF (1944b) Australian Military Forces, Japanese A.F.V's. [Armoured fighting vehicles]. General Staff Intelligence May 1944. Australian Military Forces. L.H.Q./Misc./6302. Produced by L.Headquarters Cartographic Company, Australian Survey Corps. No place.

Angelucci, E. & P. Matricardi (1977) World War Airplanes. Vol. II. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co.

Angelucci, E. & P. Matricardi (1988a) Combat aircraft of World War II 1941-1942. London: Salamander Books.

Angelucci, E. & P. Matricardi (1988b) Combat aircraft of World War II 1942-1943. London: Salamander Books.

Angelucci, E. & P. Matricardi (1988c) World War II airplanes. Vol. 2. Chicago: Rand McNally.

Athens, J.S. (1985) Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of six islets at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Appendix prepared for Sea Engineering Inc., In: Draft Environmental Impact Statement/U.S. Department of the Army Permit Application, Discharge of Fill material for the Kwajalein Atoll Causeway Project. Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Fort Shafter, Hawaii: U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.

Auer, M.J. (1991) World War II: Aleutian reminders. Cultural Resources Management Bulletin 14(2,, 15-17.

Bailey, Dan E. (1982) WWII wrecks of the Kwajalein and Truk Lagoon. Redding, CA: North Valley Diver Publications.

Barker, A.J. (1979) The Japanese Army handbook 1939-1945. London: I.Allan Ltd.

Bartsch, W.H. (1977) After the battle. Operation Galvanic. After the Battle 15) 1-55.

Bartsch, W.H. (1986) After the battle. Wreck Discovery: Unknown Maleolap. After the Battle 54 28-41.

Beebe, R.E. (1944) Flakintel Handbook. 1 August 1944. Anti-aircraft operations intelligence. Headquarters Allied Air Forces APO 925.

Bell Telephones (1974) The battles of Kwajalein and Roi-Namur. No place: Bell Telephone Co.

Buckley, T.H. (1970) The United States and the Washington Conference, 1921-1922. University of Tenessee Press, Koxville.

Bump, Herbert D. (no date, Cleaning and Stabilizing Metal Artifacts by Means of Electrolysis and Protective Coatings. Research and Conservation Laboratory, State of Florida. Reprinted in: David W. Look and Dirk H.R. Spennemann (compilers,, "Conservation of Iron Artefacts in a Tropical Marine Climate." Workbook for a workshop held at Majuro and Wotje Atolls, Republic of the Marshall Islands, December 3rd to 10th (1992. Majuro Atoll: Republic of the Marshall Islands Historic Preservation Office and U.S. National Park Service, Western Regional Office.

Butowsky, H.A. (1985) Warships associated with World War II in the Pacific. National Historic Landmark Theme Study. Washington: U.S.National Park Service History Division.

Campbell, J. (1985) Naval weapons of World War II. London: Conway Publishers.

Carrell, T. (1991) Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment of Micronesia. Southwestern Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers NÈ 36. Santa Fâ, New Mexico: Southwestern Cultural Resources Center.

Carter, K.C & R.Mueller (1973) The Army Air Force in World War II. Combat Chronology 1941-1945. Washington: Albert Simpson Historical Center, Air University & Office of Air Force History, Headquarters U.S.AF.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1944a) Japanese defenses of Eniwetok Atoll. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 89­1944.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1944b) Staff Logistics Manual. Item NÈ 9420) captured on Saipan. CinCPac-CinCPOA Special Translation dated 6 November 1944.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1944c) Translation of captured Japanese documents October 1st-4th, 1944. AWM 422/7/8.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1944d) Combat Regulations for Japanese Garrison Units. 18 August 1944. CinCPac­CinCPOA Bulletin 115-44. (AWM 58 unsorted).

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945@) Command and Staff List Japanese Navy. CCB 90-45 17 April 1945. (AWM 58 unsorted).

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945@) Japanese projectiles Vol 1 & II CinCPac­CinCPOA Bulletin 85-45 30 April 1945

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945a) Heavy dual purpose gun emplacements. Special Translation No. 59. Serial No. DIS-261400. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 97-45) 7 May 1945. Commander in Chief U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945b) Anti-aircraft defense fortifications. Special Translations No. 62. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 110-45) 17 May 1945. Commander in Chief U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945c) Air attack of Japanese coastal defense batteries. Target Analysis. Serial DIS-021340. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 17-45) 15 February 1945.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945d) Japanese Artillery weapons. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 152-45) 1 July 1945. Commander in Chief U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945e) Landbased anti-aircraft gunnery manual. Special Translation 61. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 104-45 (18 May 1945. Commander in Chief U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas. Page 97.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945f) Coast Defense Gun Battery on Iwo Jima. Commander Army Garrison Department, 5 November 1944. JICPOA Item B3970; CinCPac-CinCPOA Translations 1 # 23. CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 79-1945) 27 March 1945.

CinCPac­CinCPOA (1945x) Defense Installations on Iwo Jima. CinCPac­CinCPOA Bulletin 136-45, 10 June 1945.

Clark, T. (1971) A century of ship building. products of Barrow-in-Furness. Delsman Books, Clapham.

Cloke, H.E. (19080 The Gunner's Examiner. 3rd ed. J.Wiley, New York.

Clyde, P.H. (1935) Japan's Pacific Mandate. New York: Macmillan.

Cohen, S. (1983) Enemy on Island. Issue in doubt. The capture of Wake island, December 1941. Missoula) Montana: Pictorial History Publishing Company.

Colbeck, A. (1923) The strategic problem of the Pacific. In: A.Richardson and A.Hurd (eds.) Brassey's Naval and Shipping Annual, 1923. W.Clowes & Sons, London. pp. 143-152.

Connell, J. (1983) Migration, Employment and Development in the South Pacific. Country Report No. 8 Marshall Islands. Noumea: South Pacific Commission.

Craib, J. (1989) Archaeology reconnaissance survey and sampling, U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll facility (USAKA,, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia. Report prepared by J.Craib with contributions by T.Bonhomme, Joyce Clevenger, Nancy Farrell, Orrin Sage. Report submitted to U.S.Army Engineer District, Honolulu, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.

Craven, W.F. & J.C.Kate (1950) The Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. 4: The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan August 1942 to July 1944. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Crowl, P.A. & E.G.Lowe (1955) Seizure of the Gilberts and the Marshalls. The War in the Pacific. United States Army in World War II. Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.

DEIS (1989( Draft Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Actions at U.S.Army Kwajalein Atoll. June 1989. Huntsville, Alabama: Department of the Army, U.S. Strategic Defense Command.

Delgado, J.P. D.J.Lenihan and L.E. Murphy (1991) Archaeology of the Atomic Bomb: A submerged Cultural Resources Assessment of the sunken fleet of Operation Crossroads at Bikini and Kwajalein Atoll lagoons, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Southwestern Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers NÈ 37. Santa Fâ, New Mexico: Southwestern Cultural Resources Center.

Denfeld, D.C. (1979a) Field Survey of Ponape: World War II Features. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report No. 2. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Denfeld, D.C. (1980) An Historic site survey of Kwajalein Missile Range, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pacific Studies Institute, Agana) Guam. Contract No. DACW-79-C-0028) P00005. (not seen,.

Denfeld, D.C. (1981) Japanese fortifications and other military structures in the Central Pacific. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report No. 9. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Denfeld, D.C. (1988) Peleliu revisited. An historical and archaeological survey of World War II sites on Peleliu Island. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report No. 24. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Denfeld, D.C. (1992) Japanese fortifications and other military structures in the Central Pacific. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report No. 9. 2nd ed. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Denfeld, DC. (19781b) Field Survey of Truk: World War II Features. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report No. 6. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Dougan, E. (1970) The Great Gunmaker. The story of Lord Armstrong. Frank Graham, Newcastle.

Dowell, Th. (1976) Debris removal and cleanup study Aleutian Islands and Lower Alaska Peninsula) Alaska. Anchorage, Alasaka: Alaska Diustrict, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. October 1976.

Dyer, G.C. (1972) The Amphibians came to conquer. The story of Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner. Washington: General Printing Office.

EBASCO Services (1987) World War II in Alaska: a history and resources management plan prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Alaska District,.Anchorage, Alaska: EBASCO Services Inc.

Ehrlich, P. (1984) Koror: A center of Power, Commerce and Colonial Administration. Micronesian Archaeology Survey Report NÈ 11. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

Evans, H. (1978) Vickers: against the odds 1956­1977. Hodder & Stoughton, London.

Fosberg, F.R. (1956) Military Geography of the Northern Marshalls. Engineer Intelligence Dossier, Strategic Study Marshall, Subfile 19) Analysis of the Natural Environment. Prepared under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, U.S.Army by the Intelligence Division Office of the Engineer Headquarters United States Army Forces Far East with personnel of the United States Geological Survey..

Fosberg, F.R. (1990) A review of the Natural History of the Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 330. Washington, DC.: Smithsonian.

Fraccaroli, A. (1970) Italian Warships of World War I. Ian Allan, London.

Francillon, R.J. (1979) Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press.

Fueta) K. (1947) Evidence given during interrogation. In: United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 225-232.

Fujimuri (1945) Commander, Evidence given during Interrogation. USSBS Interrogation No. 466, Naval Interrogation No. 108. U.S. National Archives RG 243 2 p (108).

Gayle, M., D.W.Look & J.G.White (1993, Metals in America's Historic Buildings. Washington, DC.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Preservation Assistance Division.

Greene, R.D. (1944) Japanese Pillboxes. 28-8Q3/9x124-E-2/44. Annacosta) DC.: Photographic Interpretation Center, .

GS (INT) (1943) Japanese Equipment. Photgraphs and characteristics of basic weapons encountered in SWPA. GS (INT), ADV HQ Allied Land Forces, SWPA (AWM 355.820952 J35)

HAAF (1942) Headquarters Army Air Forces, Wake Island Group, Photo Intelligence Report NÈ 62. Director of Intelligence Service, Headquarters Army Air Forces. Contained in U.S.National Archives, Record Group 165) Records of the War Department, General and Special Staffs, Military Intelligence Division, "Regional File" 1922-1944) Box 1928 Islands, "Virgin-Windward" held at the Washington National Record Center at Suitland, Md.

Hall, H. (1910) Attack and defense of fortified harbors. U.S. Journal of the Artillery 22, 125-133.

Hashimoto, M. (1954) Sunk: The story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet 1941-1945. New York, NY.: H.Holt & Co.

Hayes, G.P. (1982) The history of the joint chiefs of staff in World War II. The war against Japan. Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press.

Hezel, F.X. & C.Graham (1989) Truk's Underwater Museum. A Report on the Sunken Japanese Ships. A project sponsored by the Micronesian Endowment of Historic Preservation. Report prepared for the Micronesian Resource Study, Micronesian Endowment of Historic Preservation.

Hezel, F.X. & C.Graham (1989) Truk's Underwater Museum. A Report on the Sunken Japanese Ships. A project sponsored by the Micronesian Endowment of Historic Preservation. Report prepared for the Micronesian Resource Study, Micronesian Endowment of Historic Preservation.

Hickey, L.J. (1986) Warpath across the Pacific. 2nd edition. Boulder, CO.: International Research and Publishing Company.

Hogg, I.V. & J.Weeks (1980) The illustrated encyclopedia of military vehicles. Englewood Clifs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Hogg, I.V. & L.F. Thurston (1972) British artillery weapons and ammunition (1914-1918. London: Ian Allan.

Hogg, I.V. (1976) The guns of World War II. London: MacDonald & Jane's.

Hogg, I.V. (1978) Britishand American Artillery of World War II. London: Arms & Armour Press.

Hough, F.O. (1947) The Island War. The United States Marine Corps in the Pacific. New York: J.B.Lippincott Co.

Howard, C. & J.Whitley (1946) One damned island after another. Chapel Hill, NC.: University of North Carolina Press.

Ichihashi, Y. (1928) The Washington Conference and after. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Cal.

International Nickel (1977) Corrosion in Action. New York, NY.: The International Nickel Company, Inc.

IS2MD (1943) Study of Japanese Defenses on Betio Island (Tarawa Atoll,. Part I. Fortifications and weapons. 20 December 1943.Intelligence Section, 2nd Marine Division and Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Areas.

ISSMD/JICPOA (1944a) Study of Japanese Defenses of Betio Island (Tarawa Atoll). Part II. Comunications and Powerplants. 1 January 1944. Intelligence Section, Second Marine Division and Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. 64th Engr. Top. Co. USAFICA, no place.

ISSMD/JICPOA (1944b) Study of Japanese Defenses of Betio Island (Tarawa Atoll). Part II. Comunications and Powerplants. 1 January 1944. Intelligence Section, Second Marine Division and Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. 64th Engr. Top. Co. USAFICA, no place.

JAF (1979) The Japanese Air Forces in World War II. The organsiation of the Japanese Army and Naval Air Forces, (1945. London: Arms and Armour Press.

Jane , F.T. (1901) Jane's Fighting Ships 1901. Sampson Low, Marston & Co, London.

Jane , F.T. (1906) Jane's Fighting Ships 1905-06. Sampson Low, Marston & Co, London.

Jane, F.T. (1904) The Japanese Navy. London: Thacker. (Reprint 1984; London: Conway Maritime Press,.

Jane, F.T. (1906) Fighting Ships 1905-1906. Eight year of issue. Naval Syndicate. London: Sampson, Marston & Co.

Jane, F.T. (1990) Jane's Fighting Ships of World War I. (Text and illustrations compiled from issues of Jane's Fighting Ships 1914-1919, New York, NY.: Military Press.

Japanese Government (1923-1938) Annual report to the League of Nations on the administration of the South Sea islands under Japanese Mandate for the year 1923-1938. [Tokyo]: Japanese Government.

Jentschura, H., D.Jung & P.Michel (1977) Warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy 1869-1945. London: Arms & Armour Press.

JICPOA (1943a) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Information Bulletin Maloelap. JIPCOA Bulletin 52-43) November 25 (1943. JICPOA Bulletin

JICPOA (1943b) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Map and Photos Maloelap. ATF 28-A, November 25 (1943. JICPOA Bulletin

JICPOA (1943c) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Map and Photos Jaluit. ATF 28-A, December 10 (1943. a JICPOA Bulletin

JICPOA (1943d) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Map and Photos Lesser Marshalls. ATF 28-A, December 20 (1943. JICPOA Bulletin

JICPOA (1943e) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Bulletin ATB-38 Ponape. 4 October 1943. JICPOA Bulletin 44­43.

JICPOA (1943f) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Bulletin ATB-35. Eniwetok. 1 October 1943. JICPOA Bulletin 35­43.

JICPOA (1943g) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Bulletin ATB-28. Maloelap. 12 October 1943. JICPOA Bulletin 17­43.

JICPOA (1943h) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Information Bulletin Maloelap. 21 December 1943. JICPOA Bulletin 52­43.

JICPOA (1943i) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Information Bulletin Kwajalein. 1 December 1943. JICPOA Bulletin 53­43.

JICPOA (1943k) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Bulletin ATB-14 Wake. 1 April 1943. JICPOA Bulletin 27­43.

JICPOA (1943l) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target Bulletin ATB-18 Wotje. 13 October 1943. JICPOA Bulletin 18­43.

JICPOA (1943m) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Enemy Positions, Marshalls-Gilbert Area) Vol. I, Marshall Islands, Ralik Chain. JICPOA Bulletin 30­43.

JICPOA (1944a) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Study of Japanese Installations on Butaritari Island - Makin Atoll. Part I: Fortifications and defense installations 14 January 1944. JICPOA Bulletin 4 -44.

JICPOA (1944b) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Study of Japanese Installations on Butaritari Island - Makin Atoll. Part II: Radar, communications and power plants. 14 January 1944. JICPOA Bulletin 4 -44.

JICPOA (1944c) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Study of Japanese Installations on Butaritari Island - Makin Atoll. Part III: Base installations and miscellaneous information. 14 January 1944. JICPOA Bulletin 4 -44.

JICPOA (1944d) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Japanese Military Installations. Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Areas. JICPOA Bulletin 71-44) June 15 (1944.

JICPOA (1944e) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Air Target and Photos ATF No. 23-A Wake. February 201944. 64th Engr. Top. Co. U.S.AFICPA No. 596-3.

JICPOA (1944f) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Ground Photos and Analysis. Base installations Roi, Namur and Enubirr Islands, Kwajalein Atoll. JICPOA Bulletin 46-44. 15 April 1944.

JICPOA (1944g) Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas. Kwajalein Atoll, Kwajalein Island, Ebeye, Roi-Namur. Fortifications and Defense installations. JICPOA Bulletin 48-44. 10 April 1944.

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Kaigun Hojutsushi Kankokai (1975) Kaigun hojutsu shi. Kaigun Hojutsushi Kankokai, Tokyo.

Kamada, S. (1947) Evidence given during interrogation. In: United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 136-141.

Karig, W. & W.Kelley (1944) Battle Report Pearl Harbor to Coral Sea. New York, NY.: Farrar & Rhinehardt.

Kawachi M. (1947) Evidence given during interrogation. In: United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 293-295.

Kitajima (1947) Evidence given during interrogation. In: United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 59.

Kruger, J. (1978) Corrosion: Facts for the Consumer. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Commerce.

L.F.R. (1920) Naval guns in Flanders. London.

Laird, W.E. (1989) Soil Survey of the islands of Airik, Arno, Majuro, Mili and Taroa; Republic of the Marshall Islands. Washington, DC.: United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service.

Lewis, E.R. (1979) Seacoast fortifications of the United States. An Introductory History. Pictorial Histories publications, Missoula, Montana.

Leyland, J. (1923) Foreign Navies In: A.Richardson and A.Hurd (eds.) Brassey's Naval and Shipping Annual, 1923. W.Clowes & Sons, London. pp. 34-59.

Lindberg, R. I., (no date, A Simplified Discussion of Corrosion, Metallurgical Research Division, Reynolds Metals Company. Reprinted in: David W. Look and Dirk H.R. Spennemann (compilers,, "Conservation of Iron Artefacts in a Tropical Marine Climate." Workbook for a workshop held at Majuro and Wotje Atolls, Republic of the Marshall Islands, December 3rd to 10th (1992. Majuro Atoll: Republic of the Marshall Islands Historic Preservation Office and U.S. National Park Service, Western Regional Office.

Look, D.W. and D.H.R. Spennemann (compilers) (1992) "Conservation of Iron Artefacts in a Tropical Marine Climate." Workbook for a workshop held at Majuro and Wotje Atolls, Republic of the Marshall Islands, December 3rd to 10th (1992. Majuro Atoll: Republic of the Marshall Islands Historic Preservation Office and U.S. National Park Service, Western Regional Office

Look, David W. & Dirk H.R. Spennemann (1993) Saving WWII Historic Sites. Metals Conservation Course in the Marshall Islands. Cultural Resource Management Bulletin [U.S. National Park Service] 16 (5), 22-24.

Look, David W. & Dirk H.R.Spennemann (1994) Preparing for the 50th anniversary of Guam Liberation. Metals Conservation Course and Demonstration Project. CRM Bulletin 17(8): 35­36.

Look, David W. & Dirk H.R.Spennemann (1996) In a tropical marine climate: Conservation Management of Historic Metals APT Bulletin 27(1-2), 60-68.

Look, David W. and Dirk H.R. Spennemann, (1993) For Future Use: A Management Conservation Plan for the World War II sites in the Republic of the Marshall Islands., Albury, NSW, Australia, and San Francisco, U.S.A.: The Johnstone Centre of Park, Recreation and Heritage and the U.S. National Park Service Western Regional Office.

Marshall, S.L.A. (1945) Island Victory, The battle of Kwajalein Atoll. Washington, DC.: The Infantry Journal.

Mashima) R. (1947) Evidence given during interrogation. In: USSBS 1947a) United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington, DC.: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 147-148.

Mason, L. (1952) Anthropology-Geography Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 10. Washington, DC.: Pacific Science Board, National Research Council.

Masuda, N. (1947) Statement of the atoll commander, Jaluit Atoll. In: United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The American campaign against Wotje, Maloelap, Mille and Jaluit. Washington: Naval Analysis Section, United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Pp. 295-296.

MAT (Military Attache, Tokyo, (1930) Report NÈ 8470 by the U.S. Military attache in Tokyo regarding the efficiency of Japanese 6-inch guns. Dated: 12 October 1930. Report quoted in: Air Intelligence Group, Japanese anti-aircraft and coastal defense guns. Photographic Intelligence Report. U.S. Naval Photographic Intelligence Center, Navy Yard, Washington, DC. Page 30.

Matsaura, G. (1945) Evidence given under Interrogation by the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. USSBS Interrgation No.123, Navy Interrogation No.30; Place Tokyo; Date: 20October 1945. U.S.National Archives RG 243 2p (34).

Matsaura, G. (1947) Evidence given under interrogation. Interrogation USSBS No. 123, Navy No. 30. In: United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Interrogation of Japanese Officials, Vol. II. OPNAV-P-03-100. Report 72. Washington: Naval Intelligence Center. Pp. 132-134.

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MID (1945d) General Headquarters, India. Military Intelligence Directorate Japan. Periodical Technical Summary NÈ 37. April 1945. Government of India Press, New Dehli.

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Bibliographic citation for this document

Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2000). The Pacific War in Micronesia. Bibliography of Publications on Japanese Bases and their Equipment .
URL: http:/

Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia.

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