Marshall Islands Atoll Information

Namorik Atoll

Atoll Information

Atoll (name) Location Number
Land area (km2) Lagoon area (km2) Ratio land to lagoon area (km2)
English Marshallese East area rank area rank ratio rank
Namdrik Namdik     2 2.77 20 8.42 28 32.92 1

Map of Namorik Atoll (Source: Office of Planning and Statistics 1989


Alternative names

The following alternative names have been used on European charts
logbooks and the accounts of visitors:
Baring Islands (Bond 1792)

Public Health

Epidemics recorded for Namorik(1887-1943)

1895InfluenzaAnonymous 1897
1943Influenza50%Cockrum 1970:216

Environmental Data

View a 1881 map of Namorik Atoll

Map of Namorik Atoll (1897)

Historic Data

List of the Foreign property holdings during the German Colonial Period

Historic Demographic Information for the Marshall Islands--Namorik Atoll

Chronological listing of ships visiting the Marshall Islands until 1885 --Namorik Atoll

Historic Copra Production by Atoll --Namorik Atoll

Brig Vision at Namorik Atoll 1876


Namorik Harbour in the 1870s (colour lithograph).


Bibliographic citation for this document

Spennemann, Dirk HR (1998-05). Atoll Information.
URL: http:/

Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia.

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