Marshall Islands Historic Maps

compiled by Dirk H.R. Spennemann

Maps of the Marshall Islands

Map of the Marshall Islands, 1886
published by D. Jose Montero y Vidal (with Spanish annotations).
Map of the Marshall Islands, 1887
published by D. Francesco Coello y Quesada (with Spanish annotations).

Political Maps

Map of the administrative structure of the Marshall Islands
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897

Maps of the atolls

Map of the Enewetok Atoll,
produced by J. Krümling in 1898
Map of Likiep Island, Likiep Atoll
drawn up in 1895/96 as part of the German hydrographic survey establishing astronomic observation blocks on various Pacific possessions
Map of Ailinglaplap Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Ailinginae Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Arno Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Aur Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Bikar Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Bikini Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Bokak Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Ebon Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Enewetok Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Jaluit Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Jaluit Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Kwajalein Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Likiep Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Majuro Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Majuro Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Mile Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Entramces to Mile Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Namorik Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Namu Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Nauru Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Rongelap Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Rongerik Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Stickchart
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Ujae Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897
Map of Ujelang Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897

Maps of the islands

Map of Jabwor Island, Jaluit Atoll
drawn up in 1895/96 as part of the German hydrographic survey establishing astronomic observation blocks on various Pacific possessions
Map of Jabwor, Jaluit Atoll
taken from the 1893 map 'Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln', published by Paul Langhans in 1897


Dirk H.R. Spennemann, Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia.

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Digital Micronesia-An Electronic Library & Archive is provided free of charge as an advertising-free information service for the world community. It is being maintained by Dirk HR Spennemann, Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage Management,Institute of Land, Water and Society and School of Environmental & Information Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, Australia. The server space and technical support are provided by Charles Sturt University as part of its commitment to regional engagement. Environmental SciencesInformation Sciences

© Dirk Spennemann 1999– 2005
Marshall Islands Kosrae CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Guam Wake Pohnpei FSM Federated States of Micronesia Yap Chuuk Marshall Islands politics public health environment culture WWII history literature XXX Cultural Heritage Management Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences CNMI German Colonial Sources Mariana Islands Historic Preservation Spennemann Dirk Spennemann Dirk HR Spennemann Murray Time Louis Becke Jane Downing Downing